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AOUT + Line Driver HELP needed, no CV

Alasdair Moon

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Hi all,


finally I finished the breakout for my +-15V Synth.

Midibox  recognises the AOUT and DOUTx4, Gates /Clocks and triggers work perfect, but I get no CV signals.

I already measured every connection on the AOUT -- all seems to be fine.

LED is on when connected to the Receiver.

The PINs 4 and 11 of the TL074 have the correct 15v.

The PINs of the DAC are all soldered good and checked, that they have connection to the corrsponding PINs of TL074.

I struggle a bit with the connection between the Line Driver Receiver and the AOUT.

The PINs on the Receivers JAOUT are named SC / SO / CS / Vd / Vs

the INs on J1 of the AOUT are named SCLK / DIN / FS / Vc / Vs

Are the first 3 connected directly or do I need to twist cable there?



Edited by Alasdair Moon
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I think so ...

I edited the MBSEQ_HW.V4 for the WILBA Panel for the STM32F4 where the SRs are set to 3, 4, 5 and 6, cause the wilba only uses 2 SRs for OUT, that part is working, Gates, Clocks and Triggers work with ~4.5 Volts.

The thing that is not working is the CV row from the AOUT_NG.

The MBSEQ_GC.V4 is on the SD card and I configured the AOUT via the Midibox. Type is set to 3 (AOUT_IF_TLV5630), which should be the right type for the AOUT_NG.

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I now have some voltage, but not the 5V on C3 that I expected.

I triple-checked the whole connections and solderpoints of the AOUT_NG, all points of the DAC are at the right points, no bridges or something similar.

The receivers JAOUT is connected matching to the J1 of the AOUT_NG.

Jumper on transmitter is mounted like mentioned in the docs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know where you are at in testing this problem but I had similar problems that are still unresolved. Check the forum here. My clocks, gates, triggers all work just no CV and I know the Aout works because I built an NG to test it. Check the "testaoutpin" in MIOS, documented in the thread, that is particularly useful.

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AOUT_NG directly connected to J19 ... no matter what I do, or which channel I select, or try to calibrate ,.......

CV channel 1:      0.08 Volt

CV channel 2:      6.78 Volt

CV channel 3:       2.75 Volt

all other channels 0.02 Volt

If I measure the voltage directly at the TLV pins ... it also does not change, no matter what I do ....

something really is wrong here .... damn .... maybe buy a new PCB and Chip and start over again :cry::cry::cry:

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Did you select the right interface (AOUT_NG) with GP16 encoder?

If yes: there is a special testmode accessible via MIOS terminal.

Just open MIOS Studio and enter "testaoutpin", this gives you some instructions.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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12 minutes ago, TK. said:

Did you select the right interface (AOUT_NG) with GP16 encoder?

If yes: there is a special testmode accessible via MIOS terminal.

Just open MIOS Studio and enter "testaoutpin", this gives you some instructions.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Yes I did, AOUT is selected and was written to the GC.HW4 config file
I will test the "testaoutpin" tomorrow and report then. (my Linux Mint does not support the right juice-stuff, so MIOS terminal will crash )

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1 minute ago, latigid on said:

Please post a photo, perhaps also showing the soldering.

I pre-checked every path to ensure those are correct.

the TLV does not get hot and has the right voltage at the Vcc and Vdd pins ... same is for the TL074



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Just now, latigid on said:

And how are the connections made to the Core?

Receiver PCB JAOUT to AOUT_NG J direct 1:1 soldered .... Pin1 and Pin measure correct 5V on J1

I also tested without Printercable and connected J19 of the STM32F4 board directly to  J19 of the receiverboard  .... JAOUT of receiver_board and J1_AOUT_NG stay connected ( I didn't want to desolder everything to test it with the special-cable you describe in the AOUT-Wiki)


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16 minutes ago, latigid on said:

Can't see from your photo; did you solder JAOUT_Line Receiver to J2 instead of J1_AOUT_NG?

Did you remove the ICs from the Line Receiver when testing with the "direct" Core connections?

JAOUT is connected to J1

I removed the ICs, but with or without ... same results ... :pout:

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Here's my notes from my last attempt at getting CV to work, in MIOS Studio I found all related signals switched and my Aout_NG PCB was tested separately in a MBNG with a Standard Control Surface and the CV worked.

Aout Problem

Tested and found all signals good -  core J19 through line transmitter  & receiver to TLV5630 pins 2/3/4.

All switched as expected when using command "testaoutpin"








Tested with si




Tested with sc




Tested with cs

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I connected the AOUT via the Linedriver to see what happens

Results from the testaoutpin via mios terminal


between Pin 1 and Pin 2 I have 4.8 Volt

testaoutpin cs 0 => pin 3 => 0,13 V

testaoutpin cs 1 => pin 3 => 3,67 V

testaoutpin si 0 => pin 4 => 0,13 V

testaoutpin si 1 => pin 4 => 3,66 V

testaoutpin sc 0 => pin 5 => 0,13 V

testaoutpin sc 1 => pin 5 => 3,64 V

so all seems like it should be

BUT ... PIN 13 (OUTB) of the TLV5630 gives 2,16V permanently .... so ... solderissue there ... somewhere ... or TLV damaged like latigid_on said .....
so, luckily I have to place another mouser order next days ... wheeeee .... :cry::pout:

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O.k., a little update on the AOUT_CV.

I desoldered the TLV today, reconnected the board and did some measuring on the SMDpads to see if there are other errors.

All OUT's except OUTB and OUTG have -13.78 Volts ????
OUTB and OUTG have 0.13Volts ...

J1 Pin5 (SC) has connections to pads 1-2 and 3 of the SMD-field.

I know shit can happen and I know my soldering is not always perfect, but if there was no production-fault on my AOUT_NG board (which can alway happen) there is one now ..... So .. restarting at zero ... buying a new AOUT_NG board and all new components .... savest way

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Just as another data point, I am still troubleshooting an AOUT_NG. However when I do the testaoutpin, i get 0v and 5 volts, which is what MIOS tells me I should get. That is except on one pin that is not flipping, so thats my next step, to trace that back, but that issue should be on the core board, not the AOUT_NG board.

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Just now, bemerritt said:

Just as another data point, I am still troubleshooting an AOUT_NG. However when I do the testaoutpin, i get 0v and 5 volts, which is what MIOS tells me I should get. That is except on one pin that is not flipping, so thats my next step, to trace that back, but that issue should be on the core board, not the AOUT_NG board.

Do you use a Linedriver or connect directly to the Core?

If you use a Linedriver, try connecting the J19 of the receiver to J19 of the board OR connect directly from the board J19 to J1 of the AOUT_NG (with the special cable)

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@bemerritt .... nice idea to check the board too ... I will do it this weekend (the big fun of debugging :cry:)   ... new AOUT_NG Board ordered yesterday, now I still need that nice little TLV .. again .... :D

Core schematics of the STM32F4 Core say, that J19 is connected to IC1 ( 74HCT541  legs 15-18) and PB4 of the STM32F4Discovery (which took quit a while to find)


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