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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. i e.g. use a electribe rythm as master, and ableton live 9 as slave... where ableton sending midiloops to my hardwaresynths and do the audio mixing from this synths (live daw). for me it works great, because i use a RME-MultifaceII that is connectet via PCIe to the motherboard...i use the RME-Midiport instead of USB... the good drivers make also a part... then massive optimized windows 7 settings, and then the know how to setup the latency kompensation from ableton, and the use of "external-instrument" instead of "monitor-in"... for your synths.
  2. FInally the used Accent(Velocity) circuit.
  3. Phatline

    TR606 ACCENT

    From the album: TR-606-Midification

    it is nessesery to "tune" the accent stages....
  4. thx for the info, i finally have done it with a simple bc337 and a 680ohm resistor, finally unipolar ;-)
  5. From the album: TR-606-Midification

    a bc337 and a 680Ohm resistor do the job....
  6. thx...by the next order i have some MCP6002!..... whats about the unused Side of the TL72? in the 606 i dont need -15V in there... but i thought of a MS20 filter on the master times bevore ,...and then i would need it again.... but no 7915 @ home... arghlxwahh ...
  7. what type of rail to rail op amp - is common? (so i can easy buy it by going to conrad, or to the local radio shop?) i think it will end by building a bipolar supply, since it turned out that op amps are a own sience...
  8. http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_aout_lc.pdf >> This Circuit is made for a Bipolar-PowerSupply but how looks a unipolar powered Version? the comes out that a simple bc337 can do the job (idea from the core backlight shematic ;-) ) see this: one problem that i have to solve is the logaritmic... a linear scale with all the same 10k resistors in a network, dont sound very accourate... How to handle the unused side of the OP-AMP? Whats about the Offset-section? > No -15V there... so clamp to ground? Is there something else to change. how to make a logaritmic variant? i have built the circuit above on vectorboard, and it act a bit strange when switching between DOUT-Pin 0 and 1 -pin 0 make louder sound then 1 >>> Pin 2-7 acting normal (Volume gets higher) 0>1 (wrong) 1<2 (right) 2<3 (right) 3<4 (right) 4<5 (right) ...
  9. From the album: TR-606-Midification

