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  1. Hi, Put me down for full kit (inc OPL3) 2 X FM kits please! (and a SID kit if those are gonna get made into a list too : ) Thanks, SF
  2. Hi MIDI boxers, I would like to buy up to 50 transparent ALBS Waldorf knobs, though I would settle for any number of transparent blue or red or clear ones (please see picture if in doubt of what I'm waffling on about :-) Please PM me if you got any I needz them, Love, -SpaceFIre-
  3. This would be amazing for all those of us who missed out last time. VERY interested indeed! Please keep me abreast of any developments in availability. Thanks, -SpaceFire-
  4. +2 here price depending, and will we see the return of the sammichFM too? :hyper:
  5. Ok I'm a total electronics novice at all this so please forgive my blundering and i'm very pleased if you over kill your answers (I don't mind being schooled at all ;) I would like to rebuild my power supply with the latest modern components and (possibly build another 6682) therefor I would like to put a "how to" for simpletons guide with photo's on the end of this thread. Or perhaps if this guide is worthy, a whole new thread (whatever the MOD's think best) that has the latest updated switching PSU information so that pretty much anyone can follow the instructions. (I have to admit I'm somewhat baffled by the PSU on this thing and I have read the major threads on it) My MB-6582 that has both types of SID currently is being powered by a noisy cobbled together double wall wart type PSU. I would like to MOD my SID box to have the latest switching type as seen in this thread and also keeping both power rails available. I would like to build in very decent overhead to both supplies so I may power additional components such as a PWM for RGB LED's and RGB LCD, I know that might sound lame to some but I have practical reasons to want to do this as I also plan on some other additions to the build. Please I would really appreciate help doing the PSU and if your kind enough to help please can direct Mouser links to all the components I would need and step by step instructions with pictures are highly welcomed. Much love to the community here, SF.
  6. Hi, How much inc shipping to the UK? Thanks, SF
  7. Also along these lines I'm wondering if there exist flat top RGB LED's I could pimp the LEDS up with, any links to items would be greatly appreciated : )
  8. Hi, Thank you for your awesome reply, unfortunately I had to take a break from 'SID land' to work on my film degree, but i'm back now. This is so helpful thank you, I'm somewhat novice at electronics just wondering what type of current limiting resistor I might require as I'm planning on pressing ahead with this repair in the near future. Also wondering what type of PWM mixing circuit I might require to work with the supplied voltages? Thanks so much for your help, SF
  9. Bad news turns out that my LCD screen letters sticking was a sign it was on its way out because now it's had it, backlight seems ok, but letters are dead. So I'm happy to buy a nice high quality LCD display and may as well turn this into an opportunity to learn something about the workings of the MB-6582. So I now need a replacement, is there anything stopping me using an RGB LCD like this http://www.adafruit.com/products/498 What extra electronics would I require in order to put a pot (or switch) in the box some place that lets me change the LCD colour assuming that is possible? (if I wire this up as 'normal' will it work on the MB-6582 as a red display?) Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated, I am very much an electronics novice but not completely clueless and very happy to learn. Much Thanks, SF
  10. OMG V3 sounds amazing, I've been kind of drooling over this item for a while now or will graphical interface mean something more like this hehe.. yummy :drool: sorry for the silly question, "graphical" just got my interest.
  11. bonus point... with slight pressure (very slight) direct to the bare front of LCD I was even able to unstick a stuck line on the display... wootz!
  12. Found it : ) posted here for others also looking in future Cool thanks Imp, I fixed the contrast, no idea why it was set so low looks great now, it's odd though because if all those pots by the BSL chips are for LED contrast why does only one of them change it? Thanks, SF
  13. That things a work of art, if you'll excuse the vernacular makes me want to Tee-off on some magik just looking at it :drool: How much were you looking for moxi?
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