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just built midibox64... how to connect with ableton?...

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Built core, wired lcd, burnt and flashed, uploaded midi64, wired some buttons all seem working great.

Now i'd like to test with ableton live 6, what should I select as a controller?? I tried mackie but nothing happened.

Is there any file I should upload to the core, or any settings I should do... pls help



mmmm, I'm tempted to do a RTFM answer but won't ;)

1st - Have you uploaded MIOS, then MidiBox64 app?

2nd - You might want to test the buttons work with one of the test apps 1st - i.e. ain64_din128_dout128_v2_0.zip found here: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html

Then once you've established you've got working buttons on the LCD, and the midi works (cause you've uploaded the app) - go to the ableton preferences and make sure you have the TRACK, REMOTE etc etc turned on for the midi interface you are using to connect to the box

as far as the remote is concerned you might be best off using a generic setting at the moment

also - don't forget to map the midi to the buttons in Ableton....


also if I memory serves me correctly some of the buttons on the MIDIbox64 are used exclusively for program changes and navigation so won't be transmitting data. 

ain64_din128_dout128_v2_0.zip transmits everything....



first of all: I don't know Ableton at all but ...

I tried mackie but nothing happened

Normally if you select "Mackie" you'll need the mackie emulation (Like in the Midibox LC).

Are you able to select any generic controller under ableton?

You must select a controller that can assign the desired functions to your midibox (generic)




you can still map midi events to buttons (et al) in Ableton even if you are in Mackie Mode, but as I recommened it's probably better to use the generic remote setting for the time being to cut out a lot of other midi flying about

you could also use the uC33e setting....


Per core you can have 2 AINx4 modules, 4 DINx4 modules AND 4 DOUTx4 modules.

Per AINx4 you can have 32 analog inputs.

Per DINx4 you can have 32 digital inputs.

Per DOUTx4 you can have 32 digital outputs.

1 led = 1 digital output.

1 button = 1 digital input.

1 rotaty encoder = 2 digital input.

1 pot/slider = 1 analog input.

You can get more informations on www.ucapps.de



How many pots/ faders/ buttons/ encoders/ screens/ LED's/ etc is the maximum that I can connect?

There are two parts to this answer. The first relates to the standard hardware, the second is related to the implementation of that hardware.


AIN: Up to 64 analog inputs (pots/sliders/etc) are available by chaining two AINx4 modules

DIN: Up to 128 digital inputs (switches/encoders/etc) are available by chaining four DINx4 modules

DOUT: Up to 128 digital outputs (LED’s/7-segment LED digits/etc) are available by chaining four DOUTx4 modules

LCD’s: Up to 2 40×2 Character LCD displays (IE HD44780), 1 Graphical LCD (IE KS0108), 3x Nokia GLCD (IE PCD8544)


Now, connecting the hardware physically, and actually being able to use it, are two different things.

Click the link for the rest :)

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