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Everything posted by TK.

  1. MSD driver isn't implemented for the STM32F4, only for STM32F1 and LPC17 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Ok, I added a MOVE button/LED (and as a preventive measure I also added a SCROLL button/LED ;-) -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre4.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Should work better with pre4, please try it: -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre4.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Ok, the new LED_MEASURE function is just one mouse click away ;-) -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre3.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Some complicated code is required to measure velocity based on two contacts. Too complicated for you! You could try to try the KEYBOARD function of MBNG, which is also available as a module ($MIOS32_PATH/modules/keyboard), but I'm very sure that it will be too difficult at my side to explain, how to integrate it into another application. If you've luck, there is another volunteer. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. yes, I assume that this is what duncandisorderly wanted to achieve. ok, I'm able to reproduce this. Added to wish list that this has to be checked. Alright, this was the reason. Unfortunately it would cost some extra RAM to notify an overwritten button value. But I guess that this configuration error can only happen in rare cases... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Wouldn't it be better to have a LED function which turns on when the 1st step of the configured "measure" is reached? This would be a configurable option - and it clearly shows, when tracks are synchronized to measure (if this function is enabled) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Fx button/LED assignment now available in: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre2.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. The use case is explained here: So, with RollG the rolls defined in the parameter layer can be interactively bypassed in the trigger layer. One of those typical features, which make sense for the requestor, which are quickly implemented, but result into confusion for other users if I don't spent the time to document it properly (and the documentation would take more time than the actual implementation). Good that you help out! :) Some of the "low hanging fruits" are implemented now in: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4_091_pre2.zip See following diff for the wish list items that are solved: http://svnmios.midibox.org/comp.php?repname=svn.mios32&compare%5B%5D=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_seq_v4%2FCHANGELOG.txt%402294&compare%5B%5D=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_seq_v4%2FCHANGELOG.txt%402292 Note that I wasn't able to reproduce the BUTTON_TAP_TEMPO and BUTTON_SAVE_ALL issue. F3 and F4 are working at my side - I get a message on the right LCD whenever these buttons are pushed. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Sidenote: your request was to define the "probability", and probability means it's random. The nth functions are deterministic Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. There is no SysEx backup option available, all files to restore a MBSEQ setup are located on SD Card. So, it might be better if you would backup the entire SD Card with your computer (SD Card Readers are more suitable for fast file access) The "sysex" directory is intended to send SysEx dumps from the SysEx menu - for this purpose, you've to create subdirectories (e.g. choose names which correspond with your synths), and copy the .syx files into these directories. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Great! :) V1.035 is now officially released. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. A new version is available: MIDIbox NG V1.035 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Support for secure keyboard handling if patch is switched: keep original MIDI port, note, channel when playing Note Off (this feature is not supported for LPC17 due to high memory consumption) o Fixed encoder incrementer in absolute mode Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. no problem, added to the wish list Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. This is a known issue with the Launchpads, see also point 2) and 3) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Fuer den Fall, dass DIN Module am Line Receiver angeschlossen werden sollen Gruss, Thorsten.
  17. Good find, thanks for the information! :) This bug came in with the changes for interpolation maps. It's fixed in this pre-release: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_ng_v1_035_pre2.zip Could you please check if it works at your side? Then I will publish the "final v1.035" at my webpage Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Your contribution to the documentation project is very welcome, you've my full attention to sort out some details! :) Some months ago Borfo started with a new Wiki page: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=mididocs:index You could either try to integrate your manual there, or start with a separate one. In any case I will link to the manual from the uCApps page once you feel that it's ready for broader publication. To your questions: The pattern synchronisation is a very cumbersome part of the firmware, and the behavior might change based on user requests in this or the other direction. So: the behavior without guide track isn't specified, it works "as is" ;-) 256/256 is the only option where we have 256 individual steps in the parameter layer, which is typically velocity. 