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Everything posted by QBAS

  1. Hi, thank you for giving us chance of lisenning your song :) For me it is too short! I also very like delay, and sometimes explosives reverb like in reggae dubs. More filters and air. This air can give you longer timing. I noticed "something" good who is most important so I recomending you making a lot of songs for improve. qbas
  2. And here is a question: is anybody know how to get best calculations for other velocity curves? I mean log, exp in assembler controllable by parameters. Something like this: I ask becouse it is hard to find curve by retyping in table with 256 places possible values 1 -127. I know utility in din_velocity_unmuxed for perl, but it isn`t on the fly. Of course I can make some tables and switch beetwen, but it hard to take best point. I looked some hours before asking here, but nothing. Can someone help? Big thanks
  3. Dear Thorsten Klose. Thanks you and other people from this Forum the recycling old destroyed evolution keyboard is going up. Keyboard work quite fine, without random note on problems. The picture show it both with prototype of other controller (both powered by MIOS). The link for latest code will be shortly here. BIG thank you again! :-* QBAS
  4. Hello Thorsten Klose. Before we will try changing something can we ask you what is the best direction for achieve in MB64 this: Thank you
  5. QBAS


    Gratulacje! :)
  6. I can try find this for you in code, but it will come not too fast, if ever come.
  7. This is mostly for custom use, for egzample if you need 17x18 matrix you can use only some pins (not all). the diagram is the same like TK relase but four times bigger (longer chain) http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_scan_matrix1.pdf please use DINX4 and DOUTX4. rows go to DINX and counting is the same like pin on board. Counting on DOUTX4 is here: first SR pins 7 - 0 = our 24 - 31 second SR pins 7 - 0 = our 16 - 23 third SR pins 7 - 0 = our 8 - 15 fourth SR pins 7 - 0 = our 0 - 7 I hope it is clearly. The program put outside sysex string: F0 #ROW #COLUMN #VALUE F7.
  8. hello Is somebody interested in try new code sm32x32 (1024 buttons)? Code basing on TK`s sm_8x8 (thank you TK hundreds times!) Worning! Since I have no free modules at this time, it isn`t checked yet. Have fun! http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=qbas
  9. Hi There is a bug in code sm_16x16_vel who cause randomly note on sometimes. Here will be a new link with code.
  10. before start go inside code of MB64 firstly I would like to ask you that is this must be MB64? or maybe is enough simpler program where pots only send CC from 0-63 with values 0-127?
  11. If you need 64 knobs with different texts you need define 64 tables of texts. Please list all you wish and then we try help. That seem like you tested your needings and you know what you want. Thats great.
  12. hi Firstly please try with some paper on glue closer to knob with : 0-10 ES1 11-22 ES2... and check it , try , play with it. If you will see that this is not enough and you must to have this on LCD then you can include a code who cathing your pot (probubly in USER_AIN_notify...) and run your part who print texts depend from value.
  13. QBAS


    Czo?em. Na luzie. I uwaga: mam stary programator pod COM-a który mog? odst?pi? zanim si? rozpadnie. oczywi?cie darmoszka wystarczy odbra? osobi?cie Wawie lub zap?aci? za przesy?k?
  14. http://www.digido.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=9
  15. QBAS


    OK ja tez wawa. Napisze CI w wiadomosci prywatnej jak mozemy sie skontaktowac, ale zaznaczam ze jestem zapracowany i jeszcze nie wiem kiedy bede mogl sie zabrac za pieszczenie. Powiedzmy moze w przyszlym tygodniu.
  16. QBAS


    prosze bardzo, Qbas z przyjemnoscia pomoze. Chcesz zebym go manualnie popiescil pradem? ;) A tak serio: co Ci niewychodzi?
  17. QBAS


    aha - a to niestety nie wiem jako ze nie zalapalem sie na pica16-tego. Proponuje przejscie na pica 18-tego w celu zwiekszenia kompatybilnosci z innymi (na czasie) programami. A jesli juz wykonales platforme dla 16-go pica to w takim razie bedziesz jego expertem gdy popytasz na forum (w ww sprawie) po angielsku.
  18. QBAS


