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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Hallo Jack, geaendert wurde lediglich die Verdrahtung der Module untereinander. Alle DINX4 und DOUTX4 module (auch die Module fuer die Encoder und LED-Kraenze) haengen nun in einer langen DIN und DOUT-Kette. So ist der Multiplexer-Port fuer das MF-Modul frei geworden. 2) 16 pro MIDI-Port ;-) 3) dazu benoetigst Du ein CV-Interface. Auch das wird es bald geben (-> MIOS_AOUT_xxx). Es kann dann z.B vom SID/18F und vor MB64SEQ/18F angesteuert werden 4) Pro core-modul werden 64 Pots, 128 digitale Eingaenge, 128 digitale Ausgaenge unterstuetzt. Gruss, Thorsten.
  2. TK.

    MIDI Thru

    Hallo Luk, ja, das funktioniert bestens. Schaue Dir am besten mal den Schaltplan zum LTC modul unter Concepts->MBHP->LTC an, dort wird es "vorgemacht" Gruss, Thorsten.
  3. TK.

    Ist das ein SID Chip?

    Man sollte mit vereinter Kraft vor das Sampo-Werk ziehen und gegen die Vernichtung tausender unschuldiger SIDs demonstrieren! ;-) Den Wert wuerde ich auf ca. 3-5 Euro pro Stueck schaetzen. Vielleicht auch mehr - hier: http://www.jschoenfeld.com/products/cwmk3_e.htm verkauft jemand die Chips fuer 20 Euro! Gruss, Thorsten.
  4. Yes, the software takes care about debouncing. But the impementation was very easy: since the button input registers are sampled every 1 mS, temporal transitions are filtered "automatically". Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Hi Steven, yes it does. Sorry, I haven't completed the documentation yet... so here just a short list - the complete emulation requires: one PIC18F core module one MF module (see below) 4 DINX4 modules 3 DOUTX4 modules Additional parts: 8 motorfaders (can be left out if too expensive - with the split mode it is possible to use the 8 encoders as MF replacement) 9 encoders or 8 encoder and one jog-wheel 64 + 8*12 LEDs 96 buttons one graphical LCD or 2 2x40 LCDs a 9V/2A power supply (or 2 * 9V/1A) more informations will be provided soon... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Kieran, a keyboard can already by realized with MIOS, since up to 128 buttons are supported... however, a velocity handler could be difficult... ;-) Since the SID slave core itself doesn't require that much current (about 50 mA), you can supply it with higher voltages. Up to 15V are ok. The overall current load of one SID and CORE module pair is ca. 200 mA Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. TK.

    Ist das ein SID Chip?

    Das ist nicht Dein Ernst, oder? Klar, das isser! Es handelt sich zwar um eine neuere Revision (mit dem schlechten Filtersound), aber es hoert sich trotzdem noch ziemlich druckvoll an. Weisst Du eigentlich, wieviel so eine Rolle heutzutage wert ist? Zumal alle Chips aus der gleichen Charge kommen und sich identisch anhoeren! Du koenntest ja mal die Jungs von http://www.hardsid.com fragen, wieviel sie Dir dafuer geben wuerden (aber halte bitte ein paar Chips fuer die MIDIbox SID User in reserve! ;-)) Gruss, Thorsten.
  8. Wow, you made a very clean design, I'm impressed! :) Especially about the nice show effect with the Plexiglas panel (you *must* integrate a blue neonlight into the case! ;-)) Yes, jumpers are required, otherwise the PIC supply lines, the reset and D6/D7 are not connected with the rest of the core module. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Finally... :D Perhaps some tracks of the not-working core module are not good enough, before you kick it into the trashcan you should try to fix the connections with small wires. I must say that I still have respect for people who etched the boards by themself. I never did something similar, I always got support from friends with more experience in etching. Such imperfections during the first tries are quite normal - I would run into the same problems! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Hi Dan, so: something must be wrong with the BankStick interface. Could you make a high-resolution image of the upper half of your board and post it here? This would possibly allow me to give you more tips Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. TK.

