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Everything posted by QBAS

  1. QBAS


    Naj naj naj! na samym dole s? pdfy http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_hw.html
  2. QBAS


    Fajnie, ?e posz?o dalej. Czy dobrze pod??czy?es ko?? pami?ci?
  3. QBAS


    Zwarcie ?atwiej znale?? miernikiem. Pisa?em o zwarciu wej?cia, a nie wyj?cia. Powodzenia
  4. QBAS


    berga24 - za ma?o informacji piszesz - a nie chc? Ci pisa? ?e poszukaj zwar? na p?ytce itd. bo to chyba sam to wiesz. Daj do zasilania Sida jaki? inny zasilacz - sprawdzony, o napi?ciu np 14 V. Zwar?e? wej?cie audio sida, ?eby nie by?o szumów? NApisz co? wi?cej.
  5. QBAS


    Teraz to ju? te? Twoje forum. ;) Ogl?da?em Twoje paczki w??snej robotry - oj pojecha?es bracie, pojecha?e?. JAk graj?? Mo?esz co? wi?cej o nich napisa?? Gratuluj?! Wygl?daj? bardzo mi?o, tylko jak z parametrami? Mo?esz napisa? jak? maj? skuteczno??, moc i barw?? Czy s? cho? troch? liniowe? BRavo!!!
  6. QBAS

    SEQ V2 z Polski

    Cze??! ??dnie Ci to wysz?o. Gratuluj?. Czy to Twój pierwszy projekt? Wy?lij prywatny mesyd? do TK z linkiem do Twojej wiadomo?ci na forum, i proponuj? przenie? Twój w?tek do dzia?u Poland, tak mi si? zdaje ?e b?dzie czytelniej na forum. W ka?dym razie gratuluj?. Fajna obudowa i panel, cho? brakuje tylko po??dnych napisów. Da?bym 5 w skali do 6.
  7. QBAS


    Czo?giem! NAwet je?li masz cz??ci za darmo to jak wygl?da sprawa obudowy? JEstem daleki od powiedzenia ?e warto. Powiem wi?cej nie warto - w dobie tak tanich urz?dze? steruj?cych na rynku. Z drugiej strony co? w tym jest ?e siedz? na tym forum kilka lat, mam przed sob? kilka sterowników i syntezatory FM i SID, a ci?gle mi czego? brakuje - ci?gle co? robi?... tylko nie muzyk?. Ostatnio czerpi? fun z tworzenia programu do muzyki, a nie z samej muzyki. To jest kwestia wkr?tu, a nie tego czy warto w sensie finansowym. Je?li masz wkr?t to i zap?acisz dro?ej ni? za gotwca w sklepie muzycznym. Warto!!! ?artuj?. Nie warto!!! Te? ?artuj?. JAk by? wiedzia? od razu z góry ?e chcesz wykona? to i to urz?dzenie i koniec - to luz ( o ile nie ma tego na rynku) warto zrobi? to jak najlepiej i mie? z g?owy. Ale je?li podrodze si? wkr?cisz w wymy?lanie nowych urz?dze? to mo?esz zosta? w p?tli czasu - jak ja i Syzyf. Powinienem si? nazywa? Syzyf a nie QBAS :) Pami?taj ?e nowe do?wiadczenia rozszerzaj? horyzont i droga wydaje si? by? krutsza, a cz?sto us?ana jest ró?ami. Pomoc masz zagwarantowan? na tym forum. Nie jest trudno uruchomi? i odpali?.
  8. SPDT switches are different than this one used in standard keyboard, so code that I use is not compatible.
  9. In the meantime I improved code (thanks kicks from SD ;)) and now we both use this with good result. Not excellent result - since this code need polishing lockup table with predefined velocity values, and SounDuke report me that sometimes, when he play fast, his keyboard have missing note off message. :-\. Polishing velocity response is easier, but now I cannot doing it (no free time). Finding reason why SD take this hang up notes is harder for me - because I never experience this (probably I`m too slow on keyboard). In future we will try finish this project. Right now it is in ugly asm code style. When I clear this for looking nicer then ... with a little help from my friends... we will try put it on the Wiki. I personally use this code also with 88keys keyboard with good result. If somebody is really interested into putting this code into his machine then I can help, but please consider that this is still not finished project.
  10. QBAS


