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Posts posted by Phatline

  1. 1 hour ago, chriss said:

    Has anyone a working mb909 firmware (the one from jef) for the lpc17 Core. I found the directory on Github but i am Not able to compile. ( If its compilable anyway!).
    There must be a hex file on someone’s harddrive out there. 
    thanks Chris’s 

    send me the source-files (or give me a link), and i compile it... (but dont ask me about the firmware, didnot used it, nor i was involved in it...)

  2. Question:

    at the end, what is the performance of this RGB-Ledrings - in sence of RAM, CPU, and so on...

    I imagine a simple midi-controller app, will do fine, BUT:

    i am asking, since most my applications are on the limits on the Microcontroller (mostly ram, sometimes CPU, > sequencers, synths), is this done by CCRAM now, is it the same perfomance like using H595 Registers and some single Color LEDs, some kind of background task? or is this heavy load, and i should forget the last 3 Pages i read...? If i have already  a APP that uses 90% or more RAM (for example) will force that to NOT boot anymore?  (i have read the last 3 pages)

    thx for sharing your experiance

  3. Just now, Antichambre said:

    Except that I pretty sure you can remove some of the schmitt inverter buffers, you can do this. ;)
    If the target MIDI devices have different MIDI channels they will receive separated Voices messages.
    If the target MIDI devices are some midibox cores then just change their ID, as they can receive different SYSEX too.

    Ah... i thought they have to be inverted back, thinking of the signal is 180° "inverted" and has to be "inverted again"...

    (yes Midibox cores...) Good to know that the ID will manage the Sysex "Channel"!

  4. i need to handle up to 16 (MIOS32) Devices, The OUT >>> Thrubox is the simple thing (i think), is that Shematic correct? (ignore the boxes on the rightside, these are Shroudet Pinheaders to cable my devices with Ribboncables...since that is cheaper then the DIN-Thing)


    I know there will be a M16-Module, but i think for my task it is a bit overkill (maybe on price...)


    but what is when i have 16 MIDI-IN to handle, merge isnt possible or?, or is it possible to adress 16 MidiinPorts on a STM32F4?

    else it will be M16 in the end....


    background: I need to copy/route Patches (arreys of Data) from one Device to the other. (a recordet Envelope, Size off [4][4096]), dont really know at the moment how to achive that (Sysex?)

    there is one Remote Device, and 16 Slaves.... - so the data should be sent from one Slave to the Remote Device, and from the Remote Device there it will be sent to one of the other Slaves.... (they share the same PSU)






  5. i renamed the title...treat thread :whistling:


    English: mounting-block/cube , cube standoff

    German:  Gewindeblock  or  Montageblock  or better  Leiterplatten-Montageblock (because Montageblock is used for Water-Installation-"Montageblocks" too)

    buerklin (29,75 € incl VAT, excl Shipping)

    ettinger (52,44 € incl VAT, excl Shipping)


    a bit strange that Reichelt/Mouser doesnt have it, they all have such Nylon Variants: https://www.reichelt.com/de/en/mounting-block-m3-16-mm-natural-rnd-610-00209-p254065.html?r=1

  6. ok then i  take J16 RC2 (PA4) and J16 RC1 (PC4)

    which are used for SD-Card - which i dont need here. so i gues MIOS32_DONT_USE_SDCARD ?


    @ Type DEF - is this done like on J10 for example:


    MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinSet (0, 1);

    for me Clear how to make it with J5 and J10







  7. currently working on a eurorack version - with DIPCORE as a brain...  will be modular in a midibox of way ;)



    plan is to use for every filter, or amp or efx or mixer.... to use one off this "motherboards", to do basic stuff like "lfo, env1 env2, motionsequencer, cv mixing" - and then for every filter or whatever to make a decided "beside panel" ( cv-matrix, or simple encoders with displays to show and save the values --- memory modular...)



  8. ich hab noch 2 stück ssm2044 filterchips, hier würd die Platine gerne nehmen.

    ja eine lade mit der Aufschrift "Platinen wartend" "Platinen Teil fehlt" hab ich auch... und da liegen auch noch Platinen von 2008 drinnen... dieses Jahr hab ich aber viel aufgeholt.


    on the LPC core, i should get a DAC-Output on Pin: (at least the shematic says that)

    J5A A3


    on App - init i put:

      aout_config_t config;
      config = AOUT_ConfigGet();
      config.if_type = AOUT_IF_INTDAC;
      config.if_option = 0;
      config.num_channels = 1; // INTDAC: only 2 channels supported, 8 channels pre-configured for your own comfort
      config.chn_inverted = 0;

    (there is only one Internal Dac on LPC?)

    and in the programm itself (app-tic)

    i update the CV voltage like this:

    	AOUT_PinSet(0, CV_OUT);

    while CV_OUT is a value from 0-65535.... (?)

    (or what Bitrate has the Internal DAC?)


    or is there also a Pin-Crossing like on the STM-Core (SD-Card)?


    for the moment it doesnt work... maybe i miss something - but with the things i wrote above - i get a Aout-NG working in the past...



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