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[FS]MB6582 and some MB Stuff

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Sell here some of my midibox components.
Take a look at the photos and just make an offer for everything.

Also included is a fully built MB6582 with Sid Ic's Everything as in the pictures to see.

2x Circus Board 50€ http://midiboxshop.bigcartel.com/product/mb-6582-board-set Sold Out on page

3x Pic 18F4685 30€ http://midiboxshop.bigcartel.com/product/pic18f4685 Sold Out on Page

Elektronic Parts ca. 80€

6x SID 6581R4 a40€ = 240€ http://www.ebay.de/itm/Commodore-64-Sid-Chip-6581-R4-GENUINE-PART-/272831180740?hash=item3f86016fc4:g:gHwAAOSwBrpZec8b From UK nearle Sold out complet world wide

Location is Germany Bavaria

Edited by Acul
  • 4 weeks later...

Your offer is quite a jumble of all sorts of things, and most people probably won't have use for all of it. Indeed, it's not self-evident what some of the veroboard stuff is for in the first place; I can make an informed guess, but if I was a potential buyer (which I'm not), I'd want to be sure.

Usually the attraction of mixed lots like this, where it's unclear what is working and what is not, is a very cheap price.

You will perhaps get more interest if you're willing to break what you have into bits and describe the contents of the offer in more detail.

Other things that might explain the lack of interest is that even though you say the lot includes a "fully built MB6582", based on the pictures it's not fully built in the sense that there is no control surface; apparently only the base PCB is fully built. But even on the base PCB you don't say if it is, or has ever been, in working order.

Note also that the base PCB and the control surface PCB are again available (on modularaddict.com). Starting one's build from scratch is an attractive option compared to a "fully built" PCB on which the seller gives no guarantees.

The SIDs are worth some money in all likelihood, but I'm not sure if I was willing pay 40€ for a 6581 even if it was fully working, and absolutely not if the seller doesn't say explicitly that everything does work.

Just my thoughts.

15 hours ago, Acul said:

Dann kommt eben alles auf den Müll.

That's not necessarily the most constructive answer, given that you are asking 350€ for the stuff, but it certainly is one of the options you have.

I'd just like to state that jjonas' comment quite nails it, and even his tone is appropriate. You should not be offended.



No, you misunderstood me. I can not guarantee the ICs and other components. I do not want to give it but also. It's just a shame about it ..... Offended, I'm not like you think


Ok, that's good to hear. So why don't you try what jjonas suggests and break it down into smaller packages with a more detailed description of what the potential buyer is getting?



Because I do not want to have much work and because the price is justified in my opinion for everything together. I am also willing to negotiate the price. But I do not want to send 10 packets. I hope that you can understand synonymous, the time I just no longer


Well it's obviously your choice, but from my experience I would say: low effort = low probability of getting a satisfactory price

Anyways, good luck and sorry to see you leave!

  • 3 months later...

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