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Low Cost Case Idea


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I don't know if this has been done before, but what about housing a MB in a small money box. I'm thinking of making some small controllers for ableton plug-ins as an introduction to MB and a little cash box would be perfect. You could drill holes in the top for your switches/pots, and modify the little trays they give you to hold PCBs. What would be really handy is that as they're hinged, you could easily get inside it for running repairs/modifications. The only problems I could see would be drilling the box, they usually make them out of pretty strong metal but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard with the right drill bit.

Here's the kind of thing I'm thinking about.


Here's the perfect box on ebay for a fiver! - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250016231992

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Heh.. along similar lines,


Only because they are like.. 2 or 3 dollars at a hardware store, and the inner ribs are easy to cut where you need to stick a board.. and leave them otherwise.. that still gives good stability.

good for prototyping a box out and having a 'real' case.. before cutting on a metal box.

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hehe.. yeah.. I actually use loads of those boxes anyway for all my electronics parts and whatnot.. There are two or three sizes...  and I was thinking along the lines of this:

With 4 rows of bin space.. its like the ruler is already put down for you. :) bottom 'row' would be led and button for a 16 step sequencer.. middle two rows would be pots for note stuffies.. and the top row would be official midibox controls (lcd, menu buttons etc).

BTW - I am thinking that you would flip it over.. and what was the bottom is now the top surface. It looks like several square 'logs' stacked on each other. The cover would be the bottom.

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Another idea I had had was a metal briefcase style crash case that opens flat.

You can just put in a front panel on each side of the case with all your parts. It would require a ribbon cable spanning the hinge though.

That guy did the midibox laptop combination in a flight case and some swiss guy called Patrick made this:


Pretty swish, although the colour scheme looks naff IMO.

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It's definitely a cool idea. I'm actually using something very similar for my SID box. I decided to use a small Road-Ready utility case, an "RRUC" to be exact. Everything for a quad-SID w/step C control surface fits right in it very snug! The case opens up to the CS front panel mounted along the edges of the open case that held the foam in it. 8) I'm thinking of mounting some very small hinges along the top edge so the CS panel can be easily flipped up for easy access to the internal workings. It isn't quite finished yet but, as soon as I do finish it I will be posting a few pics for everyone's viewing pleasure!  ;D


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The lid on those cash boxes would be perfect for protecting knobs in transit.  I'd mount a front panel inside the box, and keep the lid as is.

I'd do that, but instead of using a $5 metal cash box, spend the $28 on a yellow or black Pelican enclosure. Or get a surplus ammo can. Lots sturdier, quite nice to work with.

Hmm. That makes me want to build a SID in an ammo can... Hmm...

Naw, I've got more things to work on. :D


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People still make jungle?

The ammo case thing has been done before though, stuffed if I can find the link :( I actually was going to do that but got sniped on the auction...grrrrr....

The ammo case thing has been done for a while. But with the right case and some good design it could make for a nice plugboard-type modular / road case all in one.


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There's actually quite a few different aspects to drum and bass, you can't really call it jungle nowadays. Breakcore is probably the closest sound to jungle, check out Planet Mu for the grimy stuff. There's quite a lot of deep intelligent drum and bass being made, if you're into that sort of thing have a listen to Deep Blue, Electrosoul Sound System, Breakage, Seba & Paradox, Illogic & Raf...

Good stuff for a shuffle on the dancefloor.  ;)

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