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  4. I am quoting myself, but just to confirm that it is possible to compile & run on a Mac M2. Thank you for the concise instructions two answers ago. However, there are a few visual glitches and a few crashes (but unrelated for working playback), probably due to using outdated classes. Crashes occur with sidplay by midi device list detection due to previously connected midi device, by window resizing and sometimes midipatch bay crashes when exiting.
  5. My power supply failed and took the sammichFM out with it. I replaced the rectifier and VREG and am getting proper voltages across the board except some of the digital 5V spots. Mem banks 2 on right all have digi 5v, but the PIC, midi chip, 3 left mem banks, and upper board socket are onpy getting 1.76V. Nothing looks burned and diodes check out. Wondering what could be shorting that line and not affecting the mem banks. Thinking it's either IC caps or a transistor. Any ideas welcome. Gotta bring this back to life. The failed supply spiked voltage up to 15V+
  6. I've identified the issues. Initially, I forgot to install a resistor, potentiometer, and capacitor. I was too hasty after checking the voltage to bother verifying if anything was missing. However, even after installing the missing components, I still encountered the same error: "SID(x) not available (CAN disabled)". I then tried using a different LCD screen, which resolved the issue. I was previously using an Adafruit 499 LCD screen, which I believe operates in 8-bit mode. https://www.adafruit.com/product/499 I'm now using a very cheap LCD screen from Aliexpress, although the display quality is poor. I know I can modify it to use the 8-bit mode but I would prefer for now to go with a plug and play solution. If anyone has a recommendation for a good LCD screen, please let me know (mouser / digikey).
  7. OK apologies, that took a little while. 6 years and 3 children later, I'm back. So Voltages match the build guide, with the exception that 12V reads as 10.86. the guide suggested this would be ok. Any ideas? Thank you!
  8. @dwestbury Vice/vsid runs stable and well on Windows (also as a x64 build). Do you currently have a Sidplay build for the mac version with ASID support at hand, which will also run on the latest macOS versions (maybe Arm64 Silikon support)? I can try to compile it according to your description...
  9. I now have to manage to turn off and on the rgbled under the switches. I succeeded with something like:
  10. I understood I have to use set_active . I managed to make it work on encoder and push button set_active (id)ENC:10 1 set_active (id)BUTTON:117 1 I didn't succeed on Ainser, I tried: set_active (id)AINSER:133 1 #EDIT: There were errors in my code. It works now. The code below works
  11. Good morning SetBankOfHwId only works on encoders? I tried on fader and Switch without result
  12. Hi Kazik, 1) FAST button control with Bookmarks: this can only work if you disable the "ENC_AUTO_FAST" feature in your MBSEQ_HW.V4 file, which overrules interactive FAST button changes Background: with ENC_AUTO_FAST, FAST mode will be auto-selected depending on the selected parameter layer, and can be temporary (!) overruled by pressing the FAST button. Without this feature, FAST button has full control over the encoder behaviour 2) HUMANIZER changing CC values: works at my side, would need more input to give you guidance, please use the appr. thread to discuss at the right place Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Thanks for the feedback! It was a nice challenge to nail down this issue, because it only appears in conjunction with the TPD, which explains why many other MBSEQ users didn't notice this so far! :) Please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_098_pre3.zip Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: background -> https://github.com/midibox/mios32/commit/66fa4df5960d51c93ee90c065062c5ba28fdde69
  14. Hi, I have built the Midiphy version of the SEQ4+ and I stumbled upon some weird behaviour. I tried to use the Section Control tool, but it crashes from the moment I press the E key and above on my external keyboard. Then the screen shows “TODO page”. It still plays the partial sequence though, but When I press EDIT It sometimes returns back to the edit page but mostly it crashes and reads “!! HARD FAULT !! at PC=0Xffff0201” This happens in every octave. I've tried several different keyboards. The first three keys C, C# (from an external keyboard) work as intentioned, but from D on it shows errated LED flashing and from E it goes to a TODO page… weird This whole behaviour renders the Section Control function useless of course. Anyone experienced this before? Any ideas? I'm on the latest firmware.
  15. This is working with the buttons now for me!
  16. Hi, I just discovered the MegaCommand Live project and the alternative firmwares that comes with it for Machinedrum and Monomachine. It seems pretty cool to my eyes, but I'm not sure I need the extra hardware. The module is based around an Arduino Mega, so the code needs some translation/porting. Is anyone already working on this ? Could it be integrated in the Seq v4 project without loosing functionnality ? Just another bottle in the sea ;) Re_
  17. Now it's my turn to face some challenges in this process. I'm feeling quite newbies at the moment. I've assembled my mb6582 and currently only have access to the master core. Testing the control surface navigation and listening to the default patch sound, everything seems to be ok. However, when attempting to select other SIDs, I encounter an error message: "SID(x) not available (CAN disabled)". It think I need to clone other PICs from the master. I attempted this by pressing "Menu" + power on the unit, but unfortunately, the cloning process failed at the end. I also tried the previous steps suggested by @dwestbury, but upon starting the mb6582, I encountered another error: "CS not enabled". I purchased preprogrammed PICs from dwestbury, so I assume all the PICs should have the bootloader and the correct ID. I'm not sure of what I might have missed or what my next steps should be.
  18. hello T ok so i am on http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_098_pre2.zip fresh new project 1.make GLOBAL BOOKMARK #1 for DIVIDER with FAST ON, 2.FAST is ON and CLOCK GP #2 scrolls fast, 3.switch to EDIT page ,FAST is automatically turned off, 4.recall GLOBAL BOOKMARK #1 ,FAST is ON BUT not working,CLOCK GP #2 scrolls normal 5.switch to EDIT page,turn on FAST,recall BOOKMARK #1 now FAST is ON and working in SEQ_UI.C it says and to restore i think there might be a bug somewhere,something missing it seems seq_ui_button_state.FAST_ENCODERS = 1 is turning FAST button LED on but not the FAST function when recalled from BOOKMARKS i also tried to use seq_ui_button_state.FAST_ENCODERS = 1 for example when switching to MIXER page so my encoders work fast in MIXER page,but same effect p.s. while i have your attention , in HUMANIZER there is 2nd option VEL/CC ,should that humanize VELOCITY and MIDI CC messages from PARAMETER LAYERS of the track? cause when i set track with one CC param HUMANIZER does not humanize that CC layer thank you for your time best regards Kazik
  19. How could I reproduce this issue? Could you please give step-by-step instructions? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. It might be possible to hack this into the firmware, do you have a compiler setup ready? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Does it work at your side? I noticed that the change wasn't working with the "selection row" of the MIDIphy front panel, now fixed here: -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_098_pre2.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. new price 750€ i combined and wrote the 32bit Code so it now can comunicate with a SEQV4+, and off course with the SEQV4 standard, here is the sourcecode + firmware: BLM_V01.7z see also this short video (german):
  23. when restoring seq_ui_button_state.FAST_ENCODERS from recalled BM lights the led ,but FAST does not work, i tried also to seq_ui_button_state.FAST_ENCODERS = 1; when switching to MIXER page, and FAST led comes up but no effect can some one confirm? any ideas? best regards
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