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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. something like this: this is for MIOS32... you can adapt the most of code by removing the "32" some synthax may changed like "=!" or the {{}} initalizing thing... the code should (not testet) do: pin 0 of the DIN Modul is the "noteGateSwitch" it is initalized with 1 - meens the Port 32In is in THRU-Mode to Port32 Out while Port32In to Port33Out is always in ThruMode The thing is when you interuppt the NoteStream/gate you loose NoteOffMessages - that mean your Synth will hang > sound endless! So I addet a Buffer/array "u8 NoteState" it has 16Midichannels and for that 16x128 Note-States that are saved (notestate=velocity) If you now Deactavete the NoteGateSwitch- a "for" cycle counts from 0-127 > it steps now in every NoteState and compare if one of the States is "ON/>0" if so it sends a noteOFF command out to the Port32Out One Channel one Switch: #include <mios32.h> #include "app.h" u8 NoteState[16][128]={{}}; u8 DumpNoteOutCounter=0; u8 NotePort = 32; //=Switchable NotePort u8 NoteGate = 1; u8 ThruPort = 33; //=OutPort which always thruput the NotePort-In! void APP_Init(void){} void APP_Background(void){} void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){} void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package){ if(port==NotePort){ //Save the Note-Velocity-State: if(midi_package.chn==0) {NoteState[0][midi_package.note] = midi_package.velocity;} //Always forward Port32In to Port33Out MIOS32_MIDI_SendPackage(ThruPort, midi_package); //forward Port32In to Port32Out - only when the gate switch is activated if(NoteGate==1) {MIOS32_MIDI_SendPackage(NotePort, midi_package);} }} void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){} void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){} void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){ //Trigger the NOTE-OFF-Commands & Toggle the MIDI-STREAM-GATE if(pin == 0 && pin_value == 1){ //pin= your Hardware Switch 4 the Note-Gate NoteGate =! NoteGate; //toggle the Switch-State if(NoteGate == 0){ for(DumpNoteOutCounter=0; DumpNoteOutCounter<128; ++DumpNoteOutCounter) if(NoteState[0][DumpNoteOutCounter]>0){//Are there Note On-States? MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOff(NotePort, 0, DumpNoteOutCounter, 0);}}}} //Send Note Offs void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){} void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){}
  2. Phatline


    sounds a bit psy trance - except that i dont like the part after 3:38 (stylish) > good 2nd piece.
  3. if it comes to an Mouser order, i am in with: 3x http://www.mouser.at/ProductDetail/ALPS/SCHA9B0101/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMuJakaoiLiBpm6UJ2wtqrnNdsXqJ2avnK9WFomM7%252bCg0A%3d%3d and maybe some other stuff, that i need (aout...)
  4. yes AND: The Core itself send CC back to C4 to light up the LED-Rings - else the LEDs will not light up! @ translator: not only > it has to act as storage for a huge ammount of Variables - call it "virtual parameters" aka Synths aka DAWs aka VSTs aka Sequencers-Controll-Change-Parameters, since you switch the UI - form Plugin2Daw2Synth... it is a must to recall them from the internal Memory ---otherwise - you have to recall a whole DUMP of CC-Data from the Controlled Devices - which over Midi will defenitivly kill your Midiclock your Notes/hanging-notes, THE MIDISTREAM.... Of course the CCs that are sent out of the Controlled Devices are saved as Virtual parameters in the CORE > and could dumped out to the UI anytime without messing the midistream. - i am pretty shure that when you dump out the UI-Data to a C4 on a own Port which is only for UI - that the other ports are not messed with that stuff (dont hit me to that --- i only assume this) look at the midibox ng, take a look on its functionality,,,,, to send some Sysex-Streams out to a midiport-is not that complex... but C Skillz are definitivly needet....not that complex is good i dont even have an idea how to implement this in Midibox... but maybe someone other can help you, maybe someone other understand how this SYSEX thing work when he read the follwong lines: i have made a max msp patch ... hm yes the C4 receive ControllChange Messages to update the LED-Rings (it needs to looback the sendt data - as i said) so no special deal with that - standart... The LCD itself is a differnt story... here a screenshot to that story: After "iter" is the output to the MidiPort >connectet2> C4-Midi-Input Convert ASCI to INTEGER and Pack a whole DisplayContent to a package > and then send it with a prefix "240 0 0 102 23" to the C4 -it is- "Sysex" after "240 0 0 102 23" came the Display ID: "48" or 49 or 50 or 51 (4 Displays) after this the Character Nr0: 1st Letter first row, Character Nr.56: 1st Letter second row.... after this a lot of INTEGERS wich formaly was a Text-Message, if you want a "space" write "32" and so on... after all Text messages are printed you terminate all that with "247" ...thats bretty much the Mackie Systex Format for the Displays... all the other stuff you can find under Mackie Sysex Implemention or so... by the way a clear screan looks like this: 240 0 0 102 23 $1 0 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 247 where $1 is 48 49 50 or 51 (the Display Nr) Describtion