    no i jak tam upora?e? si? ju? z problemem?
  11. QBAS


    Co dostajesz na wej?ciu MIDI-OX gdy uruchamiasz cora?
  12. QBAS


    Czó?ko, my?l? ?e sysex Ci si? ?le wys?a? i Twoja ostatnia aplikacja wgrana w PICa zosta?a uszkodzona, bez wgranego nowego softu. Powodem mo?e by? - jak s?dz? - s?aby interfejs MIDI, lub ?le skonfigurowane MIDI-OX (o ile tym programem wgrywasz)... Czy po pod???czeniu zasilania dostajesz na MIDI IN w kompie sysex startowy MIDIBOXa? Je?li tak to wszystko gra - tylko wgraj jeszcze raz nowy soft. Je?li nie - to sprubuj wgra? i tak soft , ale po odczekaniu ponad 2 sekundy od w???czenia. Spawd? czy masz odpowiedni? wersj? systemu, albo najlepiej wgraj go najpierw , a potem aplikacj?. powodzenia
  13. QBAS

    MBFM noise?

    from my side: with bad switching PSU I get -13V and +11V on FM module and this give me distorted sound. another PSU (based on big traffo): without connecting to FM module I measure -13 and +11, but after connecting to FM module the voltages I get OK. (+12/-12V) and of course sound was good.
  14. Nice design! Very simple, but enough for playing.
  15. Very interesting demo. Thank you for all your work.
  16. Uffff, one problem less. Now I can study MIDIrouter. One more time thank you TK!
  17. Hello I have a problem with get working iic_midi_sw_loopback_v1_0 application properly. The core module work good with lcd, also I have 2 modules IIC MIDI with latest software related to PIC16f88. After upload iic_midi_sw_loopback_v1_0 application I see on lcd Sl1 Sl2 Sl3 Sl4 * * - - , so MIOS recognized properly IIC MIDI modules. After bootup red and yellow leds blink and green led still light on. Everything look good, but incoming midi data to the core module are not forwarding to IIC MIDI slaves. I left R1 pins on both IIC MIDI modules open. How can I try to debug this situation? :) p.s. when I send any midi data to midi in on IIC MIDI module then I get the same midi data on IIC MIDI out, also red and yellow leds flashing. thanks edit: I have connected leds in oposite way than this picture
  18. @*jOi~ I cut debouncing since most of my projects with matrixes was keyboards. What hardware are you use? What kind of problems are you meet? I stopped learn C - I can`t help with it. This code was prepare to 4xdin and 4xdout modules. I dont know how it will be work with smaller setup. Of course any kind of customization can be done, but I`m not prepare (yet) configuration definitions. no - i just no needed this with keyboard, and I used this timer for velocity counter.
  19. Yes, I has problem with not connected ground between +5V ground and +/-12V ground. My oscillator was very hot, and others part also, but I only changed this oscillator, created connection between grounds and every was good, so I think try finish , upload software and have fun from this super sound.
  20. Styrd_1 you are <MAN>! Thank you for help with keeping this zip file. *jOi~ - yes, it will work with smaller matrix too. Johnc - have fun with assembling! I`m ready to try help!
  21. QBAS

    MBFM noise?

    have you connected grounds (I mean from +5 with +/- 12V)?
  22. hello 1. what you expect from new one layout? 2. Are you plan use also additional LCD on layout or just take it simple? If you need only some faders. knobs and other please keep in mind that DIY is not cheap! Its maximally customizable, but not fast, cheap and easy. DIY-ing will eat your time, power, money. Please consider this before you will build something. Of course it is sense for build that one like you said, but if you find for this new unit somting special, that isnot possible (or very hard) to do with regular commercial controller (for example using motorfaders, memory of values and names of parameters in PIC, etc...), but programming this, checking, testing it all will take a few months. I suggest you try commercial cheap controller (2 octaves, 8 faders, 8 knobs etc...) for check your feeling with Video/MIDI fun.
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