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Analogue Drum Modules


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for doing what??

Well, my Simmons drum module for example expects +7V for a full velocity trigger at the 5 pin sequencer input.  It will trigger at 5V, but at a reduced velocity.  My Roland System 100 from memory expects +12V or +15V.  Other modules, especially home made or cloned ones, may expect a higher voltage too.  It might also be useful for controlling high-current lights or LEDs in a MIDI controlled light show, or for those in the MIDIfication forum working on old organs etc.

I also had this slightly insane idea for implementing velocity/accent in a drum sequencer by boosting the voltage to all the pins simultaneously.  I think this chip could handle that.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey man, sorry I sort of allowed this thread to become a little old and dusty!

I think I did finish the PCB's, after a fashion, but I haven't got round to building any. I think there are a couple of errors on the Hat's board too. I got a job around the same time and it's eaten up most of my PBC making time. Since I already have a DR-110 which i'm adding DIN-sync to, I figured i'd build the 808 clone i've always promised myself first ;)

Last week however I did start work on a better version of my DR-55 clone, with all the pots mounted on the PCB and also included a velocity CV input for each sound. So far i've finished the rimshot, but the others could be a long-time in coming.

To be honest, I think i'd be better off starting from scratch with the clones. I've learned a lot about PCB layouts, and I think I could make the boards much better if I re-do them.

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Thanks for reply Jaicen.

To be honest I'm a busy on other projects too (TR-9090 & TR-808

clone). But I want to add some other sounds to my analog drums

set up. I think at least I gonna build the DR-110 Hi Hats that I really

like a lot (more than the 808 ones). So I gonna start to see the



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I tend to agree, I think the hats on the DR-110 are probably the nicest analogue hats i've ever heard.

I actually plan to put the noise & chime generator from the 110 into my 808 clone, with switches to select between them. That way I can get the best of both worlds with the Snare, cymbals and hats!

EDIT: Actually, I just looked up the schems for the 808 and found something interesting. The Cymbal section is almost exactly the same as the DR-110, right down to the values of the twin-T noise filter! This means that it would be a very simple job to substitute the noise and 'chime' sources. From what I can tell, the only real difference between the two versions of the hats and cymbal are the specific frequencies chosen for the schmitt oscillators, and the fact that the DR-110 uses a harsher digital noise source.

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Just had to share this with you guys, I don't think my girlfriend really understands ;)

This is my new baby, complete with the original Practical Electronics manual used to build it!

I'm very excited! Only downside is that she who will be obeyed says I can't play with it till christmas (good thing she's at work when it arrived! I had to test it...)

It's a wierd little box, sounds a bit like a DR-55 crossed with a CR-78 and programs in the same way. Actually, I think it's closer to the CR-78 with the brush and noise cymbals. Either way, it sounds great!


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Hey Jaicen:

Great for you man !!!!

Recently I missed to buy a DR-110 in e-bay. I asked the seller if he

can ship to my country, he say yes, then I look if I can spend the

money (even my wife agreed), but when I go to buy it, was alredy

solded :(

Next time...

Back to the schematics...


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Yeah, bad luck on that man!

I'd quite like another one to keep in my 'collection' of sorts, but the prices they've been fetching lately has been pretty high. I think £40 inc shipping is about right, but they're going for upwards of £60. There's a DR-55 on ebay right now that's at £50 with 3 days to go, and it's unboxed!?! 

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  • 1 month later...

Good boy!! The DR-110 rules!

The manuals can be downloaded from rolandus.com. You have to register with a valid email address, but you can get manuals for everything for free.

The P-BUS is just something to do with the output jack being a stereo jack, with the right channel used as an external input into the output buffer. It lets you plug in a second sound source, such as a bass into the output if you don't have a mixer.

Doesn't make much sense to me, but it was popular in Japan where rehearsal space is at more of a premium ;)

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Well, as it happens i've been modding my DR-110. Since my girlfriend dropped it, necessitating repairs to the case and PCB, I figured I may as well add  MIDI sync capability.

I'm working on an internal mod that just replaces the trigger out jack, and responds to MIDI start/stop bytes. When I get it working properly, you'll be able to see all my work on the website of the guy that did the coding probably (his name escapes me right now).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I'm building some analog drum voices for my seq...

starting with:

dr55 kick

dr110 snare/hats

the kick works ok but the snare doesn't sound right

could someone send me a sample of the snare?

PM me for my emailaddress...



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