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Status Replies posted by EsotericLabs

  1. Hello Tim,

    hope you're allright! Do you have an update on my order? A core kit & 2x midio.  

    Best regards,




    1. EsotericLabs


      The package arrived yesterday. Same superb quality as always, now waiting for soldering weather.  Thank you Tim.

  2. Argh. Customs has my SmashTV goods. Installing rootkits on my PICS! Making my Seq4 play subliminal messages! Argh!

    1. EsotericLabs


      Customs is argh - me knowz. May the Force bless you with patience and low import duties.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Boards soldered for my 2nd SEQ, core up & running. Now ordering encoders at Voti's.

    1. EsotericLabs


      I ordered SW-ROT-01, but if i'm correct, both can be used.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. congrats with your sale!   What about the studiolive?

    1. EsotericLabs


      Thank you - I will look into that one as well. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. congrats with your sale!   What about the studiolive?

    1. EsotericLabs


      I get that. I looked it up and thought -great board but way too big. I'm now thinking behringer ufx1204 or soundcraft 12mtk.  Are you looking into sth?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. I will never get my MB6582 completet... connection Base <> CS :( See SID forum thread.

    1. EsotericLabs


      Never ever give up! SID rulez! You rulez SID!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Morgen beginnen we eraan se !

  8. Intertubes, you lied to me!! You can load QS300 voices on an NEC XR385 board after all! (I verified it)

    1. EsotericLabs


      Yeah lying b€&@d. We will code them QS voices!!

  9. Hand wired seqv4 matrix cs debugged !! :-D

  10. Come home from work, say hi to kid and missus, and go upstairs to the studio to do something about the sudden strike of inspiration that hit me on my way home. And I hear from downstairs: Are you going upstairs now? we dont get to see you? I says yep. Simple answer to a tough question? :P

    1. EsotericLabs


      Ask missus if you should bring all gear into the living room, hehe...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Iedereen bedankt voor de felicitaties. Volgend jaar 40 dan maar ff feessie bouwen toch :)

  12. Hi, I'm J and I'm a total gearslut :) Gearslutz anonymous meeting nao!

  13. Bummer! Qs300 Voices only on real db50xg's not on NEC clones..

    1. EsotericLabs


      :-( i'll have to building à sammich for soothing then..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Voice switching system for the xr385 working properly. Effects, multipart and user voices in progress.. Picking up speed.

    1. EsotericLabs


      Yes its also a quest for the hidden QS300. Just imagine..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Now I'm getting somewhere. Hooked the midi file player to the SCS. Now integrate the MSD code and customize controlling of the file player.

    1. EsotericLabs


      Oh no! Not a doomsday device: then I only have 5 weeks left ;-) (hehehe).

      Before soon it will be a versatile midi file player with an inbuilt sound board and support for playing along on keyboard or a midified guitar. Then it will evolve into a crossbreed with arpeggiator, force to scale like features from the MBSEQ's. It might even end up with audio ins, guitar effect switching and a mixer al under midi control. The first xr385 proved broken in the end, but another one...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Lots of learning going on. Successful builds of the SCS, SDCard and LCD. Now working on a DB60XG sound card, but that' s tough. Got help fortunately.

    1. EsotericLabs


      Yes you are right. Today I would like to lean why my waveblaster daughter board only outputs clicks at incoming midi notes but no proper sounds. Lots to learn about them boards..

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. Got my parts from Reichelt, soldered the MBHP LPC17 core together. YESSS! It talks to me through MIOS32 Studio. Let the Games Commence!

    1. EsotericLabs


      Better MIDIbox trouble than other trouble ;-)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Getting parts & setting up IDE for my first lpc17 core

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