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Ainser 64 config. 10..11bit with Traktor PRO pitch fader


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Hello Guys! 

I read multiple topics here but I did not find answer exactly to that issue what I have and want to solve.

I made a Midibox NG with STM32F4, Ainser64, DINs, etc.

I found how to configure buttons and encoder behaviour, all is working great, but I am stucked with potentiometers, especially how to setup higher resolution and get the correct midi output what Traktor Pro can ‘’eat’’.

In NGC file I made resolution=9..10..11 bit, range=0:511, 0:1023, 0:2047, depending on the bit depth setup, but all I got as midi signal is that the former 0...127 range (this was the range in 7 bit from CCW to full CW potentiometer turn) is divided multiple times to 0...127, 0...127, etc. ranges. I tried NRPN and Pitchbend type too, but no success.

Am I doing sthg wrong, or MB NG is not supporting this in that way how I am thinking?

 I would to control Traktor Pro pitch fader with a higher resolution, and with the mentioned ‘’divided’’ range, the pitch fader is not becoming more fine, and jumping back when CC changes from 127 to the next 0..127 range.  

I am not sure that I wrote it correctly what I want, but hopefully understandable. I would have in a +/- xy % pitch range the finest resolution which is possible to achieve with MB NG and works well with Traktor Pro. Traktor is reacting to CC message, and 7bit resolution gives 64-64 steps from center to negative and to positive pitch range. This coarse resolution I would like to change to more fine steps.

 It reacts to NRPN and Pitchbend messages too, but I could not achieve the same behaviour with higher resolution, like when CC is sent (xy steps in both directions from the center) Is it possible to do the a.m higher resolution fader steps with MB NG with CC, or NRPN, or Pitchbend event? 

Many thanks for all of you for further help.


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1 hour ago, FantomXR said:

This should totally be possible. Would you please post the related parts of your NGC file?

Tried to make something understandable, see the pictures.

I made also trial with type=NRPN, range=0:511, then from centre pot position the pitch fader works 2x the whole pitch range when CCW turning, and the same when CW turning (fader jumps when range is ended) Resolution is still coarse.

Many thanks for your reply FantomXR.



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If you set type=cc then it's logical that it only allows values between 0-127. If you want to send highres-midi you have to set the type=pitchbend or type=NRPN. 

If you substract 7682 from 8192 you will get 510, which is almost what you set with the range. In this case you have to use MAPs instead of standard ranges. Then it will work. Please refer to the NGC-manual. For testing purposed I'd recommend not to use ranges anyway. 

Edited by FantomXR
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Exactly this was what I was looking for :-)

I needed to play a bit to find the way to get the values centered, but finally works as it planned.

So the actual data from the related lines are in the NGC file now:

type:Pitchbend     range=map1

MAP1/HWORDI   0:16383     4095:0     4095: 16383

This setup gives values from 8192 to -8192 with the chosen resolution. I have chosen 11 bit, in Traktor this gives great resolution to the pitch fader, like in case of any best known CDJ :-)

Now I need to eliminate the jitter somehow. (I tried the setup on breadboard, and just wired up everything in village style...)

As advised on ucapps site, better wiring, shielded cables, and maybe external PSU will solve this.

Many thanks for your help FantomXR!

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