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Muse Receptor 2U Rackmount VST Host ...nifty and reliable apparently...


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And this is where i get accused of being a human bill-board... happened across this product and thought it was rather cool...

(probably old news, but i hadnt noticed it so far...)



(its the blue box on the bottom right, by richard devine..)

it is a highly specialised audio engine / computer running a very specific custom build of linux to serve as a VST plugin host. It allows for many effects, sample librarys, etc to be run simaltainiously.. with latencys approaching 2ms, without really heavy loads ! ....and rock solid reliable (or so they & their users claim).

I have to say, the first thing i thought, is why bother... just use a pc ..tho got to admit; i kinda changed my mind on that conclusion...

I'd be down right happy to have a box you can just throw vst plugins & not only have them work everytime, but  on time too :)

(seems like a domain more familiar to games console owners, than computer users..)

So unless someone comes up with a free linux build which hosts vst apps, as well and reliably as this widget supposes to do so... (and can be hardware stuffed into a 2u box) ..then i may well be totally sold on the idea :)

Well... potentially looks like the death knell for alot of Romplers & other digital racky stuff; if this catches on.

At least buying analog hardware stuff is probably a good investment, with that in mind ;) :)

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it is a highly specialised audio engine / computer running a very specific custom build of linux

So unless someone comes up with a free linux build which hosts vst apps

Well, the nice thing is that Muse have come up with it -- at the very least, the core Linux part of the software is required by the GPL to be made available as source code to their customers, who can then do whatever they want (within limits of GPL) with it.

So it's totally reasonable for someone to throw together a community site to share DIY plans for Receptor-based boxes if there's a customer who'd care to get and redistribute the source code.

(Though I don't see a download-source link on their site, hmmn...)

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yeah.. should be so..

heres an early review of an older version of the receptor:


which interestingly enough illistrates that it is indeed what would appear to be a standard motherboard with custom extras sitting on top.. see picture below.


Just using the software to run a machine as a vst host, would only require the hardware that a normal machine provides.. if it complains about lack of receptor.. that could be hacked out of it ;)

Someone should look into this :)

Right im off for afew days, cyas in a while.

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it could be a pain.. quote:

"This directory includes all of the RPMs used to build the base Receptor system.

They are made available for download here. Receptor also includes proprietary

code from VST developers and from Muse Research which is not included here.

For GPL/LGPL code, this is part of Muse's licensing responsibility. For other

licenses, the code is provided as a friendly service. Please consult each RPM

for its licensing requirements.

Note that packages that have been modified from their original version have the

word 'muse' added to their name.

- Muse Research"

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Man, I wish that whole thing was open source and had board files for that daughterboard thing. :'(

Make one heck of a DIY project. I can't really see that stopping most of the people who would ultimately have bought an actual Receptor either. It has to be a tiny percentage of musicians who are into DIY on that level. I guess the idea of someone cloning their addons and mass producing a cheaper one sort of sucks though.


I could see people modding it into an all-in-one rackmount DVD/MP3 player, hard disk multitrack recorder and who knows what else. :o

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Crap ? ...well that might be afew assumptions rolled into one..

If you are going to diss something, please at least explain your thinking on a matter.. so we all have a good foothold in flaming eachother ;)

..nah on this thing, i just think its a cool concept.. the idea of a stand alone vst box that does not run on windows or crash (isnt that synonymous ?) & has decent latency.

i just like the idea of a do-anything box that you plug in and it works & you can forget about it.. (particularly in live situations).

Im all for the idea of someone either stripping down a linux distro & doing something similar; or for that matter getting the muse code working on other hardware. As a diy project it would be increadble fun. and yes, their off the shelf box is a wee bit out of most peoples pockets.

its been a long time coming.. the fixed & often vastly less powerful specialised hardware of digi synths / efx has needed replacing with a cheap, powerful,  universally compatable hardware platform for some time now.

Given that both pc parts and vst's are being constantly updated and improved.. There probably couldnt be a better marrige.

If you meet the end of the usefulness of the software you are using; you aren't stuck with selling a rackmount box & buying another (Also softwares often a bunch cheaper.. due to not paying for the specialised hardware).

If for some amazing reason you actually manage to exceed the power of the computer hardware, you can either put another one togeather.. or upgrade it.

And i state again, i'd love to see this done diy style (no need for their custom soundcard or interface (guess you could midibox that if you wished tho))..

it just makes so much more sense than buying, carting around, then selling crateloads of digital hardware :)

Additional muse:

If this seems a little pricey for an off the shelf solution; take a look at the 'open labs neko 64':


Which is a cross between a DAW and a Keyboard, is luddy huuge & costs £3,000 to £5,000 & pretends not to be running windows xp.. by the use of a custom skin over the whole lot.

In my view of things... thats definately not the way to go ...even if you do have really, really deep pockets.


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Have been working on one for nearloy a year. Though it has to be for live aswell. In January, plan to build the cabinet to house two weighted keyboards. Legs will be electric and retractable. Top and back areas will be made to be modular in that panels can be removed to place in new equipment. All based on 19" standard. Bought the Hammond drawbars some months back, so it will look like a H series Hammond. Plan then to put on a retractable 15" touchscreen. No room for a micrpwave oven though. They come in handy on the road.... Will post design specs over the silly season.

Happy Xmas to all while i'm here. And remember..The language of love is music. The language of music is MIDI.

Made that up the other day. Thought I'd share it..... ;D

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The language of music is MIDI.

Made that up the other day. Thought I'd share it..... ;D

Couldn't it be IIc or something a bit faster (just to make us feel better)?  ;D ;D ;D

PS- @Artesia-> Just saw the list of $2899 for the Receptor in the new Recording magazine. 

Oh yeah, I forgot. ;D


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Crap ? ...well that might be afew assumptions rolled into one..

Yeh sorry that sounded way more harsh than it was meant to. Typing hurts a bit at the moment (so does soldering  :'( ) and so I'm trying to be less verbose, but that backfired, it was a little too 'short' ....post edited, I stand corrected :)

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