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MIDIbox Logo: final round!


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United Kingdom 5 points - royaume-uni cinq points

United Kingdom 4 points - royaume-uni quatre points

Two logos made in UK are in the last round of the international logo contest - congratulations! The time has come for the final decision. All forum members are invited to vote for their favourite creation which will be taken as *the* midibox.org logo in the next years, visible for all on the website, forum, PCBs, frontpanels, CD covers, cars, newspapers, colourful magazines, playboy and on the next rover which lands on mars (perhaps ;-))

How to vote?

  • Enter the MIDIbox Portal with your user account. It's not the same account like in the forum - if it doesn't already exist, just create a new for free.
  • click on Survey->MIDIbox Logo Competition
  • vote for your favourite logo
  • click on "view results" for the statistic

Don't be confused about the "Total Votes: 0" in the survey view, this is the output of the old script! It's too much effort to fix this just for this competition...

Here the final competitors:

Number (5) made by Artesia:


Number (12) made by d2k:


Deadline: next Sunday, 10 p.m. GMT

Here the results of the last round:            


Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: vote now! http://portal.midibox.org

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Hi :)

Just got back, been away for a little over a week; damn Tired ..one looong train journey.

     There has been some very good ideas submitted logo wise.

It will be quite intresting seeing future artistic excursions of midiboxer's... Keep grafting !

     Thanks everyone for voting on the logos :)

     By the Way... With regards to the pincount on the final logo, there has indeed been a oversight. The original intention was indeed, for the pin count to match that of the pic ...ooops !  ::)

     A 40 pin version has been prepared, and shall be emailed to TK in a 'vector graphics format'; along with the 36 pin version.

     I shall Then leave it upto TK & everyone to decide if they would like it in 40 pin or not :)

laterz everyone...

Sleep to catch up with here.....

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  • 2 years later...

Not to drudge up an old thread, but I was curious if there is a high resolution (and hopefully two-color) version of this logo available? The current one has a good bit of light grey fringing which makes it difficult to use when etching into a front panel or PCB or whatnot.

Any format will work... Vector graphics would be especially welcome.



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I guess people submitting their own versions, based around this 'skeleton concept', so  that other people may download & use them.. is fine.

(incidentally the original logo was designed using vectors)

However i leave the final say on this matter with TK & Anyone else with a little more nameity on what goes on around here than myself :)

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However i leave the final say on this matter with TK & Anyone else with a little more nameity on what goes on around here than myself

You are the copyright owner of the logo, it's your decision! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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My 0x2c ;)

I don't think that adding things and toying around with the logo is a good idea. It might look cool, but before you know it, there are 10 different logos. It also makes room for eBay ripoff merchants to look authentic, because one cannot tell the real logo from a fake one.

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