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Posts posted by Phatline

  1. i am on work the last years, on my own midibox CV- project... since i am a one man show, and there are a lot of projects running in paralell - and money is aviable only all "holy times"... it is not finished, and will not be in near future, but it will be in far future,  since it is a  core  thing in my setup. (since i am on the way to modular...)




    it has not much to do with a NG, or MB-CV2... but it is a CV-Envelope Generator, Recorder and Looper, LFO, and Mixer, and the future goel is to have one UI that remotes a lot of Core-Modules which are connected to independend Midibox-AOUT-Modules,   so you could use One to build up a complete midified (so you can save and load presets) Analog-Synthesizer - a drumsynth for example, and multiply that by for example by 8 so you have a 8part Drumsynth with one UI - so you save space in your eurorack...


    how ever not finished - if interestd follow this topic:


  2. @RIO linker? this is not a software swich/link... its a hardwareswitch, and if he had that switch in the firstcase, he might have solved the problem already.

    Since he was talking about a new SD-Card, and of corrupted Files, i thought there is maybe no hardware-config file (or 0kb file) on the new card. --- later on he posted a picture of the SD-Cards filestructure... and yes i now see there is a 22kb File on it > so yes he dont need the Hardwarefile because there is one - congrats!

    wilba: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=wilba_mb_seq&s[]=wilba

  3. Just now, phillwilson said:

    im really sorry...im not sure what this means.... i assumed this was a link, but where is this  /midibox_seq_v4_096/hwcfg/wilba/MBSEQ_HW.V4 ? on the card?on the site? sorry if im not understanding.


    you may also need to put the hardware config file on the root of your new sd-card:


    i guess its a wilba without track-position LED-Matrix?

    then this is the hdwg-file:


    (is in the zipped firmware)


    i already wrote where it is (read! and take it serios), it seems that you dont have a Wilba-Interface, looks like a standard DIY-Interface?



    i would first try to go into bootload mode via.:


    build this switch, set the switch  to bootload mode, reboot the core, then open mios studio, upload new SEQV4 code.


  4. Midi-Activity-LED-OUT-Rev-B.jpg.0dd8ebc8015906cafaec756be3da1f96.jpg

    I tryd this Variant for Midi-OUT Activity LEDs... as it works with NoteON-OFF Messages, it comes to its limits when transfairing high datarate - like midiclock. The steady Charge and discharge of C5, messes up the Datasignal, so it cant be used.

    Since i already used all Pins of 74HC14, i now need a second HC14, or some other Buffercircuit (for 2x Midi-OUT Activity LED) - any Ideas for that are welcome!

  5. yes they worked...




    and it looks very nice...




    i highly recommend latigid onś Display driver: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=display_driver

    i tryed the multiplexing via J10B with a DoutX4 but i had walking lines here and there, so i took the display driver and it just works!

    This is the pinout from the display driver J1-J8 to connect 4 screens aka 2 PCBs to it.




    i made a video (build) - but i want to write some code first, so i have unit which i can work with it (to have a video jam for it...)


    so you can order at least the PCBs - this take some time... in the meantime i change the frontpanel: i would remove the mounting holes for the LRE8x2 first...

  6. u use custom code? or ng script? I dont have any knowledge of NG-Script nor offical apps...  i program my own based on MIOS.


    in my memory.... to get 8 additional only this is needet: (used in my filterbox - in my app.c in the init routine on startup....)

        // Set GPIO @ J10A
        for (x=0; x<16; ++x) {  // Turn on all PINS --- activate Bypass Relais ssm2044
        MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinInit(x, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_PP); MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinSet (x, 1); } 
        // LCD
        xLCDSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();	    // create Mutex for LCD access
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(0);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(1);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(2);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(3);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(4);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(5);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(6);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(7);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(8);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(9);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(10);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(11);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(12);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(13);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(14);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
        MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(15);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);




    example triggermatrix has 9 SSD1306 Displays so i needet one more the J15 can deliever the "Menue-LCD" ... my solution was to adapt the app_lcd.c (and .h) and includet it locally (in my project folder and changed the build path for it...)

