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Looking for a powerful sequencer for my live setup and the SEQ v4 seems exactly what I need. Sadly I have no experience with DIY projects, nor friends that could help me build it, so my only chance would be someone willing to sell me their unit. I'm located in the EU (Bucharest).

Edit: I'm willing to perform any ritual possibly required to prove I am worthy to own this box  :fear:

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Thanks for the reply.

Definitely desktop case. Doesn't have to be metal because I don't plan on traveling a lot with this setup (and I assume the case can be replaced afterwards if needed). As for which case exactly, not sure.. I did some research but as a newcomer it's difficult for me to understand what options are (still) available. Help?

Basically I'm looking for the model shown here, without any of the extra features or panels that I've seen are possible to build http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq.html

I don't have a set budget, but I need to buy other pieces of gear as well (and selling others) so naturally I'd want to keep the cost down. That being said I'm aware that a lot of work and components go into the SEQ so I'm open to ideas and offers.

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here are some costs that i have already calculated for a other human, that lost his interest after sawing the costs....

THERE IS NO CASE IN THE LIST!!! search for your prefered casing and the price and how to get and shipping costs and then you have your price: (heidenreich case is the one you saw, but there are a few other case-variants out there, search for it...)

the time is rated with 15€ the our,  what for me is way to less, and all the parts are the costs you have to pay anyway, also shipping costs for parts,because they come not from one supplier... so this is the absulut minimum you have to invest... i guess most of people will charge you more for it... and so do i.



SEQV4 Wilba CS   1 € 0   00:00     € 0  
seq4 cs pcb € 35 1 € 35 03:00 03:00   03:00 € 35  
seq4 lcds 2x40 € 10 2 € 20   00:00     € 20 I have - green standard lcd 10 € with black text, other colors backgrounds ar going up to 50 each! But possible
jog wheel knob € 4 1 € 4   00:00     € 4  
seq rotary knobs € 2 16 € 24   00:00     € 24  
seq frontpanel € 145 1 € 145 02:00 02:00   02:00 € 145 i have to order this from http://thebeast.co.uk/?product_cat=midibox because i dont have one
seq encoder € 2 16 € 24   00:00     € 24  
                € 0  
Wires + Connectors € 25 1 € 25 00:30 00:30   00:30 € 25 dont know this exactly, well depend on what design we end up – this is without soldering time!
screws, holder, clue small material € 25 1 € 25 01:00 01:00     € 25 dont know this exactly, well depend on what design we end up
                € 0  
Core STM32F407G-DISC1 € 17 1 € 17   00:00     € 17  
core pcb € 10 1 € 10 00:30 00:30   00:30 € 10  
core parts € 13 1 € 13   00:00     € 13  
midi io pcb € 7 2 € 14 00:20 00:40   00:40 € 14  
midi io parts € 7 2 € 14   00:00     € 14  
              01:00 € 0 sourcing parts
              07:40 € 115 time that has already invested
                € 485 summ for SEQ only
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yes: with that frontpanels from julianf

no: when you choose/get a fully acrylic variant, you have to substract the 145€ and take your acrylic panel+case instead

if you decide for a acrylic solution like this

you may ask mongrol what he payed,and for the files...



other cases... for example....





heidenreich (which was an bulkorder...you may not get the case on this price...)

----hope that helps... have a nice weekend.

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thats julianf... and the price and panels which i calculted above


Product Description

This is a set of panels for the desktop encloure. The enclosure itself is NOT included.

so this is only front an backpanel, but without "enclosure" what means no case   - they panels are for the heidenreich case, which is not in my list

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I had a look and sadly I am more confused than before. Is it posible to build everything and put in some kind of "temporary" enclosure around to keep the panels together? This way I could get the enclosure separately later on (when I get a better understanding, where to get one and for how much). If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.

Anyway, pending clarification on the enclosure problem, I am definitely interested in having the SEQ built as per your calculations. Will you do it? :grin:

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yes i would,


doing the case later, is a bit tricky:

because of the LEDs, theyshould have to set to the right length,so they are looking nicelyinto the panel... mine are a few millimentersnow above the pcb,maybe to short for some panels. desolder double sided pcbs is pain in the ass, special when you are new on soldering (hot air, or working with flux paste).... but ok, i could give you some new leds for "later" and mount the whole thing on a wood plate (the modules are not stacked see triggermatrix V1 like: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=triggermatrix)-which also would take some time in account, without any panels... and you could do the rest on your own... later. the question is make it sense? not really. it maybe ends up that you never got a case... i already had this cas:



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Depends on what your skills or tools are. If you are comfortable working in wood or metal or know someone that is finishing off the case would be doable. If you are not comfortable and do not know someone that is. You may want to look into local maker spaces and see what you have for local resources. If you do not have local resources your best bet would be to either order the acrylic case, the hendrich case or request a custom order from Julian. You have a lot of options you just need to decide what you want to do. The lead time on the case can be quite long so that really should be the first order of business. the acrylic case may be the fastest to get. You do not mention a time frame. The other option is keeping an eye on the flea market and one will come around. they seem to be going in the 600-1000 price range depending on options.

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It most certainly doesn't make sense if it requires desoldering stuff. I've never done any soldering or DIY and this kind of project doesn't look like the right place to start learning :sweatingbullets:

What would be the easiest way to solve this enclosure problem? For example, could you order the acrylic case and build the entire thing?

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if you are sure. you want that acrylic. i will order it... this weekend i am busy.  could look tuesday on the files and get me the costs and get me informed about that case. until that you have time to look at the other possibilitys... and what can be done (artwork on the acrylic one) bye mike

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yes but the frontpanel is just a graphic file (svg) (i think vector graphic)

so there is material colour, (dont know look at the his building tread, he was using formular or ponoko? they have materials which you can choose)

i am not into this case, but maybe you can choose the incraveing fill color (or maybe i have to fill it with hand - pain in the ass...),

because it is vector, you could placei your logo, or band banner on it, what ever, artwork... could look on font styles (but i think they must get transleted to vector graphics...could be tricky)

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Well, if you (Hurlup) have a little bit more time on hand, you could also wait for the new SEQ V4+, that Phatline as an experienced builder could build for you.
Everything should be available in the next months, and the case should be a non-issue.

There should be a forum thread with "final" informations regarding the new V4+, as well as nice pictures of the cased proto unit here in the forums in the next days, so that you can see how it will look with all components installed. Not that i want to discourage anyone from building a V4, which is excellent! The V4+ will be very similar, just feature a smaller, more compact case and an (imho, this may be very subjective!) improved workflow.

Many greets!

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The V4+ sounds interesting but I'm not sure I would like a smaller format. I tend to prefer larger layouts out of fear of touching the wrong button at the worst possible moment :fear:

Is there a specific place where I can learn more about the V4+?

Regarding "the beast" case: I've sent a message through the contact form on the site on friday but got no reply so far.

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