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OLED display driver/carrier boards/SCS

latigid on

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7 minutes ago, Phatline said:

& Old Synths dont have Midi = No Midicontroller anyway... so none sense.

Sorry, but this has nothing to do with old synth's don't have Midi. I want to build a controller that does look/feel like an old synth, the sound engine will be digital (e. g. vsti).

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@latigid on Thanks, funny stuff.

Do you have a photo/video with the actual SCS on it?

I'm thinking about an emulated SCS composed of 4x OLED + an encoder under each display and on the right of it two banking buttons (up/down) + 1x exit button. Do you think it will work that way? Whats up with that shift button? Actually i don't want to do it that way, but since i can't mix display types/sizes this is my workaround to get a larger OLED display for the main section of my controller.



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HD44780 is a generic character display controller . SSD1306 is an OLED controller . They are not the same and are not controlled / plugged the same way. Why do you want to do the conversion?
It's hard for me to get what you want to do with your displays. Maybe try to make a draw of the interface you are expecting in the end. It would help me to understand at least.

Edited by Psykhaze
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4x OLED acting as one large display, if you press Bank [SCS] the SCS will be activated, otherwise 1-4 Encoders act as bank to edit other sections of the synth.



@Psykhaze all my other OLEDs will be placed near other sections of the controller. E. g. each VCO gets one OLED to display its waveform and other relevant parameters.

Edited by tago
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Ok . So you will use an AOUT module/ I2S DAC for DCO etc ? How will you generate audio output? Where will be the 40x2 display? I get the thing about the OLED stuff but could you extend a bit your drawing to the total interface?
Maybe MB-CV V2 project  may contain much that you can expect instead of MB-NG , if your goal is managing Digitally Generated Audio ?
Bests ,

Edited by Psykhaze
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14 minutes ago, tago said:

What i really want is one large 40x2 character display and multiple small 0,96" OLEDs.

Do you know a way to convert HD44780 to SSD1306?

Can't be done on the same port because one is serial, the other is parallel. It's obviously possible to do both (MBCV) but you'd have to look into the code and build your own application.


Just now, tago said:

4x OLED acting as one large display, if you press Bank [SCS] the SCS will be activated, otherwise 1-4 Encoders act as bank to edit other sections of the synth.





I haven't played around with using an SCS, but it looks like it might be possible to split the button IDs across multiple displays. 

Personally I'd avoid situations where encoder push functions also serve as buttons. It's too easy to accidentally turn when you meant to press and vice versa.



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10 minutes ago, Psykhaze said:

Ok . So you will use an AOUT module/ I2S DAC for DCO etc ? How will you generate audio output? Where will be the 40x2 display? I get the thing about the OLED stuff but could you extend a bit your drawing to the total interface?
Maybe MB-CV V2 project  may contain much that you can expect instead of MB-NG , if your goal is managing Digitally Generated Audio ?
Bests ,

The term VCO is a little misleading, it will be midi only. I have some sections like VCOs that will each get their own display and others will use the main/SCS displays via banks like in my previous screenshot.

Rough sketch here:


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Just now, Psykhaze said:

So if it's MIDI only , how do expect to manage waveforms on OLEDs? If not generated in MBHP context, how do you plan to capture/generate waveforms?

The selected waveforms could be displayed as labels via simple graphics or just words like "SINE" or "SQUARE".

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On 8.9.2016 at 0:29 PM, latigid on said:

Personally I'd avoid situations where encoder push functions also serve as buttons. It's too easy to accidentally turn when you meant to press and vice versa.

Do you mean i shouldn't use encoders with integrated switches at all?

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Just now, tago said:

Do you mean i shouldn't use encoders with integrated switches at all?

No, push functions are great for acceleration. If you progress with your design, I wouldn't share the encoder behaviour, so separate the "SCS" functions into designated buttons or lock out encoder events when in "SCS mode." The hardware is simplified when you use J10 dedicated to an encoder and four buttons.

In any case, if you build it you can see what works.

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