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Posts posted by TK.

  1. @Digineuralthanks for the info! I've to explore Dockerfile, it promises high potential :)

    @Phatlineunfortunately I don't understand the problem, I haven't provided the package as a "rar" file, and the binary works with various Linux installations that I tried so far. There seems to be something wrong with your OS installation (maybe you are using an expert system?), but I fear that I can't give you more hints.

    @Elektruckas long as you are the only Win10 user who has this problem with SD Card uploads I won't start to analyze this.

    MIOS Studio 2.4.8 is released now @ http://www.ucapps.de - let's see if additional users report problems; the legacy 2.4.6 files are still accessible from the same page to ensure that nobody is blocked by the progress (only 64bit systems supported anymore)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. 2 hours ago, Antichambre said:

    In general, this is good news because the latest version of XCODE no longer supports SVN. Maybe that's why you moved it.

    No, I moved because I noticed that your MCAN activity doesn't really fit with the subversion work flow anymore. ;)

    27 minutes ago, latigid on said:

    This was discussed elsewhere, but just to be clear: you (TK.) prefer to keep control of the master line and review all changes, and you will keep the same license terms as non-commercial for personal use only (no GPL/CC-BY etc.)? This is not a request for you to change anything you don't want to of course.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Hi *,

    The MIOS repositories are now hosted at Github:

    This should improve collaboration in future, because branching in GIT is much easier.

    It's not possible to access the old subversion repositories via SSH anymore, in future changes can only be pushed into the new GIT repositories.

    There are tons of documentation how to use GIT on the web, therefore I won't repeat this here. ;)

    Just want to mention the general workflow:

    • we use a simplified workflow without develop branch, so: master is the latest
    • everybody who want's to contribute has to create a feature branch, e.g. feature/my_project
    • once you are fine with your changes, create a pull request from your branch into master, and set me as a reviewer
    • I will review your changes, and if they are fine I will integrate them into master
    • meanwhile everybody is able to work with your changes by switching to your feature branch

    Currently we've only one branch: feature/mcan (from Bruno)

    How to contribute:

    • create a github account (if you don't already have one)
    • register your SSH key in the profile
    • inform me about your account name so that I can add it to the midibox project
    • now you can clone the repository with
      git clone ssh://git@github.com/midibox/mios32
    • Within this repository you can create a branch with:
      git checkout master -b feature/<your-branch-name>
    • You can commit changes with
      git commit .
      resp. "git commit" if you've indexed the files with "git add" before
    • You can push committed changes to github with
      git push

    If you are working from a fresh clone, use "git checkout feature/<name>" to select your feature branch

    With "git branch -a" you will get an overview about the branches.

    There are also various GUIs available to display changes in your local repository, e.g. I prefer "gitk"

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    P.S.: Wiki and ucapps documentation will be updated in some weeks once the new workflow is settled ;)

  4. Track information is stored in the bank files (MBSEQ_B1.V4 .. MBSEQ_B4.V4) in "compressed" binary format. You won't be able to decode them directly.

    But you could export a track as a preset, this will decode the binary and store in readable (and editable) text format.
    After edit just import back to take over the modifications

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Hi,

    just would like to let you know, that I started to migrate MIOS Studio to the latest Juce version (5.4.3) - previously we used a pretty old one (I even don't remember the version number) which doesn't work properly with newer OS versions such as Windows 10. The hope is, that the update will solve these issues - if not we had no luck (I won't spend much debug effort there...)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. This is what I tested:

    MIDI menu: Bus1 listens to Bus4 (but All would work as well) and Channel All; Mode: Jam

    Mixer menu, Page1 (MIDI Port): selected Bus4

    In same menu, press SHIFT and GP9 (CC1) - this will allow you to configure the CC numbers sent by CC1 layer

    Event menu: one layer configured for CC, CC number could be configured but you can also leave it "off" - in this case the incoming CC number will be taken over during recording

    Enabled Live Record + Live function

    Back to mixer page #9 (CC1): turn knob to send CC, it should be recorded

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Good point! Intuitively I would send the CCs from the mixer, but I noticed that the forwarding path to the bus wasn't implemented.

    It's available now -> try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_096_pre5.zip

       o the MIDI mixer can now send CC values to a bus.
         This especially allows to record CC changes (configure MENU->MIDI->Port accordingly
         so that it listens to the bus in Jam mode)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Hi Jingo,

    thanks for the compliments! :)

    Note appears in PA: by default PA plays C-3 on all steps but gate is disabled, therefore you don't see this note.
    If you enter a note in PE first (intention is that you start with PA), the default C-3 note will be visible in PA.
    I've to check if this special case could be handled better, on the other hand somebody could have entered this note in PA by intention and wants that it will be played together with the note in PE

    To the arps: whenever the sequencer is started and no arpeggio pattern has been entered, a C major chord will be played.
    If you don't want that no notes will be played if no chord is entered, disable the "hold mode" with MENU->Mode, GP9

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. Alright, this is now much better to review, I just need to enter "meld branches/mcan trunk" and get a nice graphical diff + merge function.

