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Blink LED with NG (Code-Sharing)


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Hey people,

I don't have a question but I want to share this code.
I searched for a way to get a blinking LED within NG. Here is what it looks like:

EVENT_BUTTON id=1 type=meta meta=runsection:2 button_mode=Toggle

EVENT_LED id=1 dimmed=1

EVENT_LED id=2000

And this is the NGR-part:

if ^section == 2
  if BUTTON:1 == 127
    set LED:2000 127

  if BUTTON:1 == 0
    set LED:2000 0

  if LED:2000 == 127
    set LED:1 64
    delay_ms 150
    set LED:1 20
    delay_ms 150
    exec_meta RunSection:2
  if LED:2000 == 0
    set LED:1 20


What it does is: It checks the status of the button 1. Please note that the button is set to "toggle"-mode. If it's 127, LED:2000 which just acts as a value-storage is set to 127 and if that LED is 127, the loop is started. At the beginning of that loop the button-status is checked and as soon as it's 0, the loop stops.


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You could also do a "fade":

if ^section == 2
  if BUTTON:1 == 127
    set LED:2000 127

  if BUTTON:1 == 0
    set LED:2000 0

  if LED:2000 == 127
      set LED:1 20
      set LED:1 20
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 25
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 30
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 35
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 40
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 45 
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 50
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 55
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 60
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 64
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 60
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 55
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 50
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 45
    delay_ms 20
     set LED:1 40
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 35
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 30
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 25
    delay_ms 20
      set LED:1 20 
    delay_ms 20
    exec_meta RunSection:2
  if LED:2000 == 0
    set LED:1 20



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Hello Chris

That's a nice way to have blinking LED, I use this kind of strategy in my NG

The drawback is that you can't run another script and keep the blinking.

I start a topic/request long time ago to have a blinking mode at lower code level in mios, like a dynamic dimmed= mode

Hopefully one day :rolleyes:



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In your App.c

#define RESOLUTION 		1000 // in uS
#define TIMER_NUM 		1 // TIM3

static void TIMER_TIck(void);

// This hook is called after startup to initialize the application
void APP_Init(void)

// This function will be called every ms
static void TIMER_TIck(void)
    // Your function here

This is MIOS32 ready to use Timer function.

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