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Everything posted by ultra

  1. i think that adding any kind of SR's is counter-productive. the point is indeed to reduce spaghetti (i don't like italian food :P) so my SR's will be on the control surface. this produces the least amount of wiring and is the most customizable. i think the SIL headers are gonna stay. a lot of these won't be used very much, and also they can still connect to smash's boards if you use SIL on that side of it as well. i might just be good with tedious tasks, but i really don't mind putting together SIL connectors.
  2. another update. i added traces to allow this pcb to be used as a router as well as a seq. you simply use those jumpers that slide onto headers to select whether you're using this for a seq or router. at minimum you need to put on one jumper to use this as a seq. soldering in a small bridge would work as well. thank bugfight for this idea. i would have missed it. in fact, i would have missed running a trace that allows this to be used as a seq ;). does anybody want to move this thread to a more appropriate place? it's not just for seq anymore!
  3. i finally bought an ink cartridge for my printer, so i'm gonna verify this today or tomorrow. i have a bunch of those 2x5 futurlec connectors here so i'll use those. i think they're gonna fit. regarding the extra headers, i do know the core's J4 is different than the IIC module's J4, but i don't know if i actually need 4 of the IIC module J4. i figured i'd have them all since they can fit. if in fact they could be useful to someone, there's no reason not to leave them in since you can choose how many IIC modules and which parts of it you want anyway. i think this would be a handy IIC development board because there's no extra wires getting in your way. if it's ludicrous to have 4 IIC J4 headers, as in it could never be useful, i will remove them. i'm really glad i can give something back to the midibox community, and i hope this pcb is useful to people. the time i've spent adding the features that other people may want is nothing compared to the time others have spent helping me learn enough to get the pcb to where it's useful to *me*. the pcb is really nothing more than a consolidation of what people in this forum have taught me, and without their skills and willingness to help, someone like me (who has only 1.5 years of electronics experience) wouldn't be able to do this. so, thank YOU guys!
  4. i've added the rest of the i/o. every header on the core is available, as well as J4 for each IIC module (in addition to J4 out from the core). ignore some of the naming. i've been renaming everything to match the core/IIC schematic. here's the most recent screenshot: http://www.sub-version.net/diy/seq/images/core.gif
  5. after talking to a couple people, i realize this can probably be used for other things like a control surface, and since that's my next midibox, i'm adding the rest of the headers. i can do this without adding much real estate to the pcb. and btw, this pcb is also going to end up being pretty cheap.
  6. i will add these. as i said i was making this pcb for me and i didn't even look into those since i only use midi, but they won't be difficult to add.
  7. the pcb is around 150 x 75 mm so it shouldn't be very expensive at all.
  8. i've been working on two control surface pcbs along with this (one for switches and one for encoders), but i didn't mention them for the reason sasha gave. everybody wants a different seq. and i think mine is especially non-standard so people wouldn't want it and it wouldn't be feasible to do a pcb run. mine has the din/dout modules built right into it on the back of the pcbs, so the two CS boards connect together and one of them has just a single cable out to the core. if someone else came up with a "standard" CS layout that others would be interested in, i'd consider helping with working on it in the future. i would love to see how quickly and inexpensively a seq could be built if a few people came together to find out what works best. i took a screenshot of the current pcb, so follow the link to see it. the image is big so i didn't want to put it here in the thread. http://www.sub-version.net/diy/seq/images/core.gif please keep in mind: i made this pcb for myself so it's set up the way i wanted it to be. because i'm not running a business, i probably won't be very open to modifications. i barely knew eagle when i started this (still don't, but i have great help) so it's taken me a long time to get this far. changing everything for other people's purposes just isn't something i have the time to do. i don't mean to sound like i don't care about anybody else's concerns, i just don't have the time to address them. the reasons i'm going to make the pcb available is to help out those who need a pcb just like the one i'm already making. perhaps the seq will become just a little more accessible to people :). the pcb mount midi jacks are not on the board and they won't be. also, i left out any headers that are not for midi i/o, lcd, power, din, dout, and aout. in the image, the midi i/o headers go across the top. j8/j9 go to the core and the rest are IIC midi i/o. the IIC modules don't need jumpers because the addressing is built into the board. i left extra room around the headers to make it easier to use the connectors. there are two connectors near the power circuit. one comes from your power adapter and the other out to a switch. you can simply put in a header/jumper or solder a bridge if you don't want a header going out to a switch. also there's room around the voltage regulator for the kind of "wraparound" heatsink like smash sells (they're nice). the lcd headers are positioned so the cable shouldn't have to twist when going to the lcds, but i have to verify that they're not rotated. finally, the headers to the din/dout and aout chains are at the bottom right of the board. ultra
