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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. I set it up in RH mode (from left to right: Core -> LE MEC -> LE MEC RH -> JA PCB )
    and loaded up seq_r and the issue remained.
    I commented out the DIN MATRIX line in seq_r.ngc for the RH PCB and this is the result of turning ENCSW4 clockwise one detent with set debug on:

    [ 657.687] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(36, 0)
    [ 657.688] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=36
    [ 657.702] MBNG_ENC_NotifyChange(12, 1)
    [ 657.703] [EVENT] id=ENC:12 hw_id=ENC:12 bank=0 fwd_id=DISABLED:0 type=CC value=0 label=
    [ 657.708] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(36, 1)
    [ 657.709] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=36


    I noticed SW20 did not light up this time when turning. The Mattias LEDs Common Cathode are still desoldered, so not sure if these would light up in this column with DIN commented out.

    I presume I was not meant to comment out DOUT_MATRIX?


  2. 10 hours ago, latigid on said:

    Find a spot to clip your 0V lead e.g. the middle pin of the slide switch on the USB board, or solder a wire to the middle pin of the power headers there. Then just go through point to point, measure on the chips, the RJs etc.

    BTW, does fluxtest.NGR run properly? 

    Fluxtest ran fine I'm pretty sure when I had the superflux CC and Mattias switches soldered.

    Only interesting thing I've spotted so far is that R24 and R25 seem to be inverted on the Le MEC RH board.

    I.E. I'm measuring GND on the opposite side compared to the resistors on the Le MEC 1.0 pcb. But maybe the orientation is just flipped between Boards?

    All the diodes are in the correct orientation also.

  3. 40 minutes ago, latigid on said:

    Just to ask the obvious: are your resistor networks soldered on the right way?

    As you have a working lemec_L board, you can probe around for voltages and see where things differ.

    The parts that drive the fourth column of LEDs are:

    Matrix column RJ4/ RJ8, T15/16 (front side), R24/R25, IC4 pins 1/15.

    If the rest of the LEDs in the rows work, then there is no issue with the sink sides of the matrix.


    The resistor networks are definitely soldered correctly:




    Any suggestions for a noob on how to read voltages in the appropriate places without frying the boards? :P

    I reflowed all points you mentioned but no luck.

    Can't thank you enough for the help.

  4. Been looking for shorts while waiting for the 165 ICs to arrive and still can't find anything.
    However I decided to temporarily add arduino headers to J-1 to 3 to see if something on the ENC Plate PCB was shorting out something on the Le MEC RH PCB.

    Basically the PCBs would be further apart. No such luck there, i'm beginning to think the short is somewhere on the Le MEC RH PCB.





    I've been checking the small the tiny vias for shorts also but no luck there.
    Its driving me round the bend but I'll persist.
    I'll update the thread when the 165s arrive and I replace them.

  5. 10 hours ago, latigid on said:

    Not easy to debug sorry...

    Basically there is no reason that you should get matrix DIN toggle events when rotating an encoder. There might be some sort of unintentional short between the boards (e.g. from a diode and you push the encoder button?).

    IC3 is the shift register responsible for the input side of the matrix, so maybe run the hot air around there or consider replacing that chip? The associated pull up/RN is right next to it

    Pushing the Encoder button on ENSW4 behaves as it should, no extra inputs or anything.

    I tried reflowing the IC3 pins with hot air but no luck.
    I also desoldered the Mattias switches and took pics of the boards:

    Le MEC RH 1.3R top side:

    ENC Plate 1.0 Bottom side:



    I'm stumped! Going to order a replacement for IC3 anyways.

  6. I get quite a lot with one single turn of the encoder (from one detent to the next detent - clockwise in this example.)

