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Everything posted by pilo

  1. mmmmm :-X I'm going to mail them right now! After my ordering on the website, I received a mail from shipping@alltronics.com that told me that they thanks me for my order and to fax them a a copy of my credit card for the UPS shipping... :-/ which I did, they reply that's everything was ok and they will destroy it, and process my order... but now I feel a little confused after reading that! I can call them but my english accent is maybe not good enough for that. :-/
  2. I mail them to know the name of the manufatcturer of those... first I didn't include the part number, so they can't answer me... then I include it they reply they have only 25 pieces of them... so I mailed them again and they just reply: alps lol! they look like alps... I hope I recieved mine shortly...
  3. In my opinion you made the right choice ;) it takes a lot of time to finish a box, but it's a very very cool thing to do!
  4. mmm I have most of the part now, missing fader (I will recieve them next week) and some led + all knob (fader, enc, and switch). I'm going to spend about 200euros, without the front panel which I'm going to cut my self... but It took me a lot of time to search for the cheapest parts, and I bought parts twice (as LCD, tact switch, led...).
  5. yep je vois! je suis d'accord avec toi on a du mal à trouver ce ke l'on veux sur le site des fois... c un peu confu et j'ai eu du mal! mais il va y avoir un "portail" d'ici moins d'un mois, avec un tas d'article, tutorial ect... ca ne sera plus géré par Thorsten, mais par ceux ki le veulent! je pense k'il y aura des documents multilingues ;) j'ai pas beaucoup de temps pour y participer, mais si il y a des trucs ke tu aimerai avoir en francais, je pourrai bossser un peu dessus, et ensuite les mettre sur le portail pour ke tout le monde y est accès! ;)
  6. pilo

    un joli record!

    2 guests, 4 useres pilo, jesaiplu, Kyo, Junkyseb héhé le forum est envahit par les francais! lol
  7. hehe un nouveau ;) Bienvenue!!! J'avais déja penser faire un site "francais" sur la midibox, car c'est un projet qui grossit de plus en plus et effecrivement ca peut intérrésser des gens! Toutefois il ne faut pas etre rebutté par les explications en anglais, Thorsten a vraiment assuré, il a fait un projet facilement réalisable! de plus, on est plusieur ici à pouvoir aider ceux qui ont du mal avec l'anglais! Je suis d'accord pour traduire/expliquer la où tu as du mal. Tu verra, c'est extrèment simple! le plus dur est de bien savoir ce ke l'on veut, et trouver les composants (encodeur, fader surtout!) mais meme la encore, avec le nombre de contact international il devient de plus en plus facile de trouver des composants de très bonne qualité et pas chère! voila! n'hésite donc pas à poser tes questions! ;)
  8. mmm I don't really understand what you mean but : ID = 0000000000000000 it's for character LCD (any size). This works only with MIOS (so pic18f452). The ID determine if it's character or graphic display ADN the midi interface (common midi or via the serial port). I hope this help you ;)
  9. click on the "generate" button :) looks very good and very useful!!! good job Captain ;)
  10. click on the "generate" button :) looks very good and very useful!!! good job Captain ;)
  11. the PCM1804 has BALENCED input! so you can plug balenced line in without converted it!! :) for ADC board, don't make it until we test and maybe redesign it! ;)
  12. mmmm I'm working on the ADAT input/output right now :) I'm going to look at the ADC board later in the afternood too. For the inputs : yes with 4 ADC you will have 14 inputs :) 1 AC97 input, 4 I2S input (don't remember the name in KX mixer) <- this is where we need ADCs, and 2 SPDIF
  13. for the PCB... I think we have to design it again, because we didn't pay attention to the noise issues... Dan, Gilles, Smash and me have to chatter to see what is the best way... But I think maybe one PCB per ADC will be easy to make... 24bits ADC PCB are very very hard to make, we have to care about a lot of stuff to deal with the datasheet specs (ie to use 24bits for sound, and not 16 for noise and 8 for sound :)). We have also to design a balanced input driver... But it will not take a lot of time. And every people interest in help me for the website is WELCOME! school takes me a lot of time, and so I can't spend to much time on that... By the way, we will also make a AES/SPDIF input/output board and the ADAT thing soon :)
  14. Bon... Dan (d2k) à trouver d'autre fader motorisé... il devrait me dire ce k'ils valent la semaine prochaine... si son avis est positif je commande SANS ATTENDRE! je suis tout à fait d'accord pour grouper la commande! donc si vous en voulez, dites le moi!! ah oui, ils valent $4.95!!!!!! le liens : http://www.alltronics.com/resistors.htm ;)
  15. oh yes, I know (and even with intel 8051 chip). But I can see what we can do with a IDE interface in midibox...;D
  16. you can also look at the midibox lc apps :) You want to make a mackie XT?
  17. hehe! in elektor this month there's a cool pic programmer schematic :) But it's not a USB one.
  18. yes I2S output are better wy because most of the DAC and ADC works with I2S :) the ADAT solution is not very expensive : ADAT encoder (4 I2S to 1 ADAT) chip $5, the decoder (1 ADAT to 4 I2S) chip $7... rj45 cable + driver I don't know exactly, or Toslink connector and lightpipe. I think SPDIF can work well with length... I2S... humm Gilles do you know a chip that convert SPDIF to I2S? I'm going to look for it. FOr Da5id : luckily, I2S is used by ADAT chip, SPDIF chip, ADC and DAC. That's why it's an interesting protocol becase we can convert it to what we want :) (and vice versa) Oh Gilles, do you know exactly how ADAT s/mux works? and do you have any info on the ADAT protocol? Thank you guys ;)
  19. mmmm I don"t know how to setup the XT clone, but I think you can use the same code : LC clone for both! only two core : one with buttons, fader, encodeur + lcd, a LC clone, and one with 8 fader, 8 enc, buttons ect... like the mackie XT. Ask Axel, he makes a 16 fader LC
  20. ouaaww!!! ca a déja bcp de gueule!!!! ptin!! ou as tu trouvé les knob?? ptin y'a une super harmonie dans les couleurs c vraiment super chouette!!! tu as envoyer le lien des foto pout Thorsten?? Félicitation!!!!!!! ;D j'ai hate de pouvoir poster des fotos de la mienne!!! héhé
  21. I agree that we don't have to order too much sample... but, I think microchip will be very proud to be the midibox project, and I don't think they loose a lot of money if we don't buy thier chip ;) It's not like if you were selling them, you're working with, and learning how they work so... And sample are the most easy way to get chip! In france for example it's very hard to find some ADC chip, even pic sometimes! So order sample, and then if it's works and need more of them, buy it :)
  22. for ROM font, I think we can change them? they are include in the asm file, and the "video" memory is fill with the ascII code of the character : 56*25 = 1400 byte of memory. for the multiple core way.... mmm I think it may be hard to synchronized...
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