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Everything posted by Rio

  1. the whole thing occurs only sporadically while the seq is playing and ports are selected forth and back... is additional memory required/allocated for CV ports?
  2. Hi Tk, did you notice the hard fault described?: Greetings, rio
  3. Hab ich ja vor, aber das Gerät ist noch nicht geöffnet. ... und 9V DC sollte es hinter dem B40 sein, jedoch Sicher nicht gefiltert oder gesiebt. Danke erstmal für alle Hinweise.
  4. Ich habe mal eben folgendes Szenario getestet: das 1. SID Paar habe ich mal direkt abgenommen ohne die verkabelte mixerschaltung wo die anderen SIDs dran hängen. Kein Brummen. Sobald aber der Mixer in der Schematic mit den anderen SID verbunden wird, obwohl ich weiterhin nur und ausschliesslich das 1. SID Paar nach aussen hin abnehme (also der ausgang hinterm mixer bleibt offen) ist das Brummen schon da. Ich müsste mal den Test mit 14V für mixerschaltung machen.
  5. ja danke. ich teste das ganze mal mit der 14V leitung direkt auf den mixer. danke für den hinweis. mal gucken was dabei rauskommt. und zuvor schau ich auch ob es auch ohne die mixerschaltung brummt. das netzteil ist aber letzte revision. ich kenn die diskussionen, um das netzteil. die person hat aber wohl aus den ersten Versionen gelernt.
  6. muss ich mal testen. am besten ich teste direkt die 14V an dem mixer. aber warum habe ich das humming nicht mit der C64 psu?
  7. heyho, Ich habe mir auch das Netzteil aus genannten Gründen besorgt und verwenden für mein MBSIDv2 die http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_8xsid_c64_psu_optimized.pdf Netzschaltung. Die 6x SIDs mische ich jeweils auf 2 Kanäle (Stereo) via https://www.electronics-lab.com/project/three-channel-audio-mixer-2/ und versorge dort die Mix-Schaltung mit +9V, kommend von der 8xsid_c64_psu_optimized Schaltung - abgenommen vor (2). Also nehme ich dort die +9V vor dem 7809 ab. Ich habe aber ein deutliches Brummen dann auf den Ausgängen. Ist sowas bei euch auch wahrnehmbar? Bei den alten originalen C64 Netzteilen habe ich sowas nicht. Was kann ich machen? Lieber die +14V für den Mixer nehmen (sind die dann besser gesiebt?) oder die direkten +5V (was aber laut Schematic dem Mixer zu wenig sein soll) oder die +9V besser sieben - nur wie? Ich bin für jeden Hint dankbar... Grüße, rio
  8. modular addict shop has not been offline for long. I guess they wouldn't write it down that they'll open again (soon). you can also ask them directly ;) the support was always good. greetings, rio
  9. I found a serious error in the Edit Page when selecting the MIDI port. It occurs when the CV ports are selected back and forth while the SEQ is playing. the whole thing occurs only sporadically. I do not use CV, there is also an *-sign behind it, but it crashes here... !! HARD FAULT !! at PC=0x00047e38 i'm using the last mios32 master branch and my hardware is a LPC17.
  10. tested it. sorry, but the navigation for mute page is totally confusing for me now ... I don't see the advantage there either. It's too much "click" for me. In the end i just want to mute something on the page quick & simple. I also have no problem as it has been solved so far.
  11. The idea is not only for the CPU nor for my panel layout. I have not looked further in the sources, but if it is midiphy related it should only be available for the related midiphy layout (by compiler flag or explicit options). Otherwise the mute/select workflow should work as usual (as the default option).
  12. the prebuild is not for my cpu ... Can you provide a LPC17 prebuild or take a screenshot / short description?
  13. I am looking for something more professionally manufactured PCBs or ready-made modules (Core8 and/or Sid Module). If someone has left in Europe and no longer needs it - please PM me. Thanks, rio.
  14. why did someone solder this in? it's obvious. And also check the Midi In port. yes change the MIDI Out port and then test it in mios studio. if you do not have a desoldering iron, cut the legs and remove the legs with heat using a soldering iron and pliers.
  15. Hey, What are you talking about - the midi port? IN or OUT? I'm not sure what you're examining. Here the schematics from http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html with all the interconnections: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_core_v3.pdf Greetings, rio
  16. Because it just sends back the request code. Edit: sorry my fault...i used a "forward sysex code" in the past ... i just couldn't remember. that was the reason..
  17. Hi, What could be the reason why the PIC18F4685 sends the status request (triggered by "query" button in MIOS studio) back to the midi-in?: f0 00 00 7e 32 00 00 01 f7 In Midi Studio, the pic is recognized correctly, only the additional response is wrong. Greetings, rio
  18. The way to the doctor is certainly not necessary for that ;)
  19. Hey, What do you mean by "deleted" exactly? What does the LCD or "Mios Studio 2" report if you connect Midi In and Out to the PC as soon as you switch on the core? And yes, the boot loader comes up first (it has its own address) Note: here are some useful docs/infos: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html http://www.ucapps.de/mios_bootstrap_newbies.html http://www.ucapps.de/mios_bootstrap_experts.html http://www.ucapps.de/howto_debug_midi.html Greetings, rio
  20. hi. you don't really need to burn if you still have a bootloader on the pic. the upgrades also go through midi .. PS: But if you really want to "burn", several things are crucial. I would recommend that you take a new PIC for testing and not this one that's already baked.. in any case then do not use the file in the "midi" folder. Greetings,
  21. I was just wondering because in the "MIDI" config on the Jam Page, it has not yet been updated. Greetings.
  22. hi and welcome, Do you want to drive an update? Is there already firmware on it? Then it is possible to upload the firmware (newer bootloader or newer mbsidv2) via midi. What response do you get when you use mios studio 2, connect and set "midi in" and "midi out" for your device and you press the "query" button for example for "device ID:" 0? But please don't load a hex file for it yet ... first you need to look at which ID and version the PIC is responding. Greetings!
  23. Please be careful with such suggestions of implementation and if it is useful please only suggest this as an explicit option. Other data can also be transmitted to MIDI IN (routing, etc.) than just what is to be recorded (even while recording ...).
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