128/128 and 64/64 are redundant, but they exist due to legacy reasons. It could be, that some users have patterns which use this configuration, by removing the configuration option the menu handler wouldn't be able to show it anymore. If RollG is not assigned to a trigger layer, it's always 1 The same "trick" is used when the Gate trigger is not assigned to a layer. It means >96. Since each step has 96 ticks, values >96 won't lead to an effect and therefore displayed as "++" "--" means that there is no effect at all. Due to the way how parameters are stored in the parameter layer, I had to handle the first 16 values as dummy entries. Inc increments the step with each played note. Since in poly mode multiple notes have to be entered into a single step, the Inc option is disabled in this case. Yes, this is intended: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called from SEQ_MIDI_IN_Receive() if MIDI event has been received on // matching IN port and channel ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// s32 SEQ_RECORD_Receive(mios32_midi_package_t midi_package, u8 track) { // step recording mode? // Note: if sequencer is not running, "Live Recording" will be handled like "Step Recording" u8 step_record_mode = seq_record_options.STEP_RECORD || !SEQ_BPM_IsRunning(); (as you can see, some answers are in the source code ;-) added to the wishlist for V4: ---------------------------------------------------------- Track Event page: CC message for GP ENC 11-13 only if CC is visible http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- AStart: ensure that recording is started with first step http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- Allow to delete presets http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- Add option which avoids that each 4th gate will be turned on in the initialisation pattern. http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- Song Page: add "Mute Pattern" (all 4 tracks) command http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- Add command which copies the current pattern configurations into multiple pattern slots (e.g. current patterns -> A1/A2/A3/...) http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- Check behaviour of "BUTTON_SAVE_ALL" and "BUTTON_TAP_TEMPO" - they are implemented, but it seems that they aren't working? http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- Integrate revised F1..F4 assignments into mbseq_hw.v4 files: # Following button functions are usually assigned to Fx # buttons, or to dedicated (labeled) buttons # In Wilba's frontpanel layout: # F1 is located at SR M3 Pin 3; by default it is set for quick access to the Bookmark page. # F2 is located at SR M2 Pin 2; by default it is set for quick access to the Jam page. # F3 is located at SR M2 Pin 3; by default it is set for quick access to Tap tempo [if that can be made available] # F4 is located at SR M1 Pin 2; by default it is set for quick access to Save all patterns [if that can be made available] # and there are dedicated buttons for Copy/Paste/Clear/Utility/StepView # SR Pin BUTTON_BOOKMARK M3 3 BUTTON_RECORD M2 2 BUTTON_TAP_TEMPO M2 3 BUTTON_SAVE_ALL M1 2 http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 ---------------------------------------------------------- Added to wish list for V4 Plus (since much more memory will be consumed, too much for the old cores, feasible with the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4): - allocate some memory to sort the directory view instead of loading directly from SD Card http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 - allow to define delays based on ports & channels instead of only the port. http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19774-question-about-expected-behaviour-in-song-mode/#comment-173653 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hallo Holger, das Problem tritt bei allen cores auf, und ausschliesslich unter Windows. Unter Linux und MacOS koennen die 4 USB Ports problemlos bedient werden. Leider kann hier nur Microsoft weiterhelfen. Ich habe uebrigens noch kein USB MIDI Interface mit >= 2 Ports unter Windows gesehen, das mit dem von Microsoft mitgelieferten Treiber problemlos funktioniert. Deshalb haben Firmen angefangen, ihre eigenen Treiber zu implementieren (was wohl nicht so ganz trivial ist), und diese so geschuetzt, dass sie nur mit den eigenen MIDI Interfaces zusammenspielen. Ich sehe nun allerdings keinen Zusammenhang mit einer 16x8 Matrix? Gruss, Thorsten.
  20. There is an open item in the wish list which would allow to do this: ---------------------------------------------------------- Trigger steps from another track: http://midibox.org/forums/topic/19410-step-trigger/?p=169253 ---------------------------------------------------------- (steps could then also be triggered from any MIDI input, not only from another track) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Cortex M3 or M4 compatibility is a must, I don't plan to introduce a new CPU which wouldn't allow to run existing applications. Of course, external memory would open new possibilities. On the other hand (and contrary to this): wouldn't it be nice to have a much smaller form factor? Something like Teensy, but with a more powerful microcontroller which is (or meets the specs) of a STM32F407, and gives access to at least 3 SPI, 2 UARTs and 1 I2C port? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. As mentioned by Hawkeye, the predecessor STM32F4DISCOVERY has exactly the same chip (with 1 MB flash) like the new STM32F407G-DISC1 development board. My assumption (not confirmed) is, that ST just initiated a new batch production run of the board and changed the name to differentiate from other variants with similar names, but different feature set. The ST page (-> http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF252419 ) shows that the old board is almost out-of-stock, but Farnell got 1000 pieces of the new board and offers it for the old price, which is a good sign. So - let's assume it's only a temporary outage. But we should also start to search for the next generation MBHP_CORE_xxx candidate! ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. You won't be able to fix this by yourself. It's a prototype function, see also: Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. malloc/free overlays are part of the programming model: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fprogramming_models%2Ftraditional%2Ffreertos_heap.cpp Big C++ based MIDIbox application: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fprocessing%2Fmidibox_cv_v2%2Fsrc%2F (major object orientied code located in src/components) I don't use dynamic object allocation, but prefer static instead for deterministic behaviour. Btw.: please move your cpp_issues program to a different location, e.g. /playground. The apps/troubleshooting directory is intended to collect troubleshooting applications for the users, and not to discuss programming problems. Best Regards, Thorsten.
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