    Since i did not know what was going on, i reduce the code as much i can (deletet all not "universal" LCD code, all Rotated-Display - and non SSD1306 variants) - so i had the change to understand the "need to know"   -   i cant remember why i did it that way...dont ask - but maybe it helps

    //	LCD driver for 9x SSD1306
    // 		MIOS32_LCD environment variable set   to    "universal"
    //		reduced by Michael Sigl
    #include <mios32.h>
    #include <glcd_font.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "app_lcd.h"
    static unsigned long long display_available = 0;
    static u8 prev_glcd_selection = 0xfe; // the previous mios32_lcd_device, 0xff: all CS were activated, 0xfe: will force the update
    // pin initialisation >> Additonal CS-Line for the One MENUE-LCD
    inline static s32 APP_LCD_ExtPort_Init(void) {
    	return 0;
    // Initializes the CS pins for GLCDs with serial port
    // - 8 CS lines are available at J15
    // - additional lines are available J10
    static s32 APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Init(void)	{
    	int num_lcds = mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x * mios32_lcd_parameters.num_y;
    	display_available |= (1 << num_lcds)-1;
      return 0; // no error
    // Sets the CS line of a serial GLCDs depending on mios32_lcd_device
    // if "all" flag is set, commands are sent to all segments
    static s32 APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(u8 value, u8 all)	{
        // Note: assume that CS lines are low-active!
        if( all ) {
    			      if( prev_glcd_selection != 0xff ) {
    														prev_glcd_selection = 0xff;
    														MIOS32_BOARD_J15_DataSet(value ? 0x00 : 0xff);
    														MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinSet(8, value ? 0 : 1);
        } else {
          if( prev_glcd_selection != mios32_lcd_device ) {
    	prev_glcd_selection = mios32_lcd_device;
    	u32 mask = value ? ~(1 << mios32_lcd_device) : 0xffffffff;
    	MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinSet(8,  (mask >> (8)) & 1);
      return 0; // no error
    // Initializes application specific LCD driver
    s32 APP_LCD_Init(u32 mode)	{
    		if( mios32_lcd_device >= 9 )	{ return -2; } // unsupported LCD device number
    		// enable display by default
    		display_available |= (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device);
    		// the OLED works at 3.3V, level shifting (and open drain mode) not required
    		if( MIOS32_BOARD_J15_PortInit(0) < 0 )	{ return -2; } // failed to initialize J15
    		display_available |= 0xff;
    		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Init(); // will also enhance display_available depending on total number of LCDs
    		// wait 500 mS to ensure that the reset is released
    		int i;
    		for(i=0; i<500; ++i)
    		// initialize LCDs
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa8); // Set MUX Ratio
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd3); // Set Display Offset
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x40); // Set Display Start Line
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa1); // Set Segment re-map: rotated
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xc8); // Set COM Output Scan Direction: rotated
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xda); // Set COM Pins hardware configuration
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x81); // Set Contrast Control
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x7f); // middle
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa4); // Disable Entiere Display On
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa6); // Set Normal Display
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd5); // Set OSC Frequency
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x8d); // Enable charge pump regulator
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xaf); // Display On
    		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x20); // Enable Page mode
      return (display_available & (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device)) ? 0 : -1; // return -1 if display not available
    // Sends data byte to LCD
    // IN: data byte in <data>
    // OUT: returns < 0 if display not available or timed out
    s32 APP_LCD_Data(u8 data) {
    		// check if if display already has been disabled
    		if( !(display_available & (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device)) )	{ return -1; }
    		// chip select and DC
    		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 0);
    		MIOS32_BOARD_J15_RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC
    		// send data
    		// increment graphical cursor
    		// if end of display segment reached: set X position of all segments to 0
    		if( (mios32_lcd_x % mios32_lcd_parameters.width) == 0 ) {	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00); // set X=0
    																	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10);	}
    		return 0; // no error
    // Sends command byte to LCD
    // IN: command byte in <cmd>
    s32 APP_LCD_Cmd(u8 cmd)	{
    		// check if if display already has been disabled
    		if( !(display_available & (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device)) )	{ return -1; }
    		// select all LCDs
    		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 1);
    		MIOS32_BOARD_J15_RS_Set(0); // RS pin used to control DC
    		return 0;
    // Clear Screen
    // IN: -
    // OUT: returns < 0 on errors
    s32 APP_LCD_Clear(void)	{
        s32 error = 0;
        u8 x, y;
        // use default font
        MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);
        // send data
        for(y=0; y<mios32_lcd_parameters.height/8; ++y) {
          error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, y);
          // select all LCDs
          APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 1);
    	MIOS32_BOARD_J15_RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC
    	for(x=0; x<mios32_lcd_parameters.width; ++x)
        // set X=0, Y=0
        error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);
        return error;
    // Sets cursor to given position
    s32 APP_LCD_CursorSet(u16 column, u16 line)	{	return APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);	}
    // Sets graphical cursor to given position
    s32 APP_LCD_GCursorSet(u16 x, u16 y)	{
        s32 error = 0;
        // set X position
        error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00 | (x & 0xf));
        error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10 | ((x>>4) & 0xf));
        // set Y position
        error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0xb0 | ((y>>3) & 7));
        return error;
    // Initializes a single special character  // only for Character-LCDs
    s32 APP_LCD_SpecialCharInit(u8 num, u8 table[8])	{	return -3; }// not supported
    // Sets the background colour
    // Only relevant for colour GLCDs
    s32 APP_LCD_BColourSet(u32 rgb) { return -3; }  // not supported
    // Sets the foreground colour
    // Only relevant for colour GLCDs
    s32 APP_LCD_FColourSet(u32 rgb)	{ return -3; } // not supported
    // Sets a pixel in the bitmap
    // IN: bitmap, x/y position and colour value (value range depends on APP_LCD_COLOUR_DEPTH)
    s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPixelSet(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap, u16 x, u16 y, u32 colour)	{
      if( x >= bitmap.width || y >= bitmap.height )
        return -1; // pixel is outside bitmap
      // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
      u8 *pixel = (u8 *)&bitmap.memory[bitmap.line_offset*(y / 8) + x];
      u8 mask = 1 << (y % 8);
      *pixel &= ~mask;
      if( colour )
        *pixel |= mask;
      return -3; // not supported
    // Transfers a Bitmap within given boundaries to the LCD
    // IN: bitmap
    s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPrint(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap) {
      // abort if max. width reached
      if( mios32_lcd_x >= mios32_lcd_parameters.width )	{ return -2; }
      // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
      int line;
      int y_lines = (bitmap.height >> 3);
      u16 initial_x = mios32_lcd_x;
      u16 initial_y = mios32_lcd_y;
      for(line=0; line<y_lines; ++line) {
        // calculate pointer to bitmap line
        u8 *memory_ptr = bitmap.memory + line * bitmap.line_offset;
        // set graphical cursor after second line has reached
        if( line > 0 ) {
          mios32_lcd_x = initial_x;
          mios32_lcd_y += 8;
          APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);
        // transfer character
        int x;
        for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x)
      // fix graphical cursor if more than one line has been print
      if( y_lines >= 1 ) {
        mios32_lcd_y = initial_y;
        APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);
      return 0; // no error