    [196444.183] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 20, 0)
    [196444.183] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2020, 0)
    [196444.184] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2020 hw_id=BUTTON:2020 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2024 type=NoteOn value=0 label=
    [196444.185] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2024, 127)
    [196444.186] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 24, 127)
    [196444.188] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 36, 0)
    [196444.189] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2036, 0)
    [196444.189] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2036
    [196444.192] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 52, 0)
    [196444.193] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2052, 0)
    [196444.193] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2052
    [196444.196] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 4, 0)
    [196444.196] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2004, 0)
    [196444.197] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2004 hw_id=BUTTON:2004 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2015 type=NoteOn value=0 label=
    [196444.198] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2015, 127)
    [196444.199] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 15, 127)
    [196444.201] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 28, 0)
    [196444.201] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2028, 0)
    [196444.202] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2028 hw_id=BUTTON:2028 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2031 type=NoteOn value=0 label=
    [196444.203] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2031, 127)
    [196444.204] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 31, 127)
    [196444.206] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 44, 0)
    [196444.207] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2044, 0)
    [196444.207] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2044
    [196444.210] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 60, 0)
    [196444.210] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2060, 0)
    [196444.211] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2060
    [196444.214] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 12, 0)
    [196444.214] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2012, 0)
    [196444.214] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2012 hw_id=BUTTON:2012 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2016 type=NoteOn value=0 label=
    [196444.215] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2016, 127)
    [196444.216] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 16, 127)
    [196444.244] MBNG_ENC_NotifyChange(12, 1)
    [196444.245] [EVENT] id=ENC:12 hw_id=ENC:12 bank=0 fwd_id=DISABLED:0 type=CC value=2 label=
    [196444.270] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 60, 1)
    [196444.270] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2060, 1)
    [196444.271] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2060
    [196444.274] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 12, 1)
    [196444.274] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2012, 1)
    [196444.276] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2012 hw_id=BUTTON:2012 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2016 type=NoteOn value=127 label=
    [196444.276] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2016, 0)
    [196444.277] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 16, 0)
    [196444.279] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 28, 1)
    [196444.279] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2028, 1)
    [196444.281] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2028 hw_id=BUTTON:2028 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2031 type=NoteOn value=127 label=
    [196444.281] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2031, 0)
    [196444.282] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 31, 0)
    [196444.283] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 44, 1)
    [196444.284] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2044, 1)
    [196444.284] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2044
    [196444.288] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 4, 1)
    [196444.288] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2004, 1)
    [196444.289] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2004 hw_id=BUTTON:2004 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2015 type=NoteOn value=127 label=
    [196444.290] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2015, 0)
    [196444.291] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 15, 0)
    [196444.293] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 20, 1)
    [196444.293] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2020, 1)
    [196444.294] [EVENT] id=BUTTON:2020 hw_id=BUTTON:2020 bank=0 fwd_id=LED:2024 type=NoteOn value=127 label=
    [196444.294] MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2024, 0)
    [196444.296] MBNG_MATRIX_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue(2, 24, 0)
    [196444.297] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 36, 1)
    [196444.298] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2036, 1)
    [196444.298] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2036
    [196444.301] MBNG_MATRIX_NotifyToggle(1, 52, 1)
    [196444.301] MBNG_DIN_NotifyToggle(2052, 1)
    [196444.302] No event assigned to BUTTON hw_id=2052


    The blobs around IC is the reflection of flux against the light, the light makes it look like solder.

    Its looking like I'll need to desolder the Mattias switches and inspect the top side.

    I'll wait til you've looked at the debug messages.

    Thanks again Andy.


  7. So the issue with the LeMEC RH I'm having is that when I turn ENCSW4 clockwise or anti-clockwise, the 2 superflux LEDs and MEC switch SW20 light up directly below when turning that encoder. As soon as i stop turning the encoder the LEDs go off . If i keep it in between the  detents the leds stay on. 
    I think keypresses are being registered in MIOS studio also.
    Any ideas where to check on the bottom side of the PCB or the far left hand side of the top PCB before I go de-soldering Mattias switches again?
    Here are some pics:




    I must point out that I lifted the top pad for R13 so ended up soldering the resistor lead to the trace directly I believe.
    See pic below:


    I'm getting continuity between that leg of R13 and pin 3 aka QD output of IC4 - SN74HC595.
    But i presume thats okay? Just thought it was worth mentioning.


  8. 3 minutes ago, latigid on said:

    That's right! Not sure exactly what your issue is here, but if you've narrowed it down to pin 13, IC5, you could bodge wire it to pin 3 on J5? Pin 1 of the connector has a square pad.

    I mentioned it early that some pins were bent on that IC and I desoldered it and tried to straighten them but snapped that pin clean off the IC!
    So it will have to be replaced as the copper sticking out of the IC absolutely tiny and I doubt i can bridge it.


  9. 4 hours ago, Smithy said:

    I thought IC5 - the 74HC165 was the culprit as some pins were bent so I de-soldered it.

    Unfortunately I broke pin 13 / pin C clean off  while trying to straighten it. The issue with the Superflux LEDs staying on when they shouldn't be existed before this btw!


    I re-soldered the chip again hoping that it was unused, but now Encoder 6 is unresponsive when turning it clockwise / counterclockwise.
    At least I presume pin 13 is responsible for this encoder, i could be wrong.

    No big deal there, I can buy another 74HC165 off ebay and replace it.

    Andy can you confirm that pin 13 in IC5 is linked to Encoder 6 before I order the replacement SN74HC165?

  10. 1 hour ago, latigid on said:

    Thanks, it works. Can't see anything obvious. You can check the components I mentioned before. It could also be a too-long resistor leg, also on RJs? Before desoldering all of the switches, you might try to remove those resistors.

    I trusted my cutting of the RJ leads and went ahead and de-soldered all the Mattias switches in the Lemec PCB.
    Turns out there was a short between the bottom leg of T16 and the unused pad to the right of it!

    Thank god for my desoldering station otherwise this would have taken much longer, if i could even do it all with a manual pump!


    I owe you an expensive beer when I'm done!

    I'm going to test the superflux leds now with the diode test on my multimeter in case the heat has damaged them.
    I also found an issue in the RH Lemec board earlier.

