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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    The TOM4 Board was to silent, i dont no why, maybe one of this broken Traces... I decidet to overdrive IC7 by paralell soldering a 4K7 resistor to R56 --- if you do other Mods aswell then better take a 5K6, the 4K7 can crackle the IC7 KRRRRR Finallyi used a 6K8, since after much other mods it was to loud...
  2. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    the broken TOM4 Board... the wires, are the "Repair of that Broken Board. The 100K Resistor well --- that is the BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM Mod! The Amp Decay gets longer! Finally i used a switch and the 100K, to switch between the extremes... the 100K make the VCA open all the time if the Decay Pot is on max!(only if it was triggered before...)
  3. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    Well almost all here: lcd for debugging 4Velocity Kill switches --- kill4 Velocity ranges, the red leds below are the toggle leds, the 4 greens indicates in which velocity ranges are most active (you can better choose the kill buttons then!( 2 Buttons under: One: for POWER - ROLL: just take any input notes and trigger it, no matter of Note-Number (momentary) TWo: Invert the Velocity Stages --- so what was loud is now not so loud, what not so loud now loud
  4. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    in the program stage --- we have 2 fader 1. Random Kill 2. Velcotiy-Offset >+-64
  5. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    on th right is also place for a display and menu - when you shorten the powersupply-mount-screw a bit
  6. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    We see under the Powersupply we have 14x36cm Place for UI
  7. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    Zugentlastung mit Heiskleberpistole --- weil diese Litzen so leicht brechen -besonders beim Prototyping. A Chord grip done with Hot-Clue >>> Nessesery because of Prototyping-Testing Action >>> this will save some ours of Error Research!
  8. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    mount the Core - already labbeled with the Program its a 18F452 IP .... 8 years old... the board old also...
  9. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    Shield the Core-Module against the Trafo
  10. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    I replace the orginal Powerchord against a "Kaltgerätestecker" > Power Connector a hand drill to the big hole
  11. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    Hole for the 7805, the Pin-Head, the 2 Bridges for +- input
  12. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    the 7805 and his brothers.... in total we have here: -15V +15V +6V and soon +5V
  13. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    The Powersupply - where I add a 5V 7805 to supply the Core!
  14. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    Well the mixing board is away, and a small Breakout/Adapter and much more place is here
  15. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    By wasting the mix board, i have to build an Adapter, because on the mixing board acts also as REWIRING/ROUTING.... I thougt it where a good idea, to make also Connections for later mods (we have here + -15V what is great)
  16. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    Well I dont need the Mixing Board, it just Mixes a line in, and give you a headphone what I more need is PLACE!!!!
  17. From the album: TekkStar (Tama Techstar Midification)

    DINX4 - Trigger - Version: Building/Debugging/Testing: 2h 40min
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