    another example where i had to define CS pins, because i used Dipcore - with limitaded IO:

     * fixed Hardcoded for 4x >>> SSD1306! > CV1 Project > DIPCORE F4!
     * ==========================================================================
     * Changed Version - Michael Sigl
     * ==========================================================================
    #include <mios32.h>
    #include "glcd_font.h"
    #include <string.h>
    #include "app_lcd.h"
    // pin mapping
    #define SCLK_PORT      	GPIOD
    #define SCLK_PIN       	GPIO_Pin_6
    #define SER_PORT       	GPIOD        // used as DC (data/command select) for serial interfaces
    #define SER_PIN        	GPIO_Pin_2
    #define E1_PORT        	GPIOC        // used to control SCLK of serial interfaces
    #define E1_PIN         	GPIO_Pin_1
    #define E2_PORT        	GPIOC
    #define E2_PIN         	GPIO_Pin_9
    #define RW_PORT        	GPIOC        // used to control data output of serial interfaces
    #define RW_PIN         	GPIO_Pin_12
    #define CS1_PORT		GPIOB        // used to control SCLK of serial interfaces
    #define CS1_PIN         GPIO_Pin_12
    #define CS2_PORT        GPIOC
    #define CS2_PIN         GPIO_Pin_0
    #define CS3_PORT        GPIOC		// LED 0 - Extra CS-Line on Dipcore
    #define CS3_PIN         GPIO_Pin_6
    #define CS4_PORT        GPIOC		// LED 1 - Extra CS-Line on Dipcore
    #define CS4_PIN         GPIO_Pin_7
    // you could define here more CS PINS! but be sure to deactivate  the  "Orginal" function of it...
    // following macros simplify the access to the pins
    #define PIN_E1(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(E1_PORT, E1_PIN, b)
    #define PIN_RW(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(RW_PORT, RW_PIN, b)
    #define PIN_CS1(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS1_PORT, CS1_PIN, b)
    #define PIN_CS2(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS2_PORT, CS2_PIN, b)
    #define PIN_CS3(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS3_PORT, CS3_PIN, b)
    #define PIN_CS4(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS4_PORT, CS4_PIN, b)
    // you could define here more CS PINS! but be sure to deactivate  the  "Orginal" function of it...
    /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    //	PINS for Additonl LCD 4 & 5 DIPCORE   if needet
    //	MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13, data & 1); // J10B.D8 = ser
    //	MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET_0(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14); // J10B.D9 = 0 (Clk)
    // Initializes the Ports/Pins (aka J15)  (which was once J15 in MIOS32_BOARD.c  but now integrated in this Program directly)
    s32 PortInit(u32 mode) {
    		// configure push-pull pins
    		GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode  = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; // 25 is weak driver to reduce transients
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS1_PIN;
    		GPIO_Init(CS1_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS2_PIN;
    		GPIO_Init(CS2_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS3_PIN;	// Extra CS-Lines
    		GPIO_Init(CS3_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS4_PIN;	// Extra CS-Lines
    		GPIO_Init(CS4_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = SER_PIN;
    		GPIO_Init(SER_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = E1_PIN;
    		GPIO_Init(E1_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = RW_PIN;
    		GPIO_Init(RW_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    		// Activate all CS Lines
    		PIN_CS1(0);	// J15 CS1 Line
    		PIN_CS2(0);	// J15 CS2 Line
    		PIN_CS3(0);	// CS-Extra Line
    		PIN_CS4(0);	// CS-Extra Line
    		return 0; // no error
    // 	shift an 8bit data value to LCDs with serial interface
    //! (SCLK connected to J15A:E, Data line connected to J15A:RW)
    //! \param[in] data the 8bit value
    s32 SerDataShift(u8 data) {
    		  int i;
    		  for(i=0; i<8; ++i, data <<= 1) {  PIN_SERLCD_DATAOUT(data & 0x80);
      return 0; // no error
    // to set the RS pin
    // \param[in] rs state of the RS pin
    s32 RS_Set(u8 rs) {	PIN_SER(rs);	return 0; }
    // Select a LCD  /  Select CS LINE
    static s32 APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(u8 value, u8 all){
    	// Activate ALL Screens @ once
    	if( all ) {	PIN_CS1(0);
    				PIN_CS4(0);	}
      else {	switch (mios32_lcd_device) {	case 0: PIN_CS1(0);			// the active Screen
