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MB6582: Trouble with application upload/CAN bus problem


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Hi all,

strange probs here!

Nearly finished my mb6582 and all voltages are checked and fine. So I put in the cores (4x) from Smash,preburned with MIOS and device ids from 00 to 03. My display shows a friendly "ready",the core sends one request after powering up,everythings fine until here.


...each time I try to upload the application with mios-studio 7.5 ,all blocks of code are sent and no errors are displayed. But the core doesn`t reboot and the display shows nothing at all.

When I switch the unit off and on again,the core behaves like no mios is uploaded and spits out the upload request every 20ms.

After uploading mios once again,the display shows "ready" again.

What am I doing wrong???



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Have you installed a jumper on J11? there you can select to which PIC the midi in is connected to. Without a jumper, the midi won't go to any PIC. So just put a jumper on position 1 and upload the app. afterwards you can use the cloning mechanism to "upload" to the three slave PICs.


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Hi Greg,

probably you forgot to solder the 1k resistor and 1N4148 diode for CAN interface. This is even required, if no slave is connected.

See http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_ki.html, topic 3c) for a schematic

On MB6582, there could also be a special jumper for the CAN interface? It's important, that the master core is able to listen to itself!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,hi Wilba,

thx for helping me out here,cool!

I checked the schematics and think,this is what I was searching for!

But I thought the can-bus has been already implemented in the 6582-pcb???

I´m going to add one resistor and four diodes. Do I have to connect the midi ins of all four cores too?



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Refer to the PDF of the PCB and check if you have already soldered D1_CORE1, D1_CORE2, D1_CORE3, D1_CORE4 (which are diodes, under each PIC, with cathode mark towards the LOWER pad)... and also R80 (which is directly between PIC 1 and 2).

The CAN bus IS implemented on the PCB, and all four Cores are connected to MIDI In, you use a jumper in the J11 header to change which PIC is connected to the MIDI Out, allowing feedback from the Core during uploads, and thereafter MIDI Out from Core 1 only.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, I've been a bit slack and haven't followed up much on your problem.

I can only list the obvious things...

1. You are not using PIC18F4685 chips. (Although I think the app won't work at all if this is the case!)

2. There is a break or short somewhere between the diode pads, the PIC pads, the R80 pads or along the CAN bus track, either due to a bad solder joint or lifted pad or the track is cut.

3. The diodes aren't the right diodes or are broken.

You should look at the PCB PDF file and see how the diodes are connected to the PIC pins and use your multimeter to test if there is a good connection between the two, and also test that the pads aren't shorting to anything else nearby, like a via. If you have trouble with this then I'll do a screenshot of the PCB layout with some places to test.

One interesting test to do would be to run tests with the master PICs in a different slot.

It may be that if the master PIC (#1) can't "see" itself on the CAN bus then all other communication to the other PICs won't work, so if you can move it to another slot and it works, then the problem is in the #1 "Core" module on the board.

Try PIC #1 (ID=0) in Core #2, no other PICs installed. You won't have a control surface in this case, since the control surface is controlled by Core #1. To get the control surface running from a Core other than #1, you could connect J8/J9 of the other Core with J8/J9 of Core #1, since this is in series with the DIN/DOUT chain at the bottom of the board. Two 10-pin IDC connectors and some 10-wire ribbon cable is the easiest way, but if you know how, you could connect just four wires directly to the pins of J8/J9 (the two common ones on the left, and the two in the middle) since the other two are 5V/Ground which is already there.

When exactly does the SID1 not available, CAN bus errors message appear?

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I took the error message to mean that the SID can't be seen by the CAN bus somehow, so looked for the usual dry sodler joints etc and found a couple, re-did these and voila!  No more error message. 

Yes I should have known better!

So I suggest looking for the obvious first, are all the solder joints OK?



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