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Everything posted by QBAS

  1. QBAS


    tak oczywi?cie. napisz bezpo?redni message które modu?y potrzebujesz to pogadamy
  2. my english is bad too :) in MidiboxLC is button GPC. It switch between LC emulation and general purpose controller - so you can switch to "standard" controller where you can define name and number of CC. Is this enough for you?
  3. you can send to it any message - so you can see what you want. what software would you like to use? - yes of course
  4. QBAS


    najni?szy koszt scalakow to 1pln - ale na poczatku tez przep?aca?em. Prujesz napszut!
  5. QBAS


    ano ano, poprostu jest wygodniej
  6. QBAS


    tak - jest na to przyk?ad w dziale download: j5_din_v1_3.zip
  7. very good - thanx again :)
  8. yes - this is right place. DIY - so You can do it. Everything is at this page.
  9. very funny My idea is: let`s give him do his matrix of buttons, but I have one suggestion: better for instrument is not drill holes - but makes prototype in another box. This will give a many possibilities experiences.
  10. Your information give me a new hope. At this moment I can`t check this news, but I`ll do it and I`ll write the result. thanx :)
  11. My last project (next) is about 4 lcds(2x40)+90 pots+40 swith/led. But the area! 80cm x 40cm is not too handy :-\ I have remembered what I have made. I have created controll for 99 track seq. It was too much. I have never used more than 16. I have propensity for exaggeration also ;)
  12. hi if I good understand you need 707 buttons with light! sound like my old project MB96pots ;D.707 take big area of space! maybe is better for you grouping this 7 x 101. You can of course build any kind of controller - but 707 led buttons for shure isn`t discrette. are you shure is need 707 direct buttons? If yes you can reprogram sm16x16 program (scan matrix for 256 buttons) to 1024 , and add the same led matrix. This takes only one core module. Another case is connect together 6 cores in one box. This give you direct 707 buttons and led without programming effort.
  13. QBAS


    nie wiem bo nie sprawdzalem , ale napewno knob jak mowisz czyli potencjometr wysy?a okre?lone warto?ci od do- co nie jest idealnym rozwiazaniem bo projekt w reasonie moze miec niesko?czon? d?ugo?? - a wtedy lipa. tak wiec enkoder wysy?a tylko (lub az) informacje o kierunku krecenia i pretkosci - a program np reason odpowiednio to przekszta?ca np w ruch paska pozycji. jest duza szansa ze zadzia?a - w logic audio dzia?a?o
  14. QBAS


    bedzie chodzilo z reasonem na luzie.
  15. QBAS


    I understand and I respect it - thank you again
  16. QBAS


    TK - some persons ask me if I can made for them modules by money. I sad them that it`ll better if they learn, even with spending many hours (days) with debuging. But they are hurry (like every from us on beginning adventure with You). Some of they promises a money. I like help other - specially with music/midi problems - without money. but making 1 core , 2 AIN , 4 DIN, 2 DOUT is normal work (for me). I have my regular work - MIOS is my hobby. I don`t like do job from my hobby. But if you give accept - and they press me - I`ll like a worker :-\ becouse I cannot decline help. personally I think that best is only give possitive thinking and some useful thing (programming pic - help with understand - ocasionally check without paid module) Can I (must ;)) make modules for sale? What is your directions in this case?
  17. yes - I`ll send you soon as possible
  18. Really fast response! Yes erlier I used WinXP - then I has only 2 pics. One is good , but another has a problem with taking all MBLC aplication. Of course shorter aplication always was working on this second pic, but when I would like try work with 2 MBLC then must I try upload a few times. Now I have 12 extra new. Now I work on Linux. I use ICprog , and Pikdev. Both work good. Also JDM wery slow - but working , and good one PIC BURNER. Why 10 go to end without any problem, and 4 has always problem. Only when I put old bootloader 1_1 and MIOS 1.8 - everything is good. But trying to update is equal finish good way. (pic alvays reset, said CRC error , send wrong sysex etc.) OK if you suggest that it is midi driver problem I`ll leave it empty - and from time to time try upload new system. thanx ps in my case its 4 + 1 buy
  19. hello TK recently I try put bootloader 1,2 to my new pics. I use PIC BURNER with Pikdev on linux. Everything is good (and fast) with 10 pics, but 4 has errors. I notice that programmer can put bootloader 1,2 to pic , and veryfing is done. After placing in core I recive wrong sysex. Sometimes sysex is good - then I try upload MIOS 1,9 but can`t finish. When MIOS Studio send MIOS the PIC has fixation (I with it ;)) and reset again. When I try programming bootloader 1_1b - it also has verify OK. MIOS 1.8 can be loaded too , but updating cannot progres. I have on lcd: CRC: 7834 Wrong NO UPDATE! Is this possible that Microchip send me not working pics, good only for trash? Thank you
  20. Hi in mios_tables.inc file is place where you can set number of encoders.
  21. QBAS