    													PIN_CS2(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS3(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS4(1); break;	// deactivate
    											case 1: PIN_CS1(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS2(0);			// the active Screen
    													PIN_CS3(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS4(1); break;	// deactivate
    											case 2: PIN_CS1(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS2(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS3(0);			// the active Screen
    													PIN_CS4(1); break;	// deactivate
    											case 3: PIN_CS1(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS2(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS3(1);			// deactivate
    													PIN_CS4(0); break;	// the active Screen
      return 0; // no error
    // Initializes LCD driver
    s32 APP_LCD_Init(u32 mode)	{
    	        PortInit(0); // Init the Ports & Pins (aka J15 + extra CS-Pins)
    	        // wait 500 mS to ensure that the reset is released
    	          int i;
    	          for(i=0; i<500; ++i)
    	            MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS(1000);		}
    	        // initialize LCDs
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa8); // Set MUX Ratio
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd3); // Set Display Offset
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x40); // Set Display Start Line
    			APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa1);	// Set Segment re-map: rotated
    			APP_LCD_Cmd(0xc8); 	// Set COM Output Scan Direction: rotated
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xda); // Set COM Pins hardware configuration
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x81); // Set Contrast Control
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x7f); // middle
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa4); // Disable Entiere Display On
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa6); // Set Normal Display
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd5); // Set OSC Frequency
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x8d); // Enable charge pump regulator
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xaf); // Display On
    	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x20); // Enable Page mode
    	return 0;
    // Sends data byte to LCD
    // IN: data byte in <data>
    s32 APP_LCD_Data(u8 data){
    	APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 0);
    	// RS pin used to control DC
    	RS_Set(1);  //1: Data at D7 is treated as DISPLAY data,
    				//   written to Graphic Display Ram (GDDRAM)
    				//0: Data at D7:0 is transfaired to the command register - treated as command
    	// send data
    	// increment graphical cursor
    	// if end of display segment reached: set X position of all segments to 0
    	if( mios32_lcd_x  >= 128 ) {	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00); // set X=0
    									APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10);	}
    	return 0; // no error
    // Sends data byte to LCD  --- Specially for Solid Oscilloscope Waves
    // IN: data byte in <data>
    s32 APP_LCD_SCOPE(u8 h, u8 v, u8 pix){ // h=x, v=y, pix is 0 or 1 to activate a single pixel
    	APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 0);
    	//mios32_lcd_x = h;
    	//mios32_lcd_y = v;
    	// RS pin used to control DC
    	// send data
    	// increment graphical cursor
    	// ++mios32_lcd_x;
    	// if end of display segment reached: set X position of all segments to 0
    	//if( (mios32_lcd_x % mios32_lcd_parameters.width) == 0 ) {	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00); // set X=0
    																//APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10);	}
    	return 0; // no error
    // Sends command byte to LCD
    // IN: command byte in <cmd>
    // OUT: returns < 0 if display not available or timed out
    s32 APP_LCD_Cmd(u8 cmd){
    		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 1);	// select all LCDs
    		RS_Set(0); 			// RS pin used to control DC
    		return 0;
    // Clear Screen
    s32 APP_LCD_Clear() {
    		s32 error = 0;
    		u8 x, y;
    		// use default font
    		MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);
    		// select all LCDs
    		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 1);
    		// send data
    		for(y=0; y<mios32_lcd_parameters.height/8; ++y) {	error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, y);