    16 MF

    Alternatively you could use 2 COM ports and some old second-hand soundcards for additional MIDI In/Outs. The option for 2 * 2x40 LCDs will be added very soon - I just have purchased the displays at Ebay for a good price (2 for 20 EUR - I can also get 4 pieces for 30 EUR!). After the integration into the LC emulation I will possibly resell the displays to interested MIDIbox users. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. The intention of this new board is to publish and to document "small but useful" MIOS applications. This isnt my private board, everbody is welcome to introduce his own creations and modifications here! :) The toy for this weekend is a MIDI delay which works different from the existing ones, because it allows to route the delayed notes to different channels. In this way very interesting sequences can be realized without much effort. My favourite configuration consists of four instances of virtual synthesizers which are playing the same base sound, but with slight modifications (Cutoff-frequency, octave, volume, panorama). 4 independent delay lines are available, they can be clocked by an internal BPM generator or via external MIDI clock (when BPM is set to zero) Here a short demo tune: http://www.midibox.org/mios/magic_midi_delay_demo.mp3 However, this is just a (not well mixed) example - most important point is that I had a lot of fun during live-playing! :) Link to the application: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html (search for "magic_midi_delay") The source code is also a good example, how to interact with the LCD, buttons, pots, encoders, LEDs Minimal configuration: one core module parameters can be controlled via MIDI (see main.asm) Options: one LCD (character or graphical) which shows the parameters 30 buttons to control the parameters directly alternatively 8 encoders to control delay and transpose value of 4 channels and one jog wheel to control the BPM alternatively 14 pots or faders to control the parameters directly mods are welcome! Have fun! ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. ooof! 5.8v? Thats is too much! Hope that your 7805 is working? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Hallo Chriss, ja, das liegt am Konzept der alten PIC16F firmware, die noch auf feste Datenstrukturen aufbaute und deshalb zwar eine Menge konnte, aber nicht besonders flexibel war. Die auf MIOS basierenden MIDIboxen kann man sich eher wie ein Logic-Environment ohne graphische Oberflaeche vorstellen. Man kann mit den Ein- und Ausgehenden Signalen also anfangen was man moechte (ja, man kann damit auch den Fuellstand seiner Kaffeemaschine ueberpruefen und ab einem bestimmten Pegel eine Warnmelodie ueber den SID ausgeben ;-)) Gruss, Thorsten.
  15. TK.

    ALPS Encoder - wo?

    Mittlerweile sind die Encoder wieder lieferbar - ich habe meine letzte Woche erhalten. ;-) Interessanterweise bezieht Schuricht die Encoder von Albs - wenn man dort direkt bestellt, bezahlt man aber mindestens das doppelte. Ich moechte lieber nicht wissen, fuer welchen Preis ein Grosshaendler an die Motorfader herankommen wuerde... Gruss, Thorsten.
  16. Hi Dan, but it must be the 1k resistor, because "80 xx xx" events are only sent when the dump content is zero. Which voltage do you measure between Vss and Pin RA4? should be ca. 5V (and not 0V) So far as I remember you own some 24LC256 - could you test one in order to ensure that the BankStick interface works correctly? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Hi RAF, yes, it must be the contrast pot. Your minimal setup will work. You could also try the LCD checker under Concepts->MBHP->Test programs... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Hi Rogic, sure, I|m interested in the driver. Thanks a lot for your input - a third driver is a great backup solution for people who have the same troubles! :) Best Regards, Thorsten
  19. You could save one core module by using two boards stuffed with the PIC18F and by using MIOS. This will be clear as soon as I've finished the documentation. Displays: a solution for one display in a multicore setup will also be documented in the next days. All functions which are necessary have been already integrated into the operating system :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. TK.


    Hi Mickey, this library is dedicated for USB hosts, USB clients don't need such a complex library. For clients, the most stuff is already implemented in the hardware, so that the software nothing more has to do than to react on requests which have been initiated by the host. The Atmel programmer uses a Cypress chip (btw.: the same chip can be found in MIDIman USB interfaces.. ;-)) - it"s a SMD chip... :-/ Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Thats correct - the data sheet says: long-term maximum voltage 5.5V, absolute maximum voltage (before damage): 7.5V So, you can use the IR sensors without the prodection diodes if you are sure that 5.5V are not exceeted. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Mabye its enough when I just adapt the MB64seq to MIOS and release the source code in order to give you the basics? Because this application will include a chord parser (used by the arpeggiator) and a sequencer engine for 4 independent tracks (the length is scalable to up to 64 steps). The user interface is well adapted for the MIDIbox64 hardware, but it could also be changed for a TB303 like surface or something similar. The source code will give you the answers... ;) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. TK.

    16 MF

    Hi Ian, since I noticed that the performance of PIC18F (and MIOS) is much better than expected, my MIDIbox NG is now working with one core module only. This means, that for your desk two cores modules (instead of 4 like suggested before) are required. One core has to emulate "Logic Control", the other "Logic Control XT". And you have to connect the cores to two different MIDI In/Out ports (it's restricted by the host application, not by MIDIbox itself) I hope that you also planned the use of rotary encoders? Because these are the most important control elements of the LC! My impressions: I don't want to miss it anymore! :) Before the LC emulation, the biggest problem with logic was the creation of a perfect control environment for my needs. I never completed it. due to the effort, so I controlled only the volumes and sometimes VSTIs with a MIDIbox. But with the LC emulation, I can control and automate everything from the control surface - without an `environment` - a completely new (and much more efficient) workflow! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Hi Kieran, one 18F452 as master device, and the 16F877s as slave devices will work. In fact the control surface will control the SIDs similary like the Java GUI, therefore you don"t have to expect compatibility problems. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
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