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asm to hex


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Been trying to use MPLAB followed some youtube videos to create a new project but when I try to build it I get the following


Debug build of project `C:\Users\gra\Desktop\New folder\tes.mcp' started. Preprocessor symbol `__DEBUG' is defined. Sun Dec 10 12:08:04 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Make: The target "C:\Users\gra\Desktop\New folder\setup_j5_enabled.o" is out of date. Executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPASMWIN.exe" /q /p18F452 "setup_j5_enabled.asm" /l"setup_j5_enabled.lst" /e"setup_j5_enabled.err" /d__DEBUG=1 Error[105]   C:\USERS\GRA\DESKTOP\NEW FOLDER\SETUP_J5_ENABLED.ASM 95 : Cannot open file (Include File "src/main.inc" not found) Error[129]   C:\USERS\GRA\DESKTOP\NEW FOLDER\SETUP_J5_ENABLED.ASM 96 : Expected (END) Halting build on first failure as requested. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug build of project `C:\Users\gra\Desktop\New folder\tes.mcp' failed. Preprocessor symbol `__DEBUG' is defined. Sun Dec 10 12:08:04 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD FAILED

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I have MSYS, when I run it it brings up a screen like CMD but with a flashing $, don't know what to do with it? thanks again for your reply, I've ltterally spent about 5 hours reading last night and 3 this morning going round in circles and feeling totally dejected as to how I cant do a simple task

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cd %PATH%

is the command to change directories, where %PATH% is the location of your .asm


lists the directories and files

cd can be run for one folder at a time, using ls to see what else is there

cd C: //opens C: drive

or as a path

cd C:\2487\trunk\apps\controllers\midibox_ng_v1


In your case, use cd until you are in the correct folder, then run make. If you have set up the dependencies and system variables correctly, your .asm will be used to build a .hex. If you haven't followed the other instructions to setup the system properly you get no file and a list of error messages.

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Thanks again for your reply.

I've called my asm file test and saved it straight to C drive to make it easier.

i then typed cd C: //

now after the green writting it says /c

so I think I'm at the C directory and i typed

make setup

but got the message

make: ***  No rule to make target "test. stop.


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Wow thanks, that was it, I was just putting the asm file on its own. I didnt realise you needed the other folders

make has generated a hex file from my wordpad edited asm

I am so happy I've tried most of the weekend, thanks for your help and perseverance 

this is the hardest thing I've done 

building the midibox seq3 was easier

I guess I'm more of a hardware person thanks once again.


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you would laugh at the constuction, all on bits of boards my seq 3 is even worse, lots of ribbon cables hard wired and the switches are from an old IBM pc keyboard, works beautifully though, now I can integrate the d to a board on it now I know how to edit asms, thanks to you, I'll put some pics up,  and thanks again, Graham

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  • 1 year later...

I'm at the point now to have to change some stuff, too.

The official procedure looks very complex and I can't really understand why there is a mplab and there is source code in asm, and can't just edit and compile an asm file, and I think it's because I have to include the files in the project and the question is where...and I don't know why this should be so hard.

I don't want to reprogram mios, I just want to change some lines in the code...

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6 hours ago, Noise-Generator said:

I'm at the point now to have to change some stuff, too.

The official procedure looks very complex and I can't really understand why there is a mplab and there is source code in asm, and can't just edit and compile an asm file, and I think it's because I have to include the files in the project and the question is where...and I don't know why this should be so hard.

I don't want to reprogram mios, I just want to change some lines in the code...

Hey! This is 20 years thing! TK did it like that for the people who don't know how to program and flash on the PIC. So he created a MIDI bootloader.(Yes there's a bootloader ;)
During some times the PIC was sold with the BL already flashed, then there was no need of a programmer, only a MIDI interface was necessary cause the MIOS8 and the App layer are uploadable with the MIOS Studio, the .hex file! Which is sent as SysEx to the PIC.
I was a bit lost too at the beginning, without any ASM knowledge. But I tried, failed, succeed, and finally learnt a lot more than I expected.
Most of the people don't want to change a line in the code, they just want a working machine after have building it.
Conclusion if you want to change some lines in the code, you must be interested in mios8 and what it is.
Follow the procedures, try, after a few steps, you will see everything lights up. ;)


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21 hours ago, Antichambre said:

Hey! This is 20 years thing! TK did it like that for the people who don't know how to program and flash on the PIC. So he created a MIDI bootloader.(Yes there's a bootloader ;)
During some times the PIC was sold with the BL already flashed, then there was no need of a programmer, only a MIDI interface was necessary cause the MIOS8 and the App layer are uploadable with the MIOS Studio, the .hex file! Which is sent as SysEx to the PIC.
I was a bit lost too at the beginning, without any ASM knowledge. But I tried, failed, succeed, and finally learnt a lot more than I expected.
Most of the people don't want to change a line in the code, they just want a working machine after have building it.
Conclusion if you want to change some lines in the code, you must be interested in mios8 and what it is.
Follow the procedures, try, after a few steps, you will see everything lights up. ;)


Yes, I do understand this, it's no accusing, it's complaining ;)

It's not easy to understand and research this in a few minutes, it does need a lot of research...and you don't get the answers easy.

Sooner or later I must do this, just would be nice to have all the 4 rows of my LCD, now. There is just nothing atm I would change with the inputs.

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