    czolem a ja nie zaskoczylem skad wzioles nazwy RB0 i RB1? Podaj plik albo strone to moze uda mi sie jakos ustosunkowac. A moze ktos inny pomoze odrazu?
  19. about your code ... rgoto PC_BLOK ;pc0e rgoto PC_BLOK ;pc0f rgoto PC_PASS ;pc10 rgoto PC_PASS ;pc11 rgoto PC_PASS ;pc12 rgoto PC_BLOK ;pc13 rgoto PC_PASS ;pc14 rgoto PC_PASS ;pc15 rgoto PC_PASS ;pc16 rgoto PC_PASS ;pc17 rgoto PC_BLOK ;pc18 rgoto PC_PASS ;pc19 rgoto PC_BLOK rgoto PC_BLOK ... PC_PASS ;procedure for PC_xx : PASS call MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream movf MIOS_PARAMETER1, W ;passe le parametre 1 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut movf MIOS_PARAMETER2, W ;passe le parametre 2 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut movf MIOS_PARAMETER3, W ;passe le parametre 3 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut call MIOS_MIDI_EndStream return can you chane this that please not send all 3 values in case of Program Change, becouse Program change consist from only two parameters, so probubly it is reason why you have a doubled message. For ezgample Program change #5 on channel 8 call MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream movlw 0xc7 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut movlw 0x05 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut call MIOS_MIDI_EndStream
  20. you welcome if you would like you can attach ziped aplication and I can check this on my midibox.
  21. maybe you can run two instances of Mios Studio (great software! I also use it) In one you send by midi output PC to filterbox , no using here midi input. And in second instance you can check by monitor midi input what midifilter do with messages.
  22. hi I`m happy! I don`t know. You can check this, but if you need no more than 32 , and want avoid jump over 32 you can read in macros.h file: that protection is alerady done. Have you any troubles with value bigger than 32? sorry I don`t understand, what you mean? USER_MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvent movf MIOS_PARAMETER1, W xorlw 0xc0 ; catch program change on channel 1 bz PRG_CH1 return PRG_CH1 ; procedure for assign job for every number movlw 0x20 CPFSLT MIOS_PARAMETER2 ;Compare f with W, skip if f < W rgoto PC_BLOCK movf MIOS_PARAMETER2, W JUMPTABLE_2BYTES 32 rgoto PC_0 rgoto PC_1 rgoto PC_2 ; ...... here you must fill it yourself rgoto PC_1e rgoto PC_1f return PC_0 ;here you can out procedure for PC_0 call MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream movlw 0x90 ;noteon channel 1 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut movlw 0x24 ;like you wanted 24 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut movlw 0x7f ; you not said about velocity - so I put maximum call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut call MIOS_MIDI_EndStream return PC_1 ;here you can out procedure for PC_1 return PC_2 ;here you can out procedure for PC_2 return ;...........please write nexts PCn PC_1f return PC_BLOCK return do you monitor both inputs (from midibox and your pedal-unit)?
  23. hi I probubly I have a bad style of writing app in assembler , but sometimes it work. If you want - you can check this. USER_MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvent movf MIOS_PARAMETER1, W xorlw 0xc0 ; catch program change on channel 1 bz PRG_CH1 return PRG_CH1 ; procedure for assign job for every number movf MIOS_PARAMETER2, W JUMPTABLE_2BYTES 32 rgoto PC_0 rgoto PC_1 rgoto PC_2 ; ...... here you must fill it yourself rgoto PC_1e rgoto PC_1f return PC_0 ;here you can out procedure for PC_0 call MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream movlw 0x90 ;noteon channel 1 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut movlw 0x24 ;like you wanted 24 call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut movlw 0x7f ; you not said about velocity - so I put maximum call MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut call MIOS_MIDI_EndStream return PC_1 ;here you can out procedure for PC_1 return PC_2 ;here you can out procedure for PC_2 return ;...........please write nexts PCn PC_1f return I hope it will help.
  24. QBAS


    ja moge pomoc o ile potrafie.
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