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Everything posted by QBAS

  1. OK at this moment I finish work at sm16x16velocity project. In future I`ll improve code. If somebody need a file please send me message or email.
  2. QBAS


    No tak to nie?le to za?atwi?e? z pickami. 36 to chyba Ci na troszku starczy. A co do panelu to poprostu jest to genialny pomys? - ?e te? sam nie wpad?em!!! A ja m?czy?em z linijk? - achhhh - dzi?ki Ci stary ;D
  3. QBAS


    O to konkretne pytanie - ja te? ch?tnie si? dowiem , bo w?asnor?czna ?e?ba ju? tak nie cieszy, Brawo za pytanie!! ps.http://republika.pl/pcb2005/ mo?na tam zamówi? p?ytki drukowane - sprawdzi?em s? OK.
  4. QBAS


    no tak , ale co do tych sampli MICROCHIPa to ju? chyba ju? osobom prywatnym , tylko je?li masz emaila na firm?. Wiesz co? o tych ograniczeniach czy tylko ja jestem w iluzji? chetnie bym lykn?? jakie? picki
  5. QBAS


    To niez?y masz plan. Kurcze ja natomiast ?udz? si? ?e podo?am ze stworzeniem wirtualnego syntezatora daj?cego mi jakie? niez?e brzmienie. Narazie przesiad?em si? na linuxa i tyle.Nawet jeszcze nie wiem która wersja jest ju? na wst?pie najlepiej dostosowana do audio (sterowniki & programy). Ale od czego jest net lub rady ?yczliwych. Niemniej daj zna? jak ju? zagra Ci Twój syntezator - w sensie czy Ci si? podoba brzmienie. Ja jako? z tych MP3 nie do ko?ca si? zajara?em - szukam czego? delikatniejszego lub z wi?kszym przesterem, g??bszymi filtrami itd. Powodzenia!
  6. Hi I almost everyday check news on this forum but I don`t know why I don`t see your question about the code. Bill I`m very new in C so I decide to work with assembler - becouse I try finish keyboard. Learning C will be later. I play both hands (6, 7 notes) I every was OK. I`ll try 10 notes. Moxi - I will be a pleasure for me to share the code , but I don`t know how ! I can of course send you email with file - but will be better if you give me way how and where I can put files for share. I waiting for directions. :) If somebody can improve code - I`m open! Now I`m installing modules inside empty evolution keyboard. I finishing code for LED 7 segment 3 digit matrix (8 wires x 3 wires).
  7. Stryd_one Pots are initialized but not connected. When I configure pots for sending CC -> keyboard sending note on/off is halted, droped. When I set pots for doing nothing, then no problem with sending note on/off. Thorsten. Thank you for suggestion, I`m looking for
  8. I realize sm_matrix 16x16 with velocity based on sm_example2_v1. The Sm_handler is called from User_Tick - when nothing is to do. I added 3 pots. When I turn a pot and play on keyboard the midi note on/off are paused/stoped. What to solve this problem? I would like to do independent tasks: -scan matrix : send notes from keyboard + attendance the buttons from panel (now from User_Tick) -velocity decrease (from User_Timer) -pots: sending CC (AIN_NotifyChange) -driving 3 x 7 segment led display (?).
  9. Hi all! Succesfully today I was finished adding velocity counter. :) Now I`m in testing phase so early I`ll share the code. Thanx for all support.
  10. Hi Thorsten! I`m full of admiration for your idea to scan matrix buttons include in sm_fast project. When I understood haw it woorks then I could extended nombers of column and rows to 16 in both. It works fine, but now I`m going to add the code for velocity detection. Of course I suppose that extention (16x16) can include errors which I don`t see and also the code could be shorter. p.s. Can somebody give me the adress where I can put file for share?
  11. Ok - I`m lost. I try, and cry and nothing. Maybe can someone help me?
  12. Thorsten please help! Sm_fast working very good! Currently I extended matrix 8 dout x 16 din = 128 switches, but I need 16x16. Is that good way for scanning 16x16: RCLK for dout connected separatelly? Is really needing the debounce counter for velocity scan matrix?
  13. a BIG THANKS for T.K. :-*
  14. Thank you once again Yes - everything works great :) :) :)
  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you You have opened my eyes, now I looking for infos with bigger focus. :o
  16. Hi sorry but I`m not understood :P Is this link useful for C projects too? http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=compiling_the_midibox_source_on_linux Probably not. As it was said SDCC 'C' compiler is need. But how to use it???
  17. Thank you Stryd_one for your propose with help. You are very kind. I have some photos but I don`t know is this really imprtant?
  18. Hi Stryd_one Thank you for your suggestions. I glad that I could be first person who tested it. I would like to share photos, but I don`t know how (I know it`s funny). When I press button for "Insert Image" and between this "][" I put path for photos - after presing preview I see no images. ??? So if you can please tell me how to insert images on linux system. I need expand matrix to 16x16 because 12x11 it is need for scaning the keyboard matrix and 4x5 for 20 the buttons matrix on panel. Yes I`ll try to do a timer for each key. I will seek in T.K. code din_velocity_unmuxed_v1_0 but it`s a example in C ::) :-X.
  19. Thank you very very much T.K. for fast respense. For me You are an expert. Yes! With my keyboard matrix (orginally from damaged evolution mk361) the sm_example2_v1 work! Now I try change the code :D. Where to connect in this case AIN modules? What is the reason to use separate pins to the DIN/DOUT chain when I would like to work with additional encoders? Will it be bigger latency when I use also SRIO (DIN/DOUT modules not in chain) together with chain? Thank you very much QBAS
  20. Hi all! Today my friend send me installed MPLAB, so now I can run it without installing! Thank you guys from all my heart. QBAS
  21. hello Moebius Unfortunately not :( I was not backuped an installed programs. Maybe I will find somebody with Win32 for install and copy to my computer. Ok I will try again, but thank you for many informations. QBAS
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