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Everything posted by jaytee

  1. jaytee


    Isn't there something in the MIDIbox license about profiting from the sale of MIDIbox hardware? It's hard to quantify how much value the physical construction of a sammichSID adds to the total cost, but I think increasing the price based on rarity would be pretty clearly out of bounds. That said, I've definitely seen sammichSIDs sell for considerable amounts in other places.... Interested to hear TK's take on this. Looked it up: "Products may only be made for your personal use or for distribution on a non-profit basis (e.g., sold for no more than the actual cost of components, assembly, and shipping)"
  2. There are whispers of a final sammichFM kit. Email wilba and let hi. Know you're interested,
  3. Updating from 2.4.5 to 2.4.6 fixed the issue; everything is working splendidly! Thanks TK.
  4. I attempted this little MIDI Thru tweak. Got the new sammichSID .hex file compiled alright and uploaded the new firmware to my sammich without apparent problem. The sammich works fine and passes MIDI as I had hoped. There is one thing I wanted to check. After installing the new firmware, MIOS Studio gives the following error message: I'm guessing it's because when MIOS Studio sends out a query, it doesn't expect to receive that query back (seeing as how it's actually hooked up to a MIDI Thru). If so, I suspect the error message is the expected behavior here, no? If so, is it going to cause me problems if I ever try to upload another .hex file; could I simply unplug the MIDI Thru cable?
  5. ^the sammichSID takes a 12v power supply no matter what chip is in it, and there's no need to change voltage regulators. Everything is changed on the inside with jumpers: either the 6581s take power directly from the supply, or the 8580s take it from the regulator. Other than that. It's just a matter of switching the capacitors for the filter.
  6. Well, you can't control the amplitude except with the buggy SID ADSR as far as I know. The idea is just that you'd use the filter and the software envelopes in lieu of any kind of amplitude envelope.
  7. It'll be really tough to fit the modular boards into a sammich-sized case, but I'm sure you could get something pretty tiny if you don't mind doing the work for a custom case. The build guide on the wiki is pretty straightforward. The advantage to doing a modular is that you can always expand the number of SID chips or fill out the control surface as needed.
  8. Not sure if you're aware, but there's a "Gate Stays Open" toggle somewhere in the menus. Basically it means that once you start playing, the VCA gate never closes, which lets you use an EG assigned to the filter for your envelopes. Most elegant way I've found to get around the Adsr bug.
  9. Unfortunately, the sammichSID was a limited-run kit. All the sammichSIDs that were made have been sold and as far as I know, there are no plans to produce any more (although you never know)... If you already have your SID chips and want to build a synthesizer, you're probably going to have to go the modular route. It's a little daunting, but not impossible.
  10. IIRC, there's also an acceleration curve that has caused some users to think their encoder was busted.
  11. Any updates on this? If we knew for sure that a final batch was happening, we could help put out some feelers into the deep dark reaches of the internet, get more people queued up.
  12. Just thought I'd update this thread in case anyone else has these readings and is confused about them. Continued the build without issue, everything worked out fine!
  13. Awesome! I was really concerned at first, but the more I read and the more I learned here, the more things sounded normal. I'll get started on step 5 tonight, just as soon as I finish a visual inspection of the board like you said.
  14. I'll post some of the actual values when I get home after work today, but they never settled enough to get a single reading. Basically, the resistance value would start out negative, rise toward zero steadily, and continue well into the positive numbers until it passed the maximum number for whatever mode the multimeter was in. I do remember that the 200ohm mode (smallest possible setting on my meter) was too small to be much use; it'd pass zero and go past 200ohns within a couple seconds. With the multimeter in continuity mode, it would beep through all the negatives, right up to just past zero, then stop. I believe this is the expected behavior, yes? Like I said, I'll post actual values when I get home. I also took some pictures of the circuit boards and the areas in question, but they don't want to upload from my phone, so I'll have to post those when I get home as well.
  15. The resistance seems to be continuously increasing. I took a look at the circuit diagram and it looks like the non-ground pin on the voltage regulator is connected to a big capacitor. If I understand you correctly, that means the continuity and resistance readings I'm getting are correct, right? I'm not 100% confident in my soldering skills, but I'm even less confident in my electronics knowledge. I spent some time soldering a few years back, but it was all circuit-bending, so troubleshooting wasn't really part of the M.O. I just want to make sure everything's ok before I move further on this project. :)
  16. I was just finishing up step 4 in the sammichSID assembly instructions and I'm running into a problem I want to fix before I get any further. On step 4.19, I am to check for shorts between all the voltage regulator pads. Everything seems to check out except the middle pin of my 7809 (should be ground) and the pin closest to the edge of the PCB. For some reason this connection is giving intermittent beeps when I test for continuity with my multimeter. I can't seem to reproduce it consistently, and 95% of the time it's fine, but that little beep every once in awhile has me worried enough to pause. My soldering skills are beginner, but there's no visible mistake I can see. No obvious shorts, the joints look OK.... Could I have fried a component somehow?....would that even cause a short? Checking some surrounding joints, I'm actually getting the same issue with the next nearest joint as well, one of the leads of C9. Ivette Reid redoing each of these joints with no change.... I'm afraid of doing more harm than good at this point; frying something trying to fix a joint that might not even be bad. Any ideas?
  17. jaytee


    What's the status here? Both this thread and the wiki page seem to drop off suddenly. It doesn't sound like there was ever a batch #4? Will there ever be? Are all the kits gone?
  18. Did you figure out what was wrong with the SID?
  19. Located in USA, willing to deal worldwide. Ideally, you want to trade your SID synth for something I already have. I don't have a lot of spare cash, but I got plenty of gear I'm not using much. That said, if we can come to an agreement on price/shipping and you don't mind waiting a short while, I will throw something on eBay to fund a sale. I have for trade: - Arturia Minibrute - KMI QuNeo - Monotron and Monotron Delay - Casio SK-1, SK-8, SK-60 Not interested in selling any of those (except the QuNeo), trades only. I'm looking for basically any kind of SID synth. Unassembled kits are fine.
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