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as for the complaining: i don't think anybody is really complaining...thorsten was looking for some feedback on how everything was holding up and that's what people (myself included) were providing.  there's no ill will here, just info.  i think everyone is happy about the new server, there were just a couple of kinks that people were bringing to thorsten's attention.

hi twin-x,

sorry, i guess i should clarify that i'm speaking for everyone except moebius in this statement.  as other people have recently stated, the new server is great!  everything is working super fast, thorsten doesn't have to pay any money, and the minor kinks are understandable and have been taken care of quickly.  thanks so much for your help twin-x!!!


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I don't think Moebius was having a go at you personally Twin-X - just a lil upfront with the probs he's been having maybe? - perhaps English is neither his 1st language either...

He's contributed alot with help n advice in this forum tho - that i do know ;)


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My apologies,

everyone - especially Twin-x. I'm sorry for my grumpy comments. I'm okay with the new server (as long  as the database is up and runn.. arrgh.. note to myself: STOP you silly idiot!)!

No hard feelings? Moebius

p.s. I know, DDOSes are damn hard to defend against and usually do "damage" datacenter-wide as Border Routers to Internet central nodes are shared.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Twin-X!

Sorry you have to play the part of punching bag for issues out of your control on this.....I definitely know how that feels!

I see the issues with the forum myself now, and the downtime is not a real issue unless you are a frequent poster (like Moebius), It's instantly angering when you spend a few minutes (or a few hours in my case!) writing a reply to help someone just to watch the connection timeout when you hit the post button. 

I might be able to push this into getting fixed, but I need a little info.....

Who are you paying for this web space, a reseller or are you dealing with ThePlanet directly?

Who exactly told you this was the result of a DDOS attack?

The reason I ask these questions is I have the portal hosted on a server in the same data center as the forum is hosted now, and I have the ability to watch some of the traffic and issues with the netblock the new server resides in....(don't tell the hosts this!)

No traditional DDOS is happening to cause this, and none of the addresses in this netblock are getting hit hard enough to with any traffic to cause this level of unavailability.  As a matter of fact I can't find any evidence of a DOS -during- the forum's downtime, or enough of any kind of traffic load to cause this.

We are looking a configuration issue, plain and simple.  And depending on the answer to the  reseller/direct question, the reseller might have caused it. (could be as simple as running the latest version of PHP-a very bad idea).  It's also possible that your reseller is co-locating (renting rack space and a network drop) and have oversold space on the machine that hosts this, etc.

The cool thing about all this is that I'm in Dallas almost every week on business, so I have no problem sitting down in person with people at ThePlanet to resolve issues as needed.

Taking care of issues becomes a priority for people when you are sitting in their office showing them the issues on a TIbook.......:D

I guess what I'm trying to say is this is a repairable problem, don't let your host BS you anymore about this now that you know what they are telling you is not true.  And if it was ThePlanet that told you this, lemme go have a chat with them and get you a few years of free hosting while I help them fix the true problem.

Even if it were a DDOS a good host would immediately identify the target and remove it.  It really is not that hard to make a DOS more work than fun for the script kiddies.

Let me know.......ready to help!



BTW I still highly reccomend ThePlanet, their connection(s) and reliability are unrivaled in the southwest US, several of my clients from the design days still co-locate there, without issue.  Of course a less knowledgeable reseller (basically most of them) makes ThePlanet look bad.

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:o SmashTV that is some news to me.

I pay for the services i want to www.newista.com I have bought a reseller account from them wich is a bit cheap but at the time it was enough for me. Sincei had bandwidth and space left i thought let me help TK.

I was not aware the host was lying to me. I think they do colocation since the help i get is not really pro.

When i have a issue and need support i will keep those things in mind.


I found a new host that seems reliable. I will have to pay 8 dollars more a month and i have less space and bandwidth but that should be no problem (i hope). I will contact TK when it's available

I apoligize for the bad service i have delivered.