Max MSP patch: "atoi" converts asci (text) to integer (eg: 0-256) "pack" make i list/package of integers... the long row of 32s represents one whole Display-Content C4 as Hardware can be a choise if you can program C- you have to program a sysex-translater for the Displays, you have to understand how midibox NG works, the platform itself and those external Functions ... what for my expirience with Midibox Software is the hardest part... trying to follow Someone other Code - for me is so complex that it is easyer for me to start from scratch -even if i dont know how to do this -learing to do this is easier then trying to learn from an complex software-tecture... it depends on the mind - my mind is - need to know, step by step, learing by doing, not a software for all cases, a software for my case, not more... i startet with midibox in september 2014 i think... to install the software to build a Application took my 2 weeks or more... translaiting a already made Application from MaxMSP to Midibox in rudimintary took me one week - i knowed what i software must be there at the end of the day... you have to know what you need to make music... but then it comes to special things like writing Bank-Data to SD-Card - it took my 3 weeks only to write a single bythe on a sd-card... or my acutal problem: interconnecting via LAN and OSC protocoll...3 weeks later and still have no glue... well every one is a nother one... try it.
  5. Phatline


    ...sayed the 4/4 musican ;)
  6. ... Connect Mackie In to Midibox Core, Connect Mackie Out to Midibox Core Connect Synth CC in+out to Midibox Core, Connect USB to to Midibox Core -the other end to a PC where your Plugins run.... THE CORE HAVE THE MIDI-IO..... the C4 is only a brainless I-O Device...where the CORE made Virtual Pots of the parameters...
  7. i hade two of this C4...now only one...and the this one i also want to sell...they are very overpriced... and the sysex command set is really huge (massive datatransfair...which in most cases overload my max msp patches, midibus, or audio databus...) the display is very exotic...2x56 Charcters... if you want it affordable - go to ebay and take 2x40 Character displays... (i got 20 of these for only 100€ alltogether with backlight!!!! ... such encoders costs 0,5-4€ each...) if you want less timeconsuming, and solder work, or design work ---then just put Encoder below the screens and you are done! (meens no ledbars) you could spare some lcds if you use LED-Ring which indicates the Value...and you use both rows to letter the upper, and the lower Encoders.... but since you could get that displays so cheap on ebay.... of course 1000 LEDs are cheap as hell but you have to solder them also... for LCD you have to crimp some cables, and make some transistor driver for backlight (no big deal).... anyway thats only my point of view. In order to letter the controlls it might be better to use only 4 Encodesr a 2x40 Character displays --- so 2x2x40 Char for 8 Encoders *4 Rows = 8LCDs + 64 Encoders nad maybe 64 or more Buttons > hardware sidely it is possible... 8LCDs ore more is also no problem.... ... alsoe you can turn the knobs better if they have enough space between.... i like that...i like also long names like LatterFilt instead of CUT or Overdriv instead ov OVR .... display space..... Software side from the ready to use applications (midibox ng) I- dont have no clue... i wrote my own application...so i could decide how much Encoders under the LCDs are sitting.... search for MIDIBOX NG and maybe this will be intresting for you...not C4 like a nother "NICE"
  8. The Ethernet-USB-Adapter "JP1081B" is working with my Android Tablet "POV p1046" (orginal firmware): but not in DHCP mode > then it says disconnected - but dont matter i need a static IP anyway... --AND NOT ALWAYS!!!!! ---sometime the Adapter looses connections and start blinking rapidly!!!! >>> dowloading @ the moment a new Android system... hope that helps So set uped my router and switches and PCs and Laptops and Tablets with static IPs... and it works... Lemur mirror me the Editor Layout made on a Windows 7 PC (connected via Ethernet)... ...I am Still looking for a Linux solution!... I thougt of a DMG (Mac)...Emulation on VirtualBox .... because wine dont worked for me with the Lemur Editor! (DirectX Error- which is a known bug)
  9. finally get lemur > after 3 weeks waiting... now its time to setup the the usb-Ethernet Adapter on a tablet... but bevore doing this by manual (without dhcp), i have to find out my routers settings... for Linux type in: $ nm-tool now i get my subnet, dns, gateway, and router-ip. since i now find out that i have a class C network (netmask i need a IP adress above 192.x.x.x or in the range 10.0.02-255 and so on
