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New encoders found at pollin.de


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I ordered some of them, because I need encoders with a push button. Although the caps are not changeable and noticeable force is required to turn them, they seem to be quite okay...

Has anyone a wiring schematic to connect to a DIN at hand? I tried to wire them like the ones from Voti.nl but didn't succeed so far...

(btw: there is already a thread about these somewhere here in the forum, but it might be in German, don't remember right now... )

Cheers, ;)


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  • 3 years later...

(Updating Wiki due to MIOS 1.9g encoder handling change).

Can somebody tell me:  does this encoder have 16 detents per revolution?  I've been looking for an encoder with exactly 16 "clicks".  Also, the shaft looks fat - is there any way to put a knob on this?


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i don't have them at hand but i'm quite sure it was 16 detents as the description says. no idea how this shaft is meant to be used. the diameter is somewhere between 11 and 12mm from what i remember. i didn't mount a knob at all and just used it as is. if you want to use it as data-wheel, you could make a larger custom knob (fitting the hard detends). But i doubt you will find a ready-made knob.

Cheers, Alex

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  • 1 year later...

Hey, after I found this topic I discovered these encoders at the same website:


0,50€ each, without a built-on knob (a plus for me, I like to use some prettier ones ;-] )

As far as I can tell they are suitable for the SEQ v4,can anyone confirm this? I'm just a poor student (boohoo, QQ, etc. hehe) so if these are an option I'd be very happy since it saves a lot of cash.

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