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I apoligize for the bad service i have delivered.


i'm not sure why you are so easily discouraged about all of this.  if you read the above posts, you'll find that no one (with the possible exception of moebius) is at all unhappy with the service you've provided.  on the contrary, everyone is grateful for your help, and the server has been working perfectly for the most part.  please understand that your efforts are much appreciated, the server is GREAT, and everyone is HAPPY.

now, enough bickering about this server stuff...jeez ::)  (not to say that your input wasn't appreciated though, smash... :))

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i'm not sure why you are so easily discouraged about all of this.  if you read the above posts, you'll find that no one (with the possible exception of moebius) is at all unhappy with the service you've provided.  on the contrary, everyone is grateful for your help, and the server has been working perfectly for the most part.  please understand that your efforts are much appreciated, the server is GREAT, and everyone is HAPPY.

now, enough bickering about this server stuff...jeez ::)  (not to say that your input wasn't appreciated though, smash... :))

Mobius was right in a certain way  ;)

Today i am fed up with it. We are moving again asap:

read this:

Hello, we have never had DDOs attacks, where you thinked that?

This problems and nearly all of our down that happened since that time is

the The Planet supporters faults.

I am sorry for the trouble that you have lived. I am already dealing with

ev1 about carring all of our servers from ThePlanet. ThePlanet supporters

are rookies as a child playing on the street.

I am again sorry for this.

Ramazan Dolay

Newista Founder


The new host is truly reliable (at least a lot of people confirm this. For newista noone does.)

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:o SmashTV that is some news to me.

I pay for the services i want to www.newista.com I have bought a reseller account from them wich is a bit cheap but at the time it was enough for me. Sincei had bandwidth and space left i thought let me help TK.

Please don't take any of this personally, it's impossible to know what any host will do to you until you are already paying them and hosted.  Don't let anyone tell you that your effort has been wasted, this is a learning experience for everyone involved (if not, they should have stepped up to fill the need).  You have done nothing wrong!

That said with a quick look at newista its easy to understand why they can't provide much support, They are in Istambul Turkey and the machines they sell space on are in Dallas Texas.  Hopefully the flood of leaving customers will serve to either put them out of business or force them to fix the problem(s).

I was not aware the host was lying to me. I think they do colocation since the help i get is not really pro.

When i have a issue and need support i will keep those things in mind.

My words were a bit strong about this, but it seems every host(s) current excuse is DOS for anything.  I realize it's a real problem, but DDOS attacks don't typically last for weeks.  Anyone is smart enough to know that if you shut the server down for 24 hours (removing the attraction) that the attacks will eventually go away.  A good host would be shifting into another block of IP's.

I guess it is hard to flip the kill switch when it's thousands of miles away......

I apoligize for the bad service i have delivered.

Not accepted, you did nothing wrong, feel good about helping, and know that anyone holding you personally responsible should remember that they were quiet when it was their chance to step up and do it their way.  People forget that a lot of effort and pocket money go into providing all this free information, and that goes away quickly when only complaints are offered instead of help.

whoop 2 posts while I was writing this novel!  (I love that "new posts while you were editing" warning!)

Watching newista try to pass the blame completely on to ThePlanet is funny, Their support is the best in the game, with a live human there 24/7 ready to reset servers and get things going.  Hell they are cool enough to allow outside techs to work on machines in their colocation racks, loan out conference rooms to their clients for unrelated business, etc. so I don't believe for one minute that ThePlanet has any part in a long-term issue like this.  Companies with bad service don't invite their clients in to hang out!

Children playing in the street....Interesting comment.....One look at their connection map shows how serious they are about hosting..... :)



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Watching newista try to pass the blame completely on to ThePlanet is funny, Their support is the best in the game, with a live human there 24/7 ready to reset servers and get things going.  Hell they are cool enough to allow outside techs to work on machines in their colocation racks, loan out conference rooms to their clients for unrelated business, etc. so I don't believe for one minute that ThePlanet has any part in a long-term issue like this.  Companies with bad service don't invite their clients in to hang out!

Children playing in the street....Interesting comment.....One look at their connection map shows how serious they are about hosting..... :)



And becuase of the downtime today and the post i got back i move server  ;D
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