  10. #include <mios32.h> #include "app.h" #include <uip_task.h> #include <osc_client.h> #include "terminal.h" #include "uip.h" void APP_Init(void){ UIP_TASK_Init(0); TERMINAL_Init(0); MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS (65000); //wait 0.06seconds... MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS (65000); //wait 0.06seconds... OSC_SERVER_Init(0); OSC_CLIENT_Init(0); UIP_TASK_IP_AddressSet( 128); OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(0, 127); OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(1, 127); OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(2, 127); OSC_SERVER_RemoteIP_Set(3, 127); OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(0, 5000); OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(1, 5002); OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(2, 5004); OSC_SERVER_RemotePortSet(3, 5006); OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 0, 5001); OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 1, 5001); OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 2, 5001); OSC_SERVER_LocalPortSet( 3, 5001); UIP_TASK_NetmaskSet(255); UIP_TASK_DHCP_EnableSet(0); UIP_TASK_UDP_MonitorLevelSet(3); //outputs data to Mios-Studio ---0 turn off MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("init done"); } void APP_Background(void){} void APP_Tick(void){} void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){} void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package){ MIOS32_LCD_Clear(); MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0); MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%u %u %u", port, midi_package.chn, midi_package.type); } s32 APP_SYSEX_Parser(mios32_midi_port_t port, u8 midi_in){return 0;} void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){} void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){} void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){ OSC_CLIENT_SendNRPNEvent (0, 8, pin, pin_value);} //port, chn, nr, value;} void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){} void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){} but since i cant change the netmask (because on my computer it is not this dont work in my network now my resultats > for Linux type into terminal "ifconfig" (yes iF) now MioStudio-Terminal: now when i press a DIN-Button - the router-activity port leds lighting up and mios terminal print: but like i said cant use that.
  11. Case: Connect one Midibox to a nother Midibox via LAN-Router - want to have bidirectional Transfair of data. When i enable DHCP, the local ip adress and the netmask will be automaticly set by the router - right. but for OSC i need a remote IP-Adress (the local ip adress of second Midibox) but when it i enable dhcp - i dont know what the ip adress is- and visa versa ... the only thing is that i can swap ports ... so for my understanding the DHCP cant be used, since we dont have something like a DNS server that says: hey i am midibox NR1, and hey i am midibox NR2 and i have IP this and that-ok lets get together - yea right...
  12. had tested now TOUCH-OSC --- (omg it was good that google dont sell me that sh.) its useless for sequencers, I need Multicolour Button-Matrix - to indicate and set the current Velocity of the Step --- TOUCH osc can show only 2 State "ON and OFF" - "no and go" I need @least 4states: OFF, Green(<60) Orange(>60<90) Red(>90Velocity)
  13. Tryed to install different Linux distributions on Raspberry pi: got Lubuntu working (as loong you dont want to wach video...), not good enough for my daily stuff, even dont get mios-studio2 to work, nor the MiosToolchain (ok this is all time a fight...) but dont matter for the touchscreen solution only a webbrowser is needet: no answer from the Panel-Dealer about android drivers... ...dont matter - i am not so sure that i want a Android OS because of this: i made a google.play account and gmail account --- and linked a paypal acount... and i linked a bank account...i wait 2 weeks now, but everytime i try to buy touchosc or lemur i get: well after 30 minutes ...again and again and 14 days later nothing changed... welcome to the brave new world > and all this because i dont have linked a credit card > "only" a bank account... i only want to give you some fruit and time of my live to exchance....no you have to have a CREDIT CARD --fu.that. i now Remember why i turned to linux!!!! and never installed windows for anyone againg...even not for my father how begged me to get it > ask a other guy from ME you get linux!!! its all about the fucking money - we thwart us! ...there are people out there - they say - oh money and competition bring the best out of human... i say it bring the worst out off and it thwart us all!!!! wait 14 days to get nothing - even if you will to pay - you are not allowed - oh brave new world... -es geht nur um die shice koohle- und des geht ma so dermassen am wecka! ...so next steps on this thopic: 1.Whaiting for USB-Ethernet Adapter to receive 2.Dissamble a Tablet, remove WIFI, Bluetooth, Accu, Cams, Mics, Loudspeakers, --- ad powercable, Essamble and put it into my rack. 3.Try to get http://www.nexusosc.com/drop/braid/ working - really i hope it will --- because i dont want to have to do with that Google and Apple and Microsoft criminals who twart us - out! And because when i program a app - i want that other people can use it with haveing the same barrieres like me - and i dont want barrieres so i have to be straight. -- i hope that BRAID can do that what i want... but what i have seen - it dont have that skill: just send button presses but dont change the state of "LED" ---change the state via feedback from MIOS32 core >>> i think that is working in TOUCH OSC and LEMUR... I have some research to this... next week i have a gig... and just thougt i have a touchcontroller until then...but google says "NO you CANT, you are HI-RISK" - its HI risk to trust google.