    fajnie! witaj w klubie ga?kologiczow ;) w razie czego s?u?? programatorem
  22. QBAS


    sory za opu?nienie w odpisach ale mi net wy??czyli na pare dni. niemniej fajnie ze idziesz dalej w planach. widze ze sobie radzisz :)
  23. QBAS


    umiesz lutowa?/chcesz si? nauczy?? Ta umiej?tno?? jest podstawowa tutaj, a dalej to lekkie podstawy programowania. To co umiem na luzie przeka?? - cierpliwo?? po obu stronach wskazana. S?uchaj ja zamówi?em p?ytk? do Core od go?cia z allegro - wynios?o 16 z? z przesy?k? , ale jako?? oceniam jako ?rednia. Niektóre ?cie?ki pozlepiane , a inne trzeba drucikiem dorabia? , ale efekt ogólnie niez?y. Wcze?niej robi?em na p?ytce uniwersalnej - pod ni? kupa kabli i trzeba z tymi kabelkami ostro?nie - to jewdyne minusy. Pisz ?mia?o co potrzebujesz - wszystko pomog? - a kask? zatrzymaj - bo sam zobaczysz ile to "dziadostwo" ;) jej potrzebuje. I jeszcze jedno - 1 potencjometr zwyk?y najta?szy z ga?k? kosztuje 2,50 , ale nie wiem czy nie warto pokusi? si? o takie lepsze po 6 z? za szt. obudowa - sam mo?esz posk?ada? najlepsz? lub u?y? co? innego zasilacz napewno jaki? masz w domu co daje te 10 V przyda?by si? ekranik - napisz co chcesz dok?adnie zrobi? mo?e np MB64 - z 8 potencjometrami? - wtedy ekranik przyda?by si?. Cz??ci : http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_core_orderlist.txt
  24. QBAS


    guziory te? mozesz pod??czy? do core 8 bezpo?rednio. Cz??ci? (w sklepie elektronicznym) a gdzie mieszkasz? masz pica? ja mam 2 programery - 1 dzia?a (to ten stary JDM) a drugi dopiero testuj? (Pic Burner).
  25. QBAS


    witaj edaspjt na wstepie trzeba wykona? core module - bez tego ani rusz. dalej : je?li chcesz mie? potencjometry obrotowe to do 8 mozesz pod??czy? bezpo?rednio do core module , a je?li b?dziesz chcia? mie? wi?cej - to w przysz?o?ci dorobisz sobie AIN module (do 32 potencjometrów z jednym AIN modu?em). Natomiast je?li jako pokr?te?ka rozumiesz enkodery(czyli te co si? kr?c? bez ko?ca w przciwie?stwie do potencjometrów które maj? zakres od do) to ka?dy enkoder potrzebuje 2 sygna?y, co za tym idzie robi?c modu? DIN4 masz do dyspozycji 32 sygna?y- z czego 4 enkodery zabior? 8 sygna?ów , a 4 "guziki" zabior? 4 sygna?y. tak wiec ogolnie zajmie Ci to 12 wej?? , a zostanie 20 wolnych. mo?esz zrobi? mniejszy DIN np DIN2. Ch?tnie pomog? we wszystkim - pytaj wi?c. pozdrawiam
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