    												        RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC
    												        for(x=0; x<mios32_lcd_parameters.width; ++x)
    		// set X=0, Y=0
    		error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);
    		return 0;
    // Clear Screen --- Special Variant which clear only the current selected Screen
    s32 LCD_Clear(void) {
    		s32 error = 0;
    		u8 x, y;
    		// Select the actually  Selected   LCD   ONLY!
    		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 0);
    		// send data
    		for(y=0; y<mios32_lcd_parameters.height/8; ++y) {	error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, y);
    												        RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC
    												        for(x=0; x<mios32_lcd_parameters.width; ++x)
    		// set X=0, Y=0
    		error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);
    		return 0;
    // Sets cursor to given position
    // IN: <column> and <line>
    s32 APP_LCD_CursorSet(u16 column, u16 line)  {
    	// mios32_lcd_x/y set by MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet() function
    	return APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);
    // Sets graphical cursor to given position
    // IN: <x> and <y>
    // OUT: returns < 0 on errors
    s32 APP_LCD_GCursorSet(u16 x, u16 y){
          s32 error = 0;
          // set X position
          error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00 | (x & 0xf));
          error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10 | ((x>>4) & 0xf));
          // set Y position
          error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0xb0 | ((y>>3) & 7));
          return error;
    // Initializes a single special character
    // IN: character number (0-7) in <num>, pattern in <table[8]>
    // OUT: returns < 0 on errors
    s32 APP_LCD_SpecialCharInit(u8 num, u8 table[8]) {
        s32 i;
        // send character number
        APP_LCD_Cmd(((num&7)<<3) | 0x40);
        // send 8 data bytes
        for(i=0; i<8; ++i)	if( APP_LCD_Data(table[i]) < 0 )	return -1; // error during sending character
        // set cursor to original position
        return APP_LCD_CursorSet(mios32_lcd_column, mios32_lcd_line);
    // Sets the background colour
    // Only relevant for colour GLCDs
    s32 APP_LCD_BColourSet(u32 rgb) {	return -3; }// not supported
    // Sets the foreground colour
    // Only relevant for colour GLCDs
    s32 APP_LCD_FColourSet(u32 rgb) { return -3;  }// not supported
    // Sets a pixel in the bitmap
    // IN: bitmap, x/y position and colour value (value range depends on APP_LCD_COLOUR_DEPTH)
    // OUT: returns < 0 on errors
    s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPixelSet(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap, u16 x, u16 y, u32 colour) {
      if( x >= bitmap.width || y >= bitmap.height ) return -1; // pixel is outside bitmap
      // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
      u8 *pixel = (u8 *)&bitmap.memory[bitmap.line_offset*(y / 8) + x];
      u8 mask = 1 << (y % 8);
      *pixel &= ~mask;
      if( colour )
        *pixel |= mask;
      return -3; // not supported
    // Transfers a Bitmap within given boundaries to the LCD
    // IN: bitmap
    // OUT: returns < 0 on errors
    s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPrint(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap){
      // abort if max. width reached
      if( mios32_lcd_x >= mios32_lcd_parameters.width ) return -2;
      // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
      int line;
      int y_lines = (bitmap.height >> 3);
      u16 initial_x = mios32_lcd_x;
      u16 initial_y = mios32_lcd_y;
      for(line=0; line<y_lines; ++line) {	// calculate pointer to bitmap line
    									    u8 *memory_ptr = bitmap.memory + line * bitmap.line_offset;
    									    // set graphical cursor after second line has reached
    									    if( line > 0 ) {	mios32_lcd_x = initial_x;
    															mios32_lcd_y += 8;
    															APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);
    									    // transfer character
    									    int x;
    									    for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x)	APP_LCD_Data(*memory_ptr++);
      // fix graphical cursor if more than one line has been print
      if( y_lines >= 1 ) {	mios32_lcd_y = initial_y;
    						APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y); }
      return 0; // no error


