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For everybody who is interested in making his own Logic/Mackie Control: here are some insights in the current development state.

Yesterday I got the graphic LCD and started to write the PIC18F driver. I noticed that the performance is much better than expected, mostly the chip is in idle state, and the LCD can be served very fast due to the new instructions (i.E flash read is appr. 32 times, multiplications appr. 50 times faster!). So I'm assuming that beside of the display all encoders and buttons can also be handled by one PIC18F --- the MIDIbox NG design phase begins right now (ok, next year, because I'm not at home in the next days... ;-))

The next interesting notice I made was, that the resolution of the LCD (240x64) is good enough for this application. All characters are displayed in a 3x8 font. Not all chars are looking aesthetical (especially the small letters like "m" and "w"), but can be read without problems. Here some snapshots (sorry for the bad picture quality):




The surface I plan to reallize looks different from the original design, because I'm planning to use it also with other applications (Reaktor):


Maybe I will add some more buttons at the right upper edge...

And finally here the current state of this surface - far from perfection, but everything is working well :)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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For everybody who is interested in making his own Logic/Mackie Control: here are some insights in the current development state.

Yesterday I got the graphic LCD and started to write the PIC18F driver. I noticed that the performance is much better than expected, mostly the chip is in idle state, and the LCD can be served very fast due to the new instructions (i.E flash read is appr. 32 times, multiplications appr. 50 times faster!). So I'm assuming that beside of the display all encoders and buttons can also be handled by one PIC18F --- the MIDIbox NG design phase begins right now (ok, next year, because I'm not at home in the next days... ;-))

The next interesting notice I made was, that the resolution of the LCD (240x64) is good enough for this application. All characters are displayed in a 3x8 font. Not all chars are looking aesthetical (especially the small letters like "m" and "w"), but can be read without problems. Here some snapshots (sorry for the bad picture quality):




The surface I plan to reallize looks different from the original design, because I'm planning to use it also with other applications (Reaktor):


Maybe I will add some more buttons at the right upper edge...

And finally here the current state of this surface - far from perfection, but everything is working well :)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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After one day playing with a almost complete LC emulator I must say: I've found for what I'm looking for :D But still some effort is necessary to program an alternative mode which allows the use of the controller without help of a host application...

LCD: yes, it's a "Displaytech 64240A" for 66 EUR - I love those Displaytech LCD's because of the high quality. :)

But for people outside Germany I cannot recommend to buy the stuff at Reichelt due to the high shipping costs to foreign countries of about 35 EUR! Please post here if you know any alternative distributors for Displaytech products or KS0108 compatible displays

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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They also sell that LCD in finland, but it costs 140€, so it's cheaper to buy it from that german place.

BTW the UI in your LCD looks a quite heavy. I mean, box inside box inside box :) I think a more clear UI could be made with just a couple of lines. Of course you have to support skins, when the final version comes out ;)

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With the help of you I can also write drivers for other graphic LCD displays which are available at Ebay or somewhere else. US people should take a look at http://www.eio.com/lcdprodt.htm where 240x64 displays with another controller chip are available for about US $30

It's really difficult to estimate the costs for the whole MIDIbox, since the designs can be very different. For example, if the motorfaders are too much expensive, they can be replaced by common faders and could also be served by the PIC18F core module (with enabled snap/soft-takeover function!).

However, here the estimated costs for my implementation:

  • ca. 100 EUR - electronic stuff (2 CORE, 4 DINX4, 3 DOUTX4, 1 MF, 1 LTC)
  • 66.00 EUR - graphic LCD display
  • 28.80 EUR - 64 high quality buttons
  • 03.20 EUR - 32 Miniature buttons
  • 08.00 EUR - ca. 160 LEDs
  • 22.50 EUR - 9 ALPS rotary encoders
  • 176 EUR   - 8 ALPS motorfaders (note: panasonic faders are much cheaper!)
  • ca. 90 EUR - premade frontpanel from Schaeffer Apparatebau
  • ca. 8 EUR - nice looking wooden box (30x40x7) from Obi (a german DIY market chain)

    makes about 500 EUR

    The price can be reduced by following meassures:
    • motorfaders replaced by non-motorized faders (saves also one core module)
    • no LED rings (makes the frontpanel simpler)
    • selfmade frontpanel

    • In this case the price can be reduced to about 200 EUR

      Best Regards, Thorsten.
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Memon: the LCD graphic layout is not final ;-) I've planned to add a field for the LED digits of the Logic Control (which normaly display the fader mode and the MTC). However, everybody is welcome to create his own skin :) (for example a big MTC display mode could be usefull)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey T, hope u had a good xmas/nye...