    Some first observations:

    • mios32_can.h and mios32_can_midi.h define types which are not in the mios32_* namespace, which could collide with types defined at higher SW layers.
      Therefore please add the mios32_ postfix to all types which are visible in these header files
    • how to you handle collisions?
      If two cores send a frame with the same ID concurrently, the arbitration will pass and the remaining frame might collide (e.g. due to different data being sent).
      The CAN nodes won't automatically re-send the frames.
      This situation could be avoided if you ensure that each core sends unique IDs, e.g. bring source and destination node into the ID.
      I guess that you considered this for extended frames, but this format isn't enabled by default... you should do this.
    • mios32_can.h: MIOS32_CAN_VERBOSE should be optional (#ifndef MIOS32_CAN_VERBOSE) and disabled by default
    • you can change the copyright notice to your name (I'm not the creator of this part, you are! :)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. First google hit: https://articles.assembla.com/using-subversion/getting-started/branching-and-tagging-in-svn

    I just tried:

    svn copy svn+ssh://svn@midibox.org/mios32/trunk svn+ssh://svn@midibox.org/mios32/branches/my_activity

    it works: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Fbranches%2F

    You then set MIOS32_PATH to branches/my_activity (resp. the name of your branch directory) instead of trunk

    Note that this branch looks like a complete copy, but actually it's only a reference on the server, which we will delete once we are happy with the changes and merging has been done.
    Your changes are still documented in the history.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. Hi Bruno,

    alright, I see... many changes ;)

    I won't be able to sort this out the next two weeks due to limited time.

    Would it be possible that you create a minimal update branch until then which is easier to review? This would simplify the work at my side.
    Once you did this, you could add your local changes again to the official version (they should be taken over separately)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Hi,

    that's fine! :)

    The original sources of uCApps.de can be found in the mios subversion repository:

    You could just send me your edits, and I could upload them.
    If you (or somebody else) is doing changes more frequently, and don't have access to the repository for direct access yet, I could give permission.
    Publishing is still in my hands (means: if something is wrong, I would correct it).

    Best Regards, Thorsten. 

  13. Yes, drum labels are stored at the same place which is normally used for track names (a memory limitation...)

    However, feel free to try this out: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_096_pre4.zip

       o It's now possible to customize the list of labels which are used during track/pattern
         name and category and drum selection. After booting the new firmware, following files
         will be created in the /PRESETS folder: TRKLABEL.V4P, TRKCATS.V4P and TRKDRUMS.V4P
         Edit these files with the MIOS File browser. Uploaded changes are immediately taken
         - TRKLABEL and TRKCATS: are used in MENU->EVNT, "Trk Inst.", "Edit Name" page
           (Use GP15 to select the Preset)
         - TRKDRUMS is used on the same page when a drum track is edited (instead of a
           track name we configure instrument names)
           Special treatment: TRKDRUMS.V4P also maps MIDI notes to the drum labels.
           Whenever a new preset drum is selected, the drum note will be changed accordingly.
           This allows you to fully customize drum maps.
           The first 16 drums are taken by default whenever a drum track is initialized, and the
           remaining drums in the list can be optionally selected to replace on of the 16
           drum instruments.
         - TRKLABEL and TRKCATS are also used when a pattern is saved

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. Yes, it's well hidden ;)

    I just remember that I wanted to make the "preset labels" configurable, so that they can be selected from a list stored in a file (so that users can define their own labels without changing the firmware). Will work in this later today...

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  15. Hi Andrew,

    these button assignments don't exist, you should get an error message while the file is read (btw.: no need to reset the device, the file will be parsed automatically after upload).

    You could assign F1..F4 to BUTTON_DIRECT_BOOKMARK1 .. 4 instead.
    Please do this assignment at the prepared placeholders (which are assigned to 0 0 by default), otherwise they could overwrite your change.

    Once done, edit the MBSEQ_BM.V4 file: set for

    Slot1: +Page EVENTS
    Slot2: +Page DIRECTION
    Slot3: +Page DIVIDER
    Slot4: +Page LENGTH

    In these slots, also change the remaining "+" parameters to "-" (so that the values won't be taken over when you are pressing a bookmark button)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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