  7. ok kenn mich aus... das panel wird erst entworfen

    natürlich möglich ist so wie ich das sehe ist das einfach ein http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_midi_io.html

    nur halt 2 auf einer platine


    die line driver von midiphy kannst auch verwenden (obwohl ich einen da hätte den ich nicht mehr brauche - weil ich zwei habe)


    vom  midiphy core her weis i ned-  müsste pin compatibel zum Discovery Board sein. - aber das orginal könntest auch von mir haben.  http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32f4.html

    da wäre halt sd slot und usb gleich auf einem board... musst selber nachmessen was von der größe her eher in dein Wunschgehäuse und Anschluss Panel passt.


    @ gate: direkt aus dem gehäuse... ja entweder via Linedriver für extern - oder via DINX4 intern http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_din.html

    oder du baust dir  https://www.midiphy.com/en/shop-details/121/50/seq-v4-eurorack-modules-essential-kit-midiphy-seq-v4-eurorack-modular-midi-cv-interface

    direkt ins gehäuse.


    für CV eben auch das midiphy module, oder halt. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/aout_ng   und dann verkabeln zu buchsen ihrgendwo im gehäuse

    (da hät ich was daheim falls die auflösung für dich reicht)

    in beiden fällen brauchst halt dann im sequencer die +-12V um das CV von 3V raufzuskalieren zu verwendbaren werten...

  8. nope that is a plastic case made by ponoko... so why you dont post the panel - else i am out!

    why you want to use the midiphy core? use the orginal core? I ask because i have booth at home the lpc17 core (need different packbanel) the stm32F4 core '(need different backpanel)... the orginal stm32F4 core use the same microcontroller on a different developement board - like the waveshare from midiphy... ... i too have the linedriver pcb... i have a whole midibox labor with assembled modules at home - but if you wont show the backpanel - i cant help you anyway...

  9. @monokinetic I have ordered 5 Boards. 4 I need. 1 then left (1 board is for one LRE8x2) --- if you need more - or you are not in the EU, you know where to find the gerbers ;) and where to get the real cheap, but i suggest to wait untill i testet them.


    still waiting for the PCBs (10-12 to ship...) - so 2 weeks or so there will be an update - if everything is right...

    but i got the Acrylic Frontplate, and it fits for the LRE8x2... but the mounting holes for it are not necessery - because the Encoders hold the PCB :shock:

    so the End version of the plate will not have this Holes.


    the Alps (SIDstyle) Buttons hold nice, and the travel for the inbuilt encoder-buttons are working - so there is no need to remove the Encoders "Noses"

    I have made a huge eurorack, so no space problems there... and of course the Panel fits (i let some Air for production)


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