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Everything posted by ultra

  1. basically what i did was set various modes the application can be in, and called a custom display formatting function based on the mode it's in. i'm not sure of another way to do this, but this method made it easy to access any screen at any time.
  2. i already have this working with the eeprom setting my number of ports, so this is exciting to have the final piece in place - port naming! thanks tk. the quest for the perfect midi/usb interface is now complete.
  3. yeah you can change the behavior however you want based on the incrementer value that's received in the ENC_NotifyChange function.
  4. hey, i'm going to hold off on a group buy until we have a better idea of when core4, seq4, and wilba's pcbs will be available. if core4 and seq4 are available soon, then there's not much need for it. when it becomes close to the time that wilba can ship his kits, i'll see where we are then. i don't want to put pcbs out there that will just be replaced right away. ultra
  5. ok sasha, i don't care that i haven't gotten it yet. but as you know i haven't done a good job of paying attention to this order and i wanted to make sure i'm not missing anything. thanks!
  6. hi, i do plan on doing another ultracore group buy and i suppose i should post it pretty soon. i want to support wilba's group buy and have pcbs available to anybody building his seq. i was waiting to see how long it takes for core v4 to arrive, because then my pcb wouldn't be necessary. but it looks like it'll be a while. so yes i'll post a new thread soon with details on how to order. ultra
  7. should i have gotten anything by now? pcb? rare parts? panel? ultra
  8. LH: it does receive midi data, and any program recognizes them as midi i/o. here's the link, thanks! http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios&path=/trunk/mbhp/mbhp_usb_gm5_eeprom/
  9. i'm trying to use gm5 with the eeprom. i've grounded the 3 jumpers, plus pin 10 of the gm5 chip (i have the first pcb), and loaded the data into the eeprom as it is on the svn. when i plug it in, windows found new hardware says "ploytec gm5 www.midibox.org" or something like that. i believe that before the eeprom was in, it said "ploytec gm5 II". anyway, the software, by default, appears to be set up for 3 sets of midi i/o, but i still get 5. also, they have the generic label of "usb audio device". is there something i've missed? i would like to take this down to 3 sets of i/o. thanks, ultra
  10. thank you stryd, when i have time, i will wiki this information. i can't be the only person interested in powering via usb. much appreciated!
  11. well, here's my response from ploytech: "Yes, you can do that via the EEPROM. I guess there'll be more info on midibox about how." not much help to me.
  12. hi, at ucapps, the description for j7 on the gm5 page says you can get 500mA via usb. is this 500mA request already built into the chip? if not, can it be put into the eeprom? also, does the chip know not to power anything else until 500mA is approved? i'm a little confused about this and perhaps i'm thinking about it too much and i can simply connect a 400mA circuit to j7 and be off with it. ultra
  13. no problem. people commonly use "tactile" or "tact" switches. they are the switches with short travel and a clicky feel.
  14. all switches (besides power) are momentary, normally open.
  15. yeah i'll pm you on this!
  16. dstamand i was designing my own live controller for some time, but i really don't have the time to complete it. and i like yours better. i wanna build one!
  17. i'm keeping this in mind. whenever a schematic is released, i'll probably be on it.
  18. thanks doug. i'll send one to each of you with the next group buy.
  19. check the cable connected to the lcd. if that's not the problem, i would use an ohm meter and the schematic to make sure there is little or no resistance from the lcd header pins to other pins the signal goes to.
  20. xarolium, i have plans to do another run later in the year when wilba starts his sequencer kit group buy. as of right now, there hasn't been enough interest in more pcbs for me to do another run, and i'd prefer to wait anyway. it seems you're the only one who didn't receive their pcbs. i hate that it happened but this is why i stated that i can't guarantee delivery on the group buy page. i was very careful to make sure i mailed them all out. i'm out of ultracore pcbs. next time i will order some extra in case this happens again, but for now you could contact doug wellington and ask if you can get one from him. he mentioned to me in the chat he was willing to help out with this. you can get the second one from me when i do the next group buy and i'll send it at no charge. does this sound like a good compromise? ultra
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