  9. smash includes pcbs with his part kits, and with how busy he already is i doubt he'll want to make a parts-only kit with this specific combination of parts. i'll make up a mouser parts list later on. including parts with the pcb is definitely something i'm not interested in doing because i'm short on time as well. i can do that when the layout is completed and tested. for now i was just seeing if there's any interest, not to get definite answers :).
  10. hi, i've been working on a seq pcb and i want to gauge whether or not there is an interest in a run of these. the pcb has a core, 4x IIC (all midi 5 in/out available), and 8x bankstick on a single board. the pcb has two lcd headers so you can wire both of them direct (pinout matches nebula's group buy lcd), a header to the din/dout chain, and also a header to the aout. you would still have to make your own control surface. the board is about 150x75 mm. i plan on having this pcb made within the next couple of weeks or so, and after they've been tested i could have more made. this is not a thread to initiate a group buy, so please just post if you think you'd be interested in ordering one. thanks! ultra
  11. some if you guys have some very interesting careers. congrats and i hope you're enjoying yourselves. :) i work for a company that contracts with cable companies to install cable, internet, and telephone service (basically i'm a cable guy). i've also done work in networking, wifi installations, and satellite internet with the same company. it's an interesting job i guess, but after six years i'm about done with it. there's a lot of freedom as i get to work alone, out in public. i also meet a lot of new people and see a lot of weird things, but a lot of the people make me sick with their television addictions and petty concerns. i realize that feeling this way means i'm no longer suited to do my job well, so i'm attending school for electronics technology and computer engineering technology. fortunately my job has been flexible enough to allow me to do this. not sure what i'll do after school, because i'm mainly studying this for personal interest. i think next i want to work on telecommunications towers.
  12. i've never had problems with my m-audio 2496, or ozonic, or keystation pro 88, or trigger finger, or axiom 25. i did however blow out the m-audio monitors i had, but i think that was my fault and i will eventually buy them again. each of these devices i paid a relatively small amount of money for and they have worked on windows xp without a glitch.
  13. i've been slowly building this project from the first run of pcbs. the THAT chips are available at mouser. :)
  14. well, i've managed to make a power toggling tact switch circuit and it works well. as i said in the previous post i used the LTC2950 by linear. you can order up to two free samples of this chip (get LTC2950ITS8-2#TRM). i mounted the chip on a SOT23/DIP converter board (http://cimarrontechnology.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=5) so i can breadboard it. i think in my final project i'll leave it on the DIP board and solder that to my pcb. i'm using .022uF capacitors to set the on/off time, which can be set independently. the circuit switches on nearly immediately (would take longer with .033uF cap like in the picture on the site), and takes about a second to turn off, so no accidental power-downs :). i originally tried a .047uF capacitor, but this didn't work for the power-up all the time. sometimes, it would turn off again after the approximate hold time for turning on. i think the capacitor wasn't charging enough and the chip would cycle power. anyway, just thought i'd share this so anybody interested in using a tact switch to cycle power can do it. i do plan on having a master power switch on the back as well, just so i can physically cut power when i want to.
  15. ultra


    good advice. thanks mte!
  16. ok, keep an eye on them to see when they become available and i'll do the same.
  17. i'm sure mouser will ship to france. if they want an unreasonable amount of money, i can still get them for you. let me know.
  18. xarolium, the red led TL1240 at mouser are on back order, and something is weird about the listing (search TL1240 at mouser). the other switches say they include the cap, but not the red. i'll chat with mouser when i get a chance. they are $2.04 USD. i don't see a cap listed separately anywhere, but my green switches are about the same price with the cap. you'll pay close to $3 each if you have to buy the cap separately. ultra
  19. nope, since i started school i've had way less time and money than i had thought, so i haven't gotten much done. i was just wondering how yours was doing. :)
  20. hi, have you ever completed this?
  21. their handles are wide, i'm pretty sure that wouldn't work.
  22. i think we've come full circle.
  23. i can have it bent easier than i can make those holes. there's a bender at school.
  24. i agree! in the past year that i've been building my seq, i've gotten an incredible amount of help from this community. it's great because i didn't know how to do any of this before i started.
  25. ultra

    thanks TwinX

    i suppose there's no deadline for donations (if you're not concerned about a prize). i'm a poor student but the school check comes in soon, i'll send some over :).
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