    draft for a 606 accent CV - and 8xTrigger
  10. does anybody know more about this, the forum search give me absulutly nothing about this.... he built all of this without asking a single question to his quest... well then he is a master.... or maybe the forum lost data (alexandria...) why i ask. yes my 606 is dead, precisely my midi-retrofit is broken... but like most all other 606 links also my retrofit supllyers website from when vienna is dead. (Called MIDI606), it was fully velocity sensitive. where the individual trigger should come i know... where to connect the accent also... also i know that the individual triggers are 1ms pulse time.... since the accent is also a sequencer track on the same type of output i guess it is also 1ms time... but i must guess, because the orginal CPU of the device is not into the machine anymore.... i cant measure. ---I also think i found the accent-amount- the retrofit removes the bridge left to D8 and wire it to some pins to the retrofit-PIC (i think it was a pic... the data is filed away....) may he used some onboard DAC (on a 40pin PIC?) anyway, off but also ON-Topic >>>i hate that >>> of course of MONEY and PROFIT THINKING - and so on, information gots lost, or never get free.... 80% of them retrofits where for money, and now nolonger exist - so nobody makes money with it, but in the other side - the information how they done that devices is not here > LOST... this was a good example for that. a other one: i had a website with 100th of mine free songs online (all of mine, and a few other artists)... but i have to pay for that server year for year for year., then they said i had no payed, (i dont get no warning or so) and the ereased all of it, and then the want MONEY FROM ME.... they dont get them shit anyway.. since 2 years my website no longer exist...a example for information got lost. UPDATE: multiplicate the triggertime by velocity value change the sound and the loudness a bit, or more then a bit: // a midi note comes in and trigger the following events...: TrgTmp[0]=1; //Trig-State - flag... TrigDecayValue[0] = velocity*10; //calculate Trigger-Time via Velocity > 1000us = 1ms MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(40, 1); //Trigger-Velocity-Pin-Out //The real accent layer "common" -0-15V TrgTmp[8]=1; //initalize Accent-Trigger-Layer TrigDecayValue[8] = velocity*20; if(TrigDecayValue[8] < 1000) {TrigDecayValue[8]=1000;} //1000us = 1ms if (AccentStage == 0) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(32, 1);} if (AccentStage == 1) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(33, 1);} if (AccentStage == 2) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(34, 1);} if (AccentStage == 3) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(35, 1);} if (AccentStage == 4) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(36, 1);} if (AccentStage == 5) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(37, 1);} if (AccentStage == 6) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(38, 1);} if (AccentStage == 7) {MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(39, 1);}} //now the decay counter ---DOUT-hi-state-time static void TASK_Trigger_Decay(void *pVParameters){//Trigger > Note OFF portTickType xLastExecutionTime; xLastExecutionTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); // Initialise the xLastExecutionTime variable on task entry while( 1 ) { if (TrgTmp[8]==1) { //is the Trigger state HI (ON)? 8 = ACCENT LAYER TrigDecayCount[8]++; if(TrigDecayCount[8] >= TrigDecayValue[8]){TrigDecayCount[8] = 0; //Reset Counter TrgTmp[8] = 0; //Reset the Trigger State > avoid endless loops MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(32, 0),MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(33, 0),MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(34, 0), MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(35, 0),MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(36, 0),MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(37, 0), MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(38, 0),MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(39, 0);} } //Decay-Time > TrigTmp-State > DOUT-State if (TrgTmp[0]==1) { //is the Trigger state HI (ON)? TrigDecayCount[0]++; if(TrigDecayCount[0] >= TrigDecayValue[0]){TrigDecayCount[0] = 0; //Reset Counter TrgTmp[0] = 0; //Reset the Trigger State > avoid endless loops MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(40, 0);//OUT Trigger > LO MIOS32_DOUT_PinSet(48, 0);}} //OUT Trigger Indicator > LO}}
  11. great idea... that would make a lot of easier....maybe not on the programming side... i think as soon you learn how to read that colours it works great. as expirience the alps caps are a bit big... so the saved space between the encs is away, but have no alternative in moment.
  12. Name PCB BLM PCB miniCore Case Shift button M2 hardware 4xLED availability 9 9 - 12 9 20 latigid on 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rowan 1 1 1 1 1 1 Phatline 2 2 1 1 1 1 Total 4 4 3 3 3 3 Great work!
  13. hallo thorsten - thx for looking in where did you identify my gcc version? Anyway i did it, downloaded the toolchain copied the files, proved the envirnoment variables... > exactly the same warnings. bevore i used the lpc17.... i only changed now to STM32F4 for a other project... my environment variables now are, maybe copyied a false syntax for family processor and board, which was a result from a forum search...:
  14. 20°raining... clearing my electronic labor...
  15. by compiling this code: note2light-withoutDMX.zip i got errors see below...
  16. Phatline

    Notes2Light (DMX-RGBW-LED-Based)

    A Midi Note has a frequency, this frequency octaved to a visible spectrum is colour... the goal is to connect a RGBW-LED-DMX-Light via a DMX cable to the midibox Platform (Core32 LPC17). Software Side the octaving and the RGBW (4x 0-255) is handeld...
  17. Phatline

    005 Changing CORE

    From the album: Notes2Light (DMX-RGBW-LED-Based)

