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Everything posted by /tilted/

  1. Hi. Just wondering if anyone has any H bridges they don't need, or if anyone would be interested in going for a bulk order. I'm looking for 24.
  2. Shock of shock! The Heatsink fetishist strikes again... ;D ;D
  3. These guys sell parts for swell (volume) and wah wah pedals for guitarists. You should be able to find something suitable... http://www.smallbearelec.com/Categories.bok?category=Wah-Wah+and+Swell+Pedal+Parts
  4. How is the MBSID being used?? Well my plan is: Squueeeeeeee eaaassssssssss aaaaaaaaaoouuuuuuuuuuuuui ii i i i i ii vouvououoouuououvouuouvuououvououv dodedehdedodedehdedodedehdedodedehdedodedehdedodedehde But that's just me.... :D
  5. You might find you have a blown fuse. Most C64s have a board mounted fuse inside. The exact location will vary by model, but it is usually within an inch or so of the power supply connector.
  6. That seemed odd to me as well. Putting a 10k pot across the outputs of your channel strip would be a pretty icky idea too, as it would tend to pull your output toward GND much more than a 100k would. Maybe the 100k lin is for an exponential controlled VCA, and the 10k for automation which has hardware scaling (ie a 10k log fader)...
  7. The last time I caught a *whack* was at work. I was plugging in a piece of electrical equipment which should have been safety tested, but hadn't, for the last 4 years. Not good enough.
  8. Sounds like it might be for a "flying faders" automated mixing console. The linear track is for voltage feedback to tell the automation where the fader is, the log track is the actual fader trace for the channel strip.
  9. I dare say that 11v on a 9v line is not going to cause too many problems. Especially as this line is AC, and gets rectifed and regulated before it gets to your SIDs. Also, is your volt meter set to AC or DC volts? this might account for a strange reading...
  10. I'd hope it isn't a 60Hz buzz. Unless you've run a really long extension lead to the U.S.!! (Ours is 50Hz)
  11. The range you mention is a little less than half of the total for your pot. This should be ok anyway, since the AD converters in these PICs are 10 bit (I think) and you only need 7 bit for a MIDI CC... I think you could get better range/jitter figures if you increased the supply to the top end of your pot, to say 6 or 7 volts. The best would be to adjust it so that your "at full" voltage is as close to 5v as you can get, without going over. All that said, there's probably some analogue trickery you could do with opamp/comparators to achieve scaling in the analogue world (ie before you get to the PIC), so if you needed a 14 bit controller, you'd still get reasonable resolution from it. Unfortunately I'm way too tired/busy to figure out analogue scaling functions...
  12. Just a thought, but you could always just get a cheap and cheerful 25k linear single gang pot for testing. These babies are in the sub-ten-bucks category, and widely available without prescription... If it doesn't work, then you've only spent a few dollars, and you could use it for.. um, the midrange control in a Fender amp clone? Cool idea. Dual concentric pots would be ace for the channel-strip controller... if I get around to making one.
  13. What is that case? It is sweet. It looks like maybe a C64 diskdrive case?
  14. relatively easy to build yes, but these circuits are designed with specific vactrol devices in mind, and the 'off the shelf' components you could use to build one are a little less consistent than the vactrols are when mass produced.
  15. i too want Vactrols, please. I'm joining the buy now!
  16. You could of course make a dimmer for the LEDs...
  17. That is sweet. I think I need 1 per channel on my LC for eq/compression response curves. What? Yes, of course it has to be in full colour! And then a hell of a lot more processor to run them. And maybe an interface that will allow bidirectional transfer with my DAW...
  18. Heck yes!!! I want to! For 7.10 Euro, I can't afford NOT to get one!
  19. Holy stuff! Now I need to make even more room in my house! ...and maybe take up VJing.
  20. There are probably some how-tos, but you would ultimately need to reverse-engineer the entire unit to make this change possible. You would at least need to know exactly what the configuration of your system is, on the component level.
  21. I have wondered whether it would be a good idea to start a small MidiBox.org library or Eagle parts... encoders, some of the more common switches...
  22. Those are some seriously [glow=red,2,300]UGLY[/glow] mods! The second one (looks like maybe a Bridge and some greencaps) is not too bad, but the first... Man! make a daughterboard, or something! So, how awesome are these linns..?
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