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Motorfader Sammelbestellung (á 10€)


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VAT is 19%.

But honestly I don´t see the point in buying 25% less for 50% higher price. 200 pieces for 10 Eur are still cheaper than 150 pieces for around 16 Eur. And a few people are withdrawing/lowering their orders because of the higher price, so again you wouldn´t reach the required quantity.

If the 10 Eur - order would still take place, I´d take 18 faders - perhaps this helps ;)


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Hendrik: If the 10€ order would still take place i'm offering to *participate* in paying the remaining 50 pieces so that we can then sell them via eBay or on the forum.

Nothing in common with that ^^^^ but again i ask the question: Who is interested in taking RSA0N11M9A07 instead of RSA0N11M9A06 ??

(Sorry if my question is annoying...)


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100pcs á 13,40€ EXCL

150pcs á 11,60€ EXCL

Please Order your Faders by mail: hendrik (at) lottokingkarl (dot) de    until Tuesday, 12th June 2007 and post your count here  for other users.

Payment: Bank Transfer or PayPal.

I'll send you your total price on Wednesday depending on the count of Faders.

When I've received all money, I'll order the Faders and send them to you.

After your order, you get a copy of my Identity Card with a bill.

I take 32 Faders.

100 Stück je 13,40€ exkl.

150 Stück je 11,60€ exkl.

Bitte bestellt die Fader bei mir per mail hendrik (at) lottokingkarl (punkt) de  bis zum Dienstag, den 12. Juni 2007 und postet die Anzahl hier, damit die anderen user einen Ãœberblick haben.

Bezahlung per Ãœberweisung oder PayPal.

ich teile euch euren genauen Betrag am Mittwoch mit, je nachdem, wieviele Fader wir zusammen bekommen.

Sobald das Geld eingetroffen ist, bestelle ich die Fader, die ich dann an euch versenden werde.

Nach der bestellung gibts eine Kopie meines personalausweises und eine Rechnung, damit ihr sicher seit.

Ich nehm 32 Fader.

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Hi Hendrik,

-------- (english) -------------------

why are you so keen on buying at albs? Is it about the delivery time? Can´t be because of the money. Let´s calculate:

albs: 150 pcs á 11.60 excl. VAT, i.e. 13.80 incl. VAT. Total: 2070.60 EUR

abacus: 200 pcs for 1792 excl. VAT -> Total: 2132.48 EUR

Participants - I don´t know if anyone else has withdrawn his order via eMail. From the forum:


Hendrik:            32

sebastian:          18

dj3nk:                10

audiocommander:  8

MTE:                18

ptitjes:              24

Playboy:            14

Bibster:              8

SLP:                  2

seppoman          18


                      152 of 200


Hendrik:            32

sebastian:          18

dj3nk:                10

MTE:                18

ptitjes:              24

Playboy:            14

Bibster:              8

SLP:                  2


                      124 of 150

And not everyone gave a statement yet if they´d participate with the higher price. In both cases we´d need more participants anyway. Perhaps an english post in the fleamarket section would help.

I like the suggestion of ptitjes to sell the surplus at eBay. If I had enough money right now, I would do it - on eBay there´s surely no problem to sell them for e.g. 15 Eur/pc. With the earned money we could lower the price for us even more (after giving some compensation for the guy who does the auctions).

-------- (deutsch) ------------------

warum willst Du jetzt unbedingt bei albs kaufen? Geht es um die Lieferzeit? Wegen Kohle kanns ja nicht sein. Ich rechne das nochmal vor:

albs: 150 Stück á 11.60 excl., d.h. 13.80 incl. VAT. Total brutto: 2070.60 EUR

abacus: 200 Stück für insges. 1792 excl. -> Total brutto: 2132.48 EUR

Teilnehmer - ich weiß ja nicht, ob noch jemand per eMail abgesagt hat. Aus den Infos im Forum:

Aktuelle Liste (abacus):

Hendrik:            32

sebastian:          18

dj3nk:                10

audiocommander:  8

MTE:                18

ptitjes:              24

Playboy:            14

Bibster:              8

SLP:                  2

seppoman          18


                      152 von 200

Aktuelle Liste (albs):

Hendrik:            32

sebastian:          18

dj3nk:                10

MTE:                18

ptitjes:              24

Playboy:            14

Bibster:              8

SLP:                  2


                      124 von 150

Wobei sich noch nichtmal alle geäußert haben, ob sie zum höheren Preis dabei wären. In beiden Fällen bräuchten wir also noch mehr Teilnehmer. Ein englischer Post im Fleamarket könnte evtl. was bringen.

Den Vorschlag von ptitjes, den Überschuß bei eBay zu verticken, finde ich ziemlich gut. Wenn ich gerade Kohle übrig hätte, würde ich´s machen - auf eBay ist es sicher kein Problem, Neuware für z.B. 15 Eur/Stück zu verkaufen. Mit dem Gewinn könnte man den Preis für die Gruppe sogar noch weiter senken (abzüglich natürlich einer Aufwandsentschädigung für den der´s macht).

Viele Grüße,


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But for the 10.66€ VAT included price, we gathered people to take 152 pieces out of the 200.

Have you read seppoman's message? He's right! Those 48 last could be sold on eBay for a very good price. If we go for the 200 pieces buy, I can take 24 more to re-sell them after. If you take the last 24 more, we agree on the price to sell them on eBay and they will be sold very shortly.

It's very logical. Higher the price, fewer the people that wants to buy. Please explain your problem in going for the 200 pieces Abacus.

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I can take the last 48. I proposed this to you so that you can benefit the sale a bit. So if there are people to take the 128 pieces then i can take 72. Maybe that would be better if i endorse the buy. Could you give me all the informations by PM ?

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Hi. Got mail from albs. Very Interesting:

Falls noch Interesse besteht, können wir Ihnen den Motorfader mit metallisiertem Knopf anbieten

und den Preis auf 11,20 inkl. Mwst. inkl. Knopf reduzieren.

Die Menge sollte dann natürlich ca. 150 Stück betragen.

Lieferzeit: ab Lager verfügbar.


If U are still interested we could sell you ca. 150 Fader for 11,20 € inkl VAT and inkl Fader knop(or cap. son't know)


me: 32

mte: 10

slp: 2

sebastian: 8

ptitjes: 24

76 Faders. Perhaps anyone is interested in Motorfader for 11,60€ INKL VAT., INKL Cap.????

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Yes! Maybe you should PM those who were initially interested because if they are available and cap included it is more than interesting! Also maybe you should do a new post in the English forum.

I'm waiting to see how many people want to participate to the buy, but anyway i think that if we do just reach something like 100 pieces, i will take the last ones.

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