  14. i had such behavior by a led-matrix built of single leds... i plugged the pins in the false DOUT-Registers.... you cant plug it into the false doutregisters... because you have a ready built pcb... so i think: a: wrong LED-Matrix (common katode/anode?) b: if possible false connected LED-Matrix > solderede 180° wrong... c: you have to change the software you use...
  15. Phatline


    hat bei mir 3 montate gedauert... einmal pm, einmal in dem tread... und dann hab ich erst recht das antwort mail ihrgendwo hingelegt das ichs nimma find.
  16. just a few thougts, to the topic 4/4 64step drumsequence: must always have a amount of 8 or 16 or 32 Drumnote to set HI, if you want to avoid shifting melody (so step 1 of Melody is not everytime on 1 maybe it is on 7 8 or 56...) - if you kill some notes the moldy line would run completely non conform with the others... ok its cool to run completely out of continuos .... but when the setup gets bigger and you play chords and you run like the man in video did two different Melodysequencers > it can come to the point that it sounds some time "disharmonic" ---so maybe different "Melody-Reset-2-Start" Options should be done like "Free Running" or "Reset all 8steps" "Reset all 16 DrumSteps" "Reset all 64 Drumsteps" and so on... ...cool idea anyway!
  17. 1. ...you mean if a kick comes, the melody sequencer step one step forward? or 2. ...you mean if a kick comes, then currently playing melody sequencer note is played (and only then)... in second case i have programmed a MiosBased application called TRIGGER MATRIX take a look: https://vimeo.com/117018283 and: ...in the moment i try to activate the ethernet connection...and from this it will be easy to get acces from a tablet to the matrix...so tablet + lpc17 board + OSC software=all (in near future, its a matter of understand w.t.hell this client server ethernet works...) ...will take 3 more weaks or so to release TM.V01
  18. Phatline

    DOUT IDC plug

    nimm eine Kunststoff Distanzhülse und schleife ziemlich viel weg.... wennst ka zeit hast nimm an schleifbock take a Distance-bolt and file one side away until it fits... take a floor stand grinder if you want it faster
  19. great link thankz! ... sometimes i got ideas to build such a optical or magnetic from scratch... the problem for me is the motor
  20. TouchOSC need Apple or Android.... i could use some of thes Android mini pcs...but most of them have WIFI... I tried to install Android on Raspberry PI B > it is not booting - tried differnt sdcarsd and disk formats (fat, fat32) - dont work https://www.squirrelhosting.co.uk/hosting-blog/hosting-blog-info.php?id=22https://www.squirrelhosting.co.uk/hosting-blog/hosting-blog-info.php?id=22 next is to try linux on rasberry PI B in combination with nexusOSC http://www.nexusosc.com/drop/braid/ a freeware touchscreen Solution something like TouchOSC... but with my ubuntu laptop and firefox i dont run, now trying with rasperry pi and a Acer Multitouch Monitor. http://elinux.org/ArchLinux_Install_Guide
  21. i mean that: something like that with "digital pot": http://uk.farnell.com/analog-devices/ad5262bruz200/ic-digital-pot-8bit-200k-dual/dp/1438437 in kombination with virtual Knob/Pot/Ledring or LCD with Encoder > but ok you could also use those expensive motor-pots with a midibox MF-Module: http://ucapps.de/mbhp_mf_ng.html
  22. for switching things: "audio read relais" driven by a MB doutmodule: http://ucapps.de/mbhp_dout.html ... or directly with the CORE Module http://ucapps.de/mbhp_core_lpc17.html > Connector 10 digital pots > ask others... i also like to know that - but for that you need (software)drivers (not standard here...) - also it is difficult to get the exact Residance what you need, the common suppliers have no digital pots, and if they have the have only a few resistance values (10K 100k and so on) maybe you must buy them direct from the semicounter manufactor (microchip, max, texxas instruments)... maybe you get free samples...maybe you must be a lot of them? maybe you start a bulkorder here?...
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