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midiphy MatriX :)

And here's the final MatriX production case and looks - hope you like it! All kudos fly out to @AdrianH and @latigid on - thanks for the great case and the great hardware! :)

Many greets,

From the album:

Hawkeyes MB stuff

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Sympa! Ca a de la gueule!
It's a beauty :love:
But still afraid this extension will be too much expensive for me :/

Edited by Antichambre


gearporn...looks like it can last forever (the Mechanical-Key-section and case  in special)

latigid on


I have only seen it once in person, but it is an incredible and really solid device.



  • This looks like a high-end controller with lots of bling potential. The joystick mushroom begs for a mapping to a couple of cc:s for my vector synths when it’s not used for menu stepping! Exciting stuff :grin:


This looks like a brilliant piece of hardware. Is the Matrix a modern derivative of the BLM 16x16? Assume the key use case is sequencing and scene launching? I wouldn't think those lovely keys could be used for finger drumming or velocity sensitive performance, etc. Irrespective, it looks gorgeous!


latigid on



MatriX has some similarities to the BLM16x16+X in that it has 17x17 keys and a few sliders, and communicates over the same MIDI protocol. Apart from those it is really quite different!

The BLM protocol has a "keyboard mode" where you can play with different velocity on the y axis, notes (usually forced to scale) on x.


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