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Everything posted by /tilted/

  1. wow. I especially like the wind sheet thingy. That could be a very cool live controller. No, by that I don't mean a controller for Ableton.
  2. Not really a good idea. Many small switchmode supplies employ regulation feedback loops that are marginally stable these supplies may fail to regulate properly or may not regulate at all if additional filtering capacitors are used at the output. Edit: See also here: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,10921.0/topicseen.html Which links to: http://sound.westhost.com/articles/external-psu.htm
  3. We aussies are swimming in SIDs! There's a stray cat on my street that coughs up SIDballs! I tripped over a pile on the way out of my house this morning! They get stuck in the bottom of my shoe! It doesn't rain water here (no really), it rains SIDs! (And beer). (And ladies). Actually it doesn't seem to rain water any more...
  4. Perhaps it would also be constructive for us to have a list of models which do work?
  5. Is this because you plan to use it in a modular with +/-15v rails? Or just because you don't want to get regulators? If you are going for 15v rails, wouldn't you then calibrate the NG so as to get the widest sweep range? If not, why go for the higher rails? My impression of the NG was that your max/-max valuse would be as close as possible to your rails (in bipolar mode) and your min would be 0v. Wouldn't it then follow, that if you increased your headroom by increasing the rail voltage, and of course the number of steps between max, 0, -max would stay the same, then each step would get bigger?
  6. I can't see any problem with the hardware side. The TLs are of course able to go to +/-18v, the filter caps are rated to well above this, The DAC is powered by the Core. The only problem I can see is an operational one. You may find that as a result of your increased supply rails, you have wider "steps". In fact, They would be around 25% wider. Of course, I'll happily hand over to Seppoman on this...
  7. Hang on, does this mean you actually got a Saffire working? I have a Saffire "Pro" 26I/O. I'd love to know how to get it working. And how to get it to keep working, not just drop out when it feels like. Hey, maybe then I could actually use the thing for its intended function. Now, that would be cool.
  8. I have a MIDISPORT 4x4. also good. P.S. I think there are a few manufacturers out there, or perhaps some OEM suppliers, who are making horrible USB midi devices very cheaply. I hear a lot of stories about people with these multi-purpose interfaces (ie, an interface which is also a keyboard, or a mix controller). Perhaps we (I?) need to start a Wiki entry about this... wait! there is one! http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/midi_interface_blacklist
  9. A few points here. If you are going to 'plate' your PCBs by hand, I would recommend doing so before you begin mounting components. Edit: Also, you seem to have linked your Core board twice (underside view). ie neither of those solder-side pictures are of your DIN module, which I still think seems to be your main problem. Also, and this might be a bit of a long shot, but the look of some of those solder traces suggests one of two additional things to me: 1) your soldering iron is not quite hot enough. or 2) your technique is slightly off. By 2) I mean: do you A) apply solder to your iron, then apply your iron to the board? or do you B) heat the board and parts gently with the iron, to the point where solder applied to the board or part (not to the iron tip) will flow across the join to be made?
  10. For the purposes likely to be encountered in the MBHP, there are basically two types of capacitors: POLARISED: These include the types: Electrolytic and Tantalum. Electrolytic are more commonly used in these applications. NON-POLARISED: These include the types: Ceramic, Monolithic, MKT, "Greencap" - Polyester. also, to confuse the issue slightly, there are non-polarised electrolitics available. There are other, more expensive non-polarised types around, but you are unlikely to use these for a uCApps project. These are typically the type of thing that guitar boffins and audiophile lunatics will carry on endlessly about. You should not use a polarised cap where a non-polarised is called for, or vice versa. Regarding your specific example, the two caps shown are essentially interchangeable as far as MBHP is concerned. The only exception I would make is to only use ceramic type around the crystal resonator circuit, ie C1 and C2 on the core module. This type of crystal oscillator is best realised with a ceramic, as they have better thermal characteristics. For the rest of them, you can use ceramic, MKT, whatever you have (and in some cases, you can probably leave them out, but I don't want to start that up again)... There may be other important examples, but offhand I can't think of them.
  11. Sorry to drift, but when did this happen? I can absolutely understand there may be a significant ground potential difference between (say) a core and a PC switching supply. What I do have trouble with is that this should cause an error on a MIDI line, which could be remedied by lifting the ground at the Tx end. The MIDI spec is quite clear that MIDI INPUT ports should NOT have their ground pins connected. This was done to reduce the likelyhood of ground loops, which can produce a sound like AC mains hum, and what's worse, can corrupt data. Also this serves to reduce the very real likelyhood of quite high ground potential difference when using switching PSUs, though this was probably not a main concern when the spec was written. My point is, the PC MIDI in connector in this other case was not built to the spec. Shock, horror. ::)
  12. Very well done, Ris8. I remember when this project was just a twinkle in your eye, and now it is a real head-turner. That is awesome.
  13. well... saving your left cheek, anyway. ;)
  14. Is it possible you have a core problem? too many hard resets? have you tried changing to your older boards assembled with the old iron?
  15. I think you may be missing the reason behind the name "bankstick" It is a hot-swappable memory device, used principly by the synthesizer apps (MBSid, MBFM) to store presets. Presets are stored in "banks". TK's are mounted in a "stick" made from a DB-9 plug. It is not a "stick" used to select "banks". (Like, a joystick) Though one of those would be cool... Or maybe a momentary-off-momentary type toggle switch, mounted sideways...
  16. 6-8kR btw pins and ground is probably normal. Try reversing the probes on your multimeter, you may be taking the chip in parallel with the resistor. Mine read around 3k6R one way, 10k4R the other. I would say it is possible to fry only certain pins. Can't say whether you have or not.
  17. You heard the man. I'll PM you two, see if you want any. Any others from the tailpipe of the world, let me know if you are interested. Do this sooner than later, I won't wait long.
  18. I'm sure messers X and TV are doing their very best to keep things running at the moment. As many of you may know, Mr Twin X has had a major issue with the hosting for the site. I don't know the specifics, and I'm sure it's none of my (our) business, but I'm sure he is doing all he can to make it work. (For FREE, by the way...) ;)
  19. Do be very careful about this. As you called yourself a newbie... If you are using 9 to 12v, you shouldn't need to bypass the bridge. The bridge recifier is there so that any momentary lapse of concentration (such as plugging in the power supply backwards), will not damage your core. I say bypass the bridge ONLY if you are absolutely certain you will never plug the power in with incorrect polarity. You may even have an intermittent problem with your power supply. Is it new?
  20. Shame. I think there is a niche going wanting here. Someone needs to write a song for Eurovision about a modular synth. unfortunately it can't be me, as I'm not european. I'm throwing down the gauntlet!!! Get cracking, you lot! ;D
  21. I am. Do you often check the forum from different locations? I personally use 3 computers (not at once). Of course, it is also possible that my desk 'puter has cookies disabled, or other higher net security, as it is (supposedly) my "audio only" computer.
  22. Translation anyone? I managed to pick out the word "Eurovision" Or as it would no doubt be spelled in my heathen country "err-oh-vee-zow" Is the song somehow written about the modular on centre stage? Is this why it is there, but not patched AT ALL!!? Great clip. Eurovision is hilarious. ;D (P.S. Apologies is eurovision is meant to be serious) (P.P.S. Bring back LORDY)
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