    swapping from LPC17 to STM32F4 dont bring DMX to live
  18. I use now STM32F4 ... but still compiling error the orginal DMX code was written for a STM32F1 (i think that was i read...) but that board i dont have @ home so i switched my setup to a CORE_STM32F4... in the hope that it would run on it... No it dont compile. how ever my test-code >>note2light-withDMX.zip << with the DMX-Parts activatet - which give me following compiling errors: -for controll this is my code without DMX-Code in it:>> note2light-withoutDMX.zip<< by the way when i try to compile examples/dmx - code i got following compiling errors:
  19. THANKZ @ TK and THANKZ @ Peter - you made my day - [note]2[hz] is up and running! ----so the first conversions from the first part of [sound]2[light] is done... and i learned a bit math - what a day. ---I updated the first postt and the code >>> SOLVED!
  20. hi, no - i setuped this linux pc 2015, the actual toolchain is 2013 I also opened Tutorial 1 and i made a simple operation: #include <mios32.h> #include "app.h" #include <math.h> float midi[127] = {}; //represent Midinote 0-127 - and its value is a Frequency in [hz] u32 actualnote = 69; // where 69 is A3 named A (which is tuned with "tuning" Variable above) s32 notecount = 0; // only a counter variable to calculate the note frequencys. float tuning = 431; //represent the tuning of "Kammerton A3" float finetuning = 0.95; //represent the floating point of tuning (eg.: 431,095hz) void APP_Init(void){} void APP_Background(void){} void APP_Tick(void){} void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){} void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package) { notecount = tuning * pow(2, 2); //for (notecount = 0; notecount < 127; ++notecount) //{midi[notecount] = tuning * pow(2, (float)(notecount - 69)/12);} } void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){} void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){} void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){} void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){} void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){} which is compiling without problems but by using again your code line: #include <mios32.h> #include "app.h" #include <math.h> float midi[127] = {}; //represent Midinote 0-127 - and its value is a Frequency in [hz] u32 actualnote = 69; // where 69 is A3 named A (which is tuned with "tuning" Variable above) s32 notecount = 0; // only a counter variable to calculate the note frequencys. float tuning = 431; //represent the tuning of "Kammerton A3" float finetuning = 0.95; //represent the floating point of tuning (eg.: 431,095hz) void APP_Init(void){} void APP_Background(void){} void APP_Tick(void){} void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){} void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package) { //notecount = tuning * pow(2, 2); for (notecount = 0; notecount < 127; ++notecount) {midi[notecount] = tuning * pow(2, (float)(notecount - 69)/12);} } void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){} void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){} void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){} void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){} void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){} i got the known error message: make (im Verzeichnis: /home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/apps/tutorials/001_forwarding_midi) rm -f project.hex Creating object file for app.c /usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8/../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7-m/libm.a(lib_a-w_pow.o): In function `pow': /build/buildd/newlib-2.1.0+git20140818.1a8323b/build/arm-none-eabi/armv7-m/newlib/libm/math/../../../../../../newlib/libm/math/w_pow.c:210: undefined reference to `__errno' /build/buildd/newlib-2.1.0+git20140818.1a8323b/build/arm-none-eabi/armv7-m/newlib/libm/math/../../../../../../newlib/libm/math/w_pow.c:164: undefined reference to `__errno' /build/buildd/newlib-2.1.0+git20140818.1a8323b/build/arm-none-eabi/armv7-m/newlib/libm/math/../../../../../../newlib/libm/math/w_pow.c:120: undefined reference to `__errno' Kompilierung fehlgeschlagen. /home/tekkstar/mios32/trunk/include/makefile/common.mk:139: recipe for target 'project_build/project.elf' failed /build/buildd/newlib-2.1.0+git20140818.1a8323b/build/arm-none-eabi/armv7-m/newlib/libm/math/../../../../../../newlib/libm/math/w_pow.c:207: undefined reference to `__errno' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [project_build/project.elf] Error 1 strange.
  21. hi peter, thank you for watching in. for POW i had to add first: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> i got then following compiling error with your line: (app.c:21:1: was there bevore and has something to do what that dmx stuff...that i "//" out @ the moment)
  22. THX TK! - worked! - have updatet the code above...i think there are better way to show floating in LCD, but thats the workaround i can do (which much code lines extra.) now i see what the code does... and it does not right: the calculation from midi notes to frequency, is based on tuning of note Number 69 (A3): for example @ 432hz the formular on the internet give me this: freq = 430 * 2^((n-69)/12) where 'n' is the MIDI note number (2) i progrommed this: for (notecount = 0; notecount < 127; ++notecount) {midi[notecount] = tuning * (2 ^ ((notecount-69) / 12));} it should fill a 127 wide array with Frequencys corresponding to its note numbers. the formular make something wrong because the outputs are wrong: when i put in Note Nr 33, i get -14hz (A0) should be 54 when i put in Note Nr 45, i get -17hz (A1) should be 107 when i put in Note Nr 57, i get -12hz (A2) should be 215 when i put in Note Nr 69, i get 866hz (A3) should be 431 when i put in Note Nr 61, i get 129hz (A4) should be 862 when i put in Note Nr 93, i get 0hz (A5) should be 1724
  23. From the album: Notes2Light (DMX-RGBW-LED-Based)

    is this the correct pinout????
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