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Monome...is diy replicate possible?

nerd of nerds

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This is what i've been looking for!!!

But the price (when i could find it...) was pretty steep and i just can't afford it  :-[

So i figured i could turn to you guys for advice...

Would it be possible to replicate this with midibox?  My friend is interested in one as am i.

If possible i'd like to have the leds flashing just like the videos controller show (make sure you watch the wonderful video to see how it works...)

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It can be realized with the MIDIO128 firmware. For flashing LEDs some modifications would be required, here it's maybe better to get use of the C interface of MIOS so that enhancements are easier. Basically you just need to use following examples:



and enhance it by a timer driven "flashing LED" handler.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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No, you don't need to recompile the application for such a simple use case (in my eyes the monome controller is very primitive ;-)) - it's time to click on the ucapps button at the top of the forum.

Proposed pages: Wiki, MIOS Introduction, Bootloader, MBHP Introduction, Core Module, DINX4 and DOUTX4 module, MIDIO128 Design and HowTo mk_syx

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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So, leds are possible without any recompiling or crap like that?

Yes, MIDIO128 supports up to 128 digital inputs and outputs, and you can change the configuration with the mk_midio128_syx script (this will generate a new .syx dump) without recompiling the code.

and i'd just need a core module pcb, 2 dout, and 2 din boards?

yes - you could add a LCD for better debugging, but you can remove it later and use it for the next MIDIbox you are building thereafter ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Well, monome's a nice looking box, but you want it to *do* something right?

Take a look at seq24, a linux-based MIDI pattern sequencer (http://www.filter24.org ).  The way it operates is, you have a 2-dimensional grid of patterns that you can switch on and off on the fly. 

Mapping each pattern to a button on a monome-like controller would make for a very cool sequencer interface, since you can have each pattern be only a layer of the sound data (ie, a pattern specifically for you drumline, bassline, etc.)

Seq24 already has support for toggling patterns using MIDI events, so it wouldn't be hard to get a button press on a midibox control surface to toggle a seq24 pattern on/off.  Seq24 would need to be modified so that whenever a pattern is turned on/off it also sends a midi event to the controller to say "that pattern is now on", so the control surface can respond by turning on the proper LED.  Add some cool features like having the LED's blink at the start of each midi event (or, say whenever a note is played on a specific channel, or whenever that pattern's note is played, whatever is not too bandwidth consuming) and support switching pattern maps (so instead of just 32 buttons controlling 32 patterns, you have prev/next buttons that switch the pattern map to the prev/next 32 patterns).

That's my current idea anyways.  Assuming my ebay auctions go as planned I should have parts for ~$100 including the already ordered kits from SmashTV's excellent service.

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Well, monome's a nice looking box, but you want it to *do* something right?

Take a look at seq24, a linux-based MIDI pattern sequencer (http://www.filter24.org ).

Ummm, ok, but isn't that exactly what a MIDIBox SEQ already does? Why would I want to add an extra link to my chain:

MIDIBOX->seq24->Monome or other synth

if I could simply do

MIDIBox SEQ->Monome?

That just seems like extra work for no benefit. Build a MIDIBox SEQ and connec it to a Monome or other synth directly and skip the requirement of a Linux box running additional software in the middle.


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afaik seq24 is pretty unique in it's sequencing paradigm.  Each pattern can be muted/unmuted individually to all other patterns - not like most sequencers (like mb seq) where there is one global pattern that is "the pattern" and you can mute out specific tracks or change pattern.  In essence, though, yes, they are near equivalents in the sense that they are sequencers :)

I don't necessarily see where monome (or monome clone based on mbhp, since monome is usb) would be useful with a midibox seq.. basically you'd have an individual button to trigger each pattern, and you could code it so that button lights up when that pattern is playing, but that's about it.  Using it with seq24 would be cooler :).

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go right ahead and bid on it, i'm still thinking about exactly what i want to do...

and the monome isn't a synth, its just a midi controller.  i'm waiting until they release the software for it (supposedly open source) so i can see if it can be modified for the midibox, if not i think i'll be building the midibox seq...

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If you're going to bid on that please let me know, otherwise, you'll be bidding against me, and you don't want that ;)

Ahahah, hey stryd, I haven't bid yet, but I've been seriously considering it.  We really ought to co-ordinate our efforts man :)  You're not bidding on the 505 as well are you? 

Are you thinking 8 track drum sequencer with that keyboard too?

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and the monome isn't a synth, its just a midi controller.  i'm waiting until they release the software for it (supposedly open source) so i can see if it can be modified for the midibox, if not i think i'll be building the midibox seq...

To which software are you referring? The applications that runs in the computer or

the embedded software in the monome? In the first case is a mapping application

between the USB protocol that talks with the monome hardware and osc/midi.

In the second case the monome hardware is very different from the midibox hardware

(different processor architecture). In neither case I see interest of modifiying it for the


The monome communicates with a computer (only mac at the moment I think) via USB2.

The monome doesn't do anything by itself, it is always driven by the software running

in the computer. They have develop a osc/midi router and some applications in

max (for example the 8 track sequencer that they use in the video). So the main

use of the monome is to control software in the computer (custom applications, or

existing applications through the osc/midi mapper). I suppose that you can also

control hardware instruments via this same midi mapper and a midi interface for

the computer, the thing is that you ALWAYS needs the computer.

Personally I find much more interesting, simple and cheaper to build a midibox.

As has been already commented

In case you are interested I'm planning to build a midibox with an array of

buttons with leds (8 x 8 or 4 x 16 still not decided) and some knobs with several

use cases in mind (MBSEQ, Modified MBSEQ, MIDI controller,...). Still doing the

design. Once finish I'll post some drawings and ideas for feedback.

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i know what the monome does.

I actually know a good bit about midi fwiw.

I am waiting for their midi mapping software because it seems like it will make mapping things in certain software much easier and it will give me the led feedback.


I added some more information, because there were some people that thought

it was a synth or a midi controller. Both things are not correct.

Anyway, I know understand your interest in the software. But you have to take into

account that this software will seat between the monome and the application.

Monome|---(USB)----|MAPD|----(midi)----|Application (e.g. live)

what is able to get mapd depends on the midi implementation of the application, and

this will also be available to any other midi device, like a midibox. So if the application

doesn't provide led feedback (e.g. ableton live), mapd won't help.

ps: Live supports automap which is a protocol developed by novation for their remote line, its a two-way protocol, but I think is propietary.

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If perhaps you were more interested in using the software than the hardware, or a different method to control 'mlr' or 'step' (which are now available at monome.org) - I was wondering how to route the midi signals from a MIDIbox or other controller into those programs, and send LED control back to the device.

I guess I'm really interested to try to implement the programs with another interface, or for general expansion...

I am however quite interested in the idea of creating something similar and have been investigating the silicone moulding process - see "fabrication de boutons" in the french board... babelfish is helpful


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  • 4 months later...

Found these buttons at SparkFun:


Anyone know where I can get the PCB's from the photos? This would make building the Monome clone really easy. I am not sure if I can make PCBs like that (for contact buttons) myself).

Trying to make it really easy for me to clone, otherwise my time is too valuable and it will be effectively cheaper to buy one from monome.org.

cheers,  intellijel

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