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Everything posted by pilo

  1. for the external Rack : ADAT lightpipe and CAT5 (RJ45) cable ;) this is an idea from SmashTV and I think it may be a very interesting one! But you can have both adat lighpipe and CAT5 cable :) Maybe other output like TDIF? and analog ouput :) we have to work on the DAC board :) But any idea are welcome! I think the only thing important here is that we many people intersted in it! can't do this alone!! :) thanks all!! :D
  2. yes!!! modules!!!! hehe!!! I think it will be the more interesting way for every body!!!! :) yes I know, I should be sleeping... :D
  3. ooh! if you some money, send it to email adress via paypal ;D it's a joke! But yes this could be great! I can give some money too ;)
  4. hehe GREAT!!! nice to see you back Gilles!!!!! look at the RME ADI converter... maybe we can have something like that (have to work on the s/mux thing, but I know how we can make that with cheap component... need to read some book)... Well... if anyone wants to help with the web site, no problem :)
  5. I see what you mean : you want, for example, a core for the fader and encoder, and a core for buttons? well, you have to set up the LC clone apps for that : make 2 firmware, and remove what you don't want : for example, for a core with just fader and enc, remove the button array (or some part). Hope this help! you have to look at inc file.
  6. I can send you the file, but I think before more people make it, dan should test it with 4 ADC, and see if everything is fine. I'm going to make mine soon, so I can test it too ;)
  7. pilo

    PB faders

    héhé!! génial!!! J'adore voir les photos des midibox!! ;) et en plus ca faisait longtemps ke plus personne parlait ici!!! héhé
  8. hehe I think I'm going to try this this afternood! :) maybe with a faster pic... more resolution? :) But, is anybody here who know the "minitel"? it's a french, old, phone terminal, with a small screen... maybe usefull as a MIOS screen (and cheaper than a tv)
  9. have a look on ebay, sometimes there's one to buy. I don't know if it's always the same output volatge... 160V?
  10. pilo

    Meter Bridge

    LM3915 is expensive! I've made a meter like that in my first amp... With a PIC we can have more meter !!!
  11. pilo

    Meter Bridge

    the hardware? a core and DOUT module :) mmm can be an intersting project!!!!
  12. YESS!!!!! ;D I want try this NOW!!!!
  13. I'm going to work on the website this afternood! so I will put the eagle file on it! FOr the quality, I read that the emu10k1 can handle 24bit/48kHz data... I don't know how this is handle on the driver side... There is 14 mono inputs, but we will use only 8. And I think 14 outputs (1 I2S, 4 SPDIF...have to check this) ;)
  14. you can put the -input and GND togehter, and the +input with the signal of the unbalenced :) I make this to test the board and it's work ;)
  15. hehe ;) the PCB is simple! except the Small SO package :-/ I think when we finished the design of the board, I can make some board with the pcm solder on it, this way it will be easier!
  16. if the optical out is and SPDIF, then it's "easy" to make a spdif input to your amp! see this link : http://sound.westhost.com/project85.htm ;) @David : no problem! I mail you the first PCB made by Gilles and which add 2 balenced analog input!!!
  17. mmm what do you mean by 5.1 input? analog? digital? mmm nothing I think!! We now have to work on DAC board :)
  18. ouaww!! nice case!!! hehehe! how do you drill the square hole?
  19. the 2x40 backlight LCD from BG micro works well with a negative volatge : easy to make with a 1n4007, a 7809 and a couple of caps! oh I forgot to say that those are only $4.95!
  20. no I don't think it's a problem, we just have to know the pinout of the aud_ext connetcor on the audigy! ;)
  21. heeuuu no the sound is good, I think... it's weird because all sample are very short, but it sounds good
  22. hehe no problem to read this!!! it's raw pcm 8 bit signed mono ;D to change them you have to respect the timing
  23. http://www.paia.com/9730.htm this is a VCF?
  24. I made this error twice... on an other PCB, and they were not usable at all! :-/ (for a 50W amp)
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