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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2020 in all areas

  1. Have completed this build. What a great project - the new case and overall integration is truly excellent! Major props to all the folks here who put this system together, Hawkeye, latigid on, thanks to Antichambre for the custom keycaps - and of course TK for creating the MB world.
    2 points
  2. @Hawkeye thank you so much for your time! If the song mode is indeed planned and on its way, targeting scene switching/mute unmuting from MIDI should be less of a request (my main use case would be to sequence/trigger it externally. Thanks for the links for the SEQv4 beginner guide and the BLM matrix, I'm going to dive a bit more into everything in this forum about these 2 projects and wrap my head around all this! Cheers! J
    1 point
  3. Hi, @Hawkeye and @latigid on, I just finished building the LoopA and I must say that I find the kit to be every bit as nice and solid as the V4+ kit. Fit and finish is top notch. I do have a few questions/suggestions about things I have run into: 1) After creating a new blank Session, when saving for the first time you have to manually select an unused Session slot, otherwise you will overwrite the last Session you loaded with the Load function. This has happened to me a few times already from muscle memory since, once you’ve already saved the Session at least once and get into the flow of saving minor changes and additions, it’s easy to just hit Menu + Disk —> Save quickly each time to save your changes. Question: Is there a way to have the initial save of a new Session default to the first unused Session slot? Not a dealbreaker by any means, but might help with workflow. 2) When recording MIDI note input from an external MIDI keyboard, if I hold a note for the entire loop length, I have to let go of the note a little before it reaches the beginning of itself. If I miss the mark early, the note will end too early and I’ll have a gap that I have to manually lengthen, or if I miss it late, the Note Off will kill the entire length of the note and I’ll wind up with a very short note. Question: Is there a way to have the note snap to the beginning of itself or have the end of the note automatically end and join the beginning of itself for a seamless drone type note? Even overlapping would be fine, but I’m not sure how that could work with the Note Off being sent. Again, not a dealbreaker but would help reduce the time needed to manually fix the note. Maybe I’m just not approaching it in the right way. 3) I have been using the LoopA as master clock and have been syncing drum machines and my Keystep (sequencer/arpeggiator). When the LoopA is stopped, the clock is also stopped and my synced machines are waiting for clock before they can be used on their own, for trying out ideas or working out parts soloed. Question: Is there a way to add, maybe in the Setup page, the ability to toggle a constant clock for each of the MIDI Out ports? Then only the start and stop commands would need to be sent with the Run/Stop button. With it being a toggle, you could turn this feature on and off per output port, depending on the type of MIDI device you have connected and what it likes to see. These are just suggestions of course. All in all, I find the LoopA to be a very fun piece of gear that I enjoyed building and look forward to using for a long time.
    1 point
  4. when I'm programming the core, I cant seem to get the program to stick, I see the ports in the MIOS studio, I can query the core, get the upload request and I can send the project hex but after its done and I power cycle it, i'm right back to the bootloader like there is no app, thoughts? PS: Peter, you should look into a side hustle doing ASMR stuff
    1 point
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