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Everything posted by /tilted/

  1. Oh yeah!! The demo is freq in sweet. I'm so glad I have six of these chips... can't wait to build a buncha these.
  2. Do I really need more than 4 pairs? No, not really, but I often use a guitar with GR pickup for input. It puts out a signal for each string, and converts these into seperate MIDI channels (to allow for 6x pitch bend). So, 6 pairs would be great... but as you say, I can always just build two boxes. I could also use the MIDI connection to transfer patches between boxes via sysex, so I wouldn't have to re-invent patches.
  3. Hit (screwdriver) No, that thread is called MB-6582 baseboard part kits
  4. Could you not simply use the eDrum as is for the trigger-to-MIDI conversion, and a midibox device to handle the transposition to different drums?
  5. By this, do you mean the same control signals go to each of say, left SID and left of SwinSID? So the SwinSID is essentially pin-compatable with the 6581/82/8580 pinout? Also TK, during the design/testing/beta phase with MBSID V2, you briefly mentioned the capacity for extending the number of SIDs to 8 stereo pairs, but the ucApps page now shows 4 pairs as a maximum. Is there still a possibilty this figure might go higher? Or is there a specific limitation in the way? Very nice work...
  6. So Nebula, do you have your kit yet? ;D
  7. Surface mount is the way of the future, it's just that we humans are just not up to the challenge. We'll be fine once we get the automatic zoom eye, and super stable hands. - or maybe i should cut back on the coffee, and get a magnifier.
  8. 6 modules of LC is fine, so long as your software can handle it, and you have enough MIDI ports. 8 encoders per fader, for a total of 64 encoders per module... no. Sorry. Even if you can afford it, the LC protocol will not do it. This is a limitation of the original software/ controller interface device. sorry, but 8 is your limit. Touchscreens can be interfaced with MIDIBox, but again, you are straying from the LC protocol. Using a joystick for 5.1 panning is a great idea, and another which is not supported by the LC protocol. Sorry, but I think you need to do a little more homework on this concept.
  9. I have a serious jones for that 4xD delay. :P drool.
  10. A- HEM! They don't on eBay!! Check the listing...
  11. If I remember correctly, I did briefly prattle about the T=RC method on ye chat. Definitely the cheapest way to go. If the cap charges too fast to time accurately, try using a very high **ohmage** resistor. This will slow down your time constant proportionately. Of course, measuring the voltage capacitage? is a different story.
  12. sure. If I can get hold of a scanner...
  13. Absolutely! Well said! ...? Neb? ...
  14. Nice one opkod! I just bought a set. I'll see how they are when they arrive.
  15. do you have anything attached to the PICs? are they mounted on CORE boards? this sounds like classic brownout stuff. If you have the PICs mounted in CORE boards, check and double check (and then keep checking) all your connections. also make sure you have put the right components in the right places... if you have any other board connected to your CORE, try disconnecting them all, as you may have problems there, too.
  16. Sorry Stryd, but I think you may have ...eep... missed something. :o I think TK's remark was that the worst case scenario of moving all 64 pots at once (quite tricky for your standard 2 handed, 10 fingered simian) would only lead to a PIC latency of 12ms. This said, transmitting all that data via cumbersome old MIDI would be completed in just under 64ms (actually, more like 61.44ms, but who's counting) As TK also said: Edit: In fact, I've just realised, if all the 64 knobs were assigned to ordinary CC numbers 0-127 (or rather, 0-95), the transmission would be done in less than 41ms (40.96ms), as these instructions are only 2 bytes long.
  17. Sorry, nothing to say at all. Just trying to pad out the thread, so Nebula gets his kit sooner. ;D
  18. you could do something just like what you mention using a combination of a LM3915 dot/bar driver and a 8 to 3 encoder chip. the LM3915 takes one of 10 outputs low in response to signal level, so you'll need to invert them to drive the encoder. these could then be fed into an 8-to-3 encoder chip, with the output used to drive the LED directly. ie Q(0) to Red, Q(1) to Green, Q(2) to Blue on your LED. you could then choose which order your colours should go. say your LED glows blue at low levels, through green/yellow at middle levels, etc: [tt] out 10 (max) - input (7) = 111 = All cells on = White out 9 - input (1) = 001 = Red cell alone out 8 - input (3) = 011 = Red+Green = Yellow out 7 - input (2) = 010 = Green cell alone out 6 - input (6) = 110 = Green+Blue = Cyan out 5 - input (4) = 100 = Blue cell alone out 4 - input (5) = 101 = Red+Blue = Magenta out 1-3 OR'd - input (0) = 000 = All cells off [/tt] Edit: I've just realised that this all assumes a common cathode LED, and yours is common anode. No big issue, just patch as follows: [tt] out 10 (max) - input (0) = 000 = All cells on = White out 9 - input (6) = 110 = Red cell alone out 8 - input (4) = 100 = Red+Green = Yellow out 7 - input (5) = 101 = Green cell alone out 6 - input (1) = 001 = Green+Blue = Cyan out 5 - input (3) = 011 = Blue cell alone out 4 - input (2) = 010 = Red+Blue = Magenta out 1-3 OR'd - input (7) = 111 = All cells off [/tt]
  19. Welcome aboard Foona! If you have any questions, there are usually a handful of folk about to help. Check the Wiki of course, and the search engine, as we have all had our share of questions, many have already been answered! Have fun!
  20. /tilted/


    Yuck. just yuck. It seems he has a very slap-dash approach. or he's just making it up as he goes along. full marks for the swearing though, that was great!
  21. I'm also not from EU, but I'm interested in a speakjet chip. I'm happy to pay a little more for shipping, too.
  22. Yeah. i'm a bender. I bend girders, that's all I'm programmed to do!
  23. Guilty Guilty Guilty. Speak n Math, Speak n Spell II, countless other toys, about 16 SmashTV boards, 25 Motorfaders, about 200 illuminated switches, 2 MB6582 Base PCBs, 2 ReBote delays, 2 SansAmp clone boards... All awaiting me to do SOMETHING with them! A lot of spent bench space, not a lot of activity... Glad to hear I'm not the only one in the world who needs to take time off work for "shed time"!
  24. nebula is the best! I'm in for P301s, no pointer, soft black grip, shiny or matt chrome body, quantity all I can get. Yeah! by the way, re the original question, A is north configuration (assuming pointer to top of picture) according to this doc: http://www.sos.sk/a_info/resource/a/pdf/rean.pdf
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