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Easily readable LCD screens


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Aesteticly the blue screens look best to me, but it seems they may actually be a bit hard to read compared to some other color combo's.  Anyone have thoughts about this?  Reccomendations for good screens?  The MIOS suppors 4X40 screens, right?

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Moogah, can you elaborate on your reply to my other thread re. CrystalFontz LCDs? You said the red/black neg. 20x2 looked nothing like the pic. Could I ask you what it did look like? I'm intrigued, because I really want a red LCD for my MIDIBox Sid 'Step A', and can't find anywhere in the UK that sells them singly.




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Can you use 4x40 HD44780 LCD in MBSEQv2, as suppose to a two separate 2x40 LCD?

it's not recommented, especially if you want to use the MBSEQ V3 firmware later, where I won't support other display options than 2*2x40 LCDs anymore - with the advantage, that I have the freedom to totally customize the screen layouts

This is, how the V3 screen currently looks like:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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If you can afford them, VFDs are the best. Viewable from any angle, low light or bright light. Unfortunately there isnt as much of a selection of font sizes without a tremendous cost difference.

Even comparing a backlight 20x2 lcd ($10 to $20) vs the same as a VFD ($50 to $90)...

In a related thread, I mentioned I have a load of 20X2 VFDs... if anyone is interested..

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it's not recommented, especially if you want to use the MBSEQ V3 firmware later, where I won't support other display options than 2*2x40 LCDs anymore - with the advantage, that I have the freedom to totally customize the screen layouts

Understood. I just happen to have a 4x40 LCD in one of my old project. I'm wondering if I can re-use that LCD.:( But for the sake of upgradability, I'll be happy to buy those extra LCD. ;D


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Pixels that are "on" are lit, this is PLED, there's no polarizing filter or anything, imagine an array of tiny square LEDs. The interface is standard HD44780, and there's nothing in the specs to invert it, not that I'd want to...

Even though it's totally new tech, it has a bit of old school charm, like an Apple II monochrome monitor.

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Pixels that are "on" are lit, this is PLED

Got it! I was thinking that it works like an LCD. :-[

So I guess its possible to get a dead pixel (or dead LED in this case), kind'a like the same reaction of a dead pixel on a LCD monitor screen.

But still, its a nice device.


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