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Everything posted by ultra

  1. take your time nebula, i'm finding out this moment how much work it is to keep all this stuff organized! but it's totally worth it :). ultra
  2. ok the group buy is closed. please don't add anything to the wiki page. if someone missed out or wants to change quantities, do so via a personal message. it might not be too late. please be patient while i do the shipping costs and invoicing. everybody will get taken care of. thanks!
  3. group buy closes tomorrow (11/14/08). it was supposed to be today but i don't have time to go over everything tonight anyway, so why not leave it open another day :). thanks to everybody who has sent me their shipping info. i'm going to try to get all the invoices done tomorrow.
  4. anybody who happens to read this thread and is ordering pcbs, please pm me your shipping info so i can calculate cost. the rest i will pm once the group buy has closed. :)
  5. i don't think there's any problem with anybody selling their own pcbs, as long as it's their own layout/artwork :). the only problem is we get them cheap from smashtv, with kits, and he's a longtime member of the community. also people already know what to expect with the pcb quality. that isn't a question of the quality of your work, it's just that people tend to stick with what they know works. with that being said, i'm doing a group buy right now for a pcb and a lot of them have been ordered. but the reason for that is because it's a different pcb from what's available. so maybe that's the route to go? i simply made something i wanted for myself and decided to throw it out there to see if anybody else is interested.
  6. he's saying that ultra needs 8 of the white ones.
  7. crap i missed this thread. ??? thanks anyway wilba!
  8. thanks. I would be willing to receive and distribute any orders to the united states if it cuts down on the shipping costs. let me know what you come up with. we'll hit 16 no problem.
  9. this would be a pretty easy first group buy. just start a new thread in the bulk orders category. i don't think too many will order them so it won't be too much work sending these out. give a deadline, maybe a week or two. i'm personally not in any hurry but i don't know if anybody else is. give price and payment details. hopefully we'll pay via paypal. state that we pay our own shipping and add a bit of money to the cost for bubble envelopes. in the end you shouldn't have to pay anything over the cost of your own knobs so make sure you know the prices. also, people generally have no problem paying for them before they are ordered so you don't have to front your own money. you could put a group buy list up on the wiki, but as i said i don't think a lot of people will be ordering so it's probably easier just to keep it in the thread. ask for help if needed. think you'll do this? it would be much appreciated! ultra
  10. well, can we determine who should do the order then? i think we could get 16 without much problem. i would take 4 of them. i'm wondering if it would be best for someone in europe to handle the order, or is albs pretty fair with shipping to the united states? if that's the case, i'll gladly do the group buy.
  11. i'm sorry i don't even know what that is. did you find somebody who can help?
  12. ok i "finished" the wiki page. http://midibox.org/dokuwiki/ultracore if more information is needed, or any of the descriptions are confusing, please let me know! ultra
  13. any interest in starting another order? :)
  14. yeah i think that was sasha's idea. it's somewhere in the first thread.
  15. i'll try to get it on the wiki this weekend. it's on the original thread but i have 220k resistors on there instead of 220 ohm.
  16. your eyes are fine, and to help them out even more i took this screenshot without the ground plane ;).
  17. no i've already tested it the power, everything is there.
  18. if the purpose was to get around the eusart bug, there would be only one iic module. :)
  19. hey guys, i started the group buy: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,11539.0.html just a reminder that any requests in this thread are not taken into account. please check the thread and order from the wiki :).
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