    Turning Encoder 4 lights up the LEDs in the 3 switches below it. I'll post more detail on that later.

  11. 27 minutes ago, latigid on said:

    2. The pin driving T16, so R16 and IC4, pin 15. With luck you just have a solder bridge to +5V (pin 16).


    I tried soldering a bridge between pin 15 and pin 16 of IC4 and no luck. The 4 leds still light when seq_l is loaded. I presume thats exactly what I was meant to do?

    I just have to remove the switch caps and light shields to be able to separate the boards again I presume?


  12. Having some  further issues with the finished LeMEC 1.0 (left hand) board unfortunately.
    When I load seq_l the Superflux LEDs of SW4, SW8, SW12, and SW16 light up and stay on.


    All switches work fine including Switches SW 17 to 24.
    But when I press any switch from SW17 - SW23, the LED of SW24 also lights up dimly when it shouldn't. The respective switches press light up fine.

    I thought IC5 - the 74HC165 was the culprit as some pins were bent so I de-soldered it.
    Unfortunately I broke pin 13 / pin C clean off  while trying to straighten it. The issue with the Superflux LEDs staying on when they shouldn't be existed before this btw!


    I re-soldered the chip again hoping that it was unused, but now Encoder 6 is unresponsive when turning it clockwise / counterclockwise.
    At least I presume pin 13 is responsible for this encoder, i could be wrong.

    No big deal there, I can buy another 74HC165 off ebay and replace it.

    Any ideas where the issue may be with the Superflux LEDs being lit up?
    The LEMEC RH board works perfect, and this LEMEC 1.0 board has the same issue wether LEMEC RH is connected or not.

    The fluxtest script works fine too, the LEDs that are lit up just turn yellow when the colour sequence passes.

    Also the other leds turn red when pushing down on the econders and of course the naughty 4 change to yellow when they're pressed.

  13. 10 minutes ago, latigid on said:

    Also a good catch, I had forgotten about that! There is not much risk in soldering in the MEC switches. It is only the Matias switches that you really want to be sure about because once they go in you have to desolder all of them to get to the inside of the PCB stacks (BC808s).

    Success! I inserted a pin from a header into the Cathode hole for the LED and used a crocodile clip to jumper the leg of the switch to it and all 3 switches work. :)
    So in my case I didn't need to solder the switches first.
    Going to insert the LEDs now and solder them in. Edit- actually the RJ and SJ resistors are next.

    OLEDs are working also (even though thats later on in the guide).
    I'm waiting on shielded MIDI sockets to arrive from Post NL so I won't be finished til I receive them but I'm pretty (Thorsten) klose to finishing it. ;)

  14. Ordered and installed longer 3M headers from farnell, they have the same height above the plastic where the the enter the shrouded header, but longer on the otherside but since this is cut at the joints it works out perfectly.

    I'm at the stage where I'm testing the DIN switch function and SW17, SW18 and S20 on the left LE MEC 1.0 PCB are unresponsive in the MIOS terminal.
    All other switches including SW19 and the Encoder switches work fine giving the correct debug messages.
    All switches are pushed in and are not soldered yet.
    Have them connected to the ENC-Plate 1.0 PCBs but these probably have nothing to do with my issue.
    Pat_00 had a similar issue previously in the thread, but R3 seems okay to me:

    Here's the view of the bottom of the LEMEC PCB:


    Any ideas which components might be responsible?
    Btw theres a lot of flux on the board from piggybacking the BAT54 diodes on the transistors. Its a no clean flux according to the Kester manual.
    Thanks again!



  15. Just now, latigid on said:

    The 3M headers seemed to be easy to source and typically had good stock. It is also less effort to keep track of one part series. The 6mm "standard" single-row header might work (see above post) but the extra fractions of a mm help. That is why the 8.08mm part was ordered. Feel free to stick with 8mm. The same TE part on Mouser/Digikey is discontinued.

    Remember that the TE part you found has a plastic base height of 2.8mm, whereas the 3M one is "only" 2.54. So already there is a difference of 1mm.

    Ah I get you now!
    Thanks a lot for the help Andy!

  16. 13 minutes ago, latigid on said:

    There are two types of SMT resistor networks in the SEQ v4+. The bussed one on the JA board and two isolated on lemec_R to serve as current limiting for the activity matrix. Just use the product page to make sure you're ordering 8x resistors in a 16-pin package. If there are 15 resistors, that's the bussed one. (Seems like your RS part is good.)

    (There are also bussed THT arrays on lemec boards)

    For the pin headers, even normal length ones could work but they tend not to make good enough contact. Adding up the thicknesses:

    connector 5mm
    PCB 1.6mm
    inter-PCB spacing 3mm

    - plastic thickness 2.8mm

    6.8mm of pin

    So I would suggest 826630, or actually 826935 as it matches the tin plating better. The 8mm one that you found would probably still work, just be aware that if it sticks through the header too much, it might contact the case.


    So the length of the "mating pin" / Dimension "B" is actually 6.8mm