With the help of you I can also write drivers for other graphic LCD displays

Does this include one's using the LC7981? Only diff between this and the KS controller I can see is the CGROM for character generation. It also seems more available...

I've emailed reicfeilt (cant remember the name atm) a few times with an order but havnt gotten a respose from them or that Schaeffer Apparatebau place - I thought they both took international orders....mebbe there just slow....


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Yes, the x-mas and NYe break was fine, but a little bit to long ;-)

Where can I download a datasheet for the LC7981-type display?

From my experience international requests are handled very slowly by Reichelt, because they know that normaly people will not order there due to the high shipping fees... Schaeffer Apparatebau definitely ships to the UK for EUR 16.70 (see website)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Alright, the data transaction is similar to the protocol used by the KS0108, so I don't expect problems.

Concerning Reichelt: I don't have the time to handle the orders for other people (it's not against you Dan), but if nobody else can help you, I could ask Chris who already sells the parts for the MBHP modules

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Nice, that's good to know the LC7981 could work...

WRT to the Reichelt order - heh, i wasn't meanin you personally T - you do too much for all the midibox freaks already ;)

I've already gotton in contact with Chris in order to get the modules pre made, but i think for the amount of modules i need it might cost too much for me atm - we shall see tho....

I can get most things here easily enuff - it's just the odd thing here n there...

Thanks again...

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm really looking after the new mackie clone project, so I would know at what step of this project your are .

When does it will be possible to built such one?

I saw  that the logic remote and the mackie remote are not exactly the same , the logic seems to be better;

Do you know the differences between this two desks???? Is it the inside OS that is different?

Thank you for all the passion and the time you offer to us for this massive project.

Best regards


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I will continue with the MIDIbox NG/LC when I get the panel from Schaeffer, thereafter it could get about one or two weekends until the new box is ready for the public.

As far as I know there is no functional difference between LC and MC, just only the device IDs are not the same to prevent a connection between Logic and MC ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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along with the 8 motor faders, could one also use a single slider connected to the ain to act as the master fader? - as on the normal LC....

My LC design would then have the following:

8 motorfaders + 1 10k master fader

9 encoders + 8 16LED rings (was also thinking of having an LED bar display and be able to switch between the two LED displays)

85 Buttons (all assigned to LC controls)

62 LEDS (65 if the smpte, beats and rude solo LED's can also be implemented - as on LC. All assigned to LC controls)

So basically, an exact clone of an LC...

And all this is doable from Feb? Fantastic ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Thorsten

The price can be reduced by following meassures:

motorfaders replaced by non-motorized faders (saves also one core module)

Regarding the implementation of normal 10k linear faders instead of motorfaders not mainly for cost reasons but i havent yet found a source to get them in greece (and i already had a bad experience with internet shopping)

So the point is: using the 18F processor how many DINX, DOUT, AINX will be  needed to have the LC emu.

Another point is using linear pots there is no limitation for only 8 pots as in motorfader extention so the master can be implemented as well.

Some rough thoughts are for 96 buttons needed 3 DOUT

Also another DOUT for led rings

1 DINX for the 9 encoders 8 for channels 1 for scrub wheel

1 AINX for the 9 faders8 for channels 1 for master.

Are those thoughts right or I got it all wrong.

Any inputs are welcome


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Hi Dimitris,

your thoughts to this solution are correct.

Only one core and the modules you've listed.

It will be more clear when I release the first version which demonstrates the possibilities with the LC emulation PlugIn

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Johannes


[*]176 EUR   - 8 ALPS motorfaders (note: panasonic faders are much cheaper!)

Where do you get those faders at this low price (22€), as the supplier you stated on the MF-Site (Albs) wants 28,71€ per fader according to  Pearl. (see also http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=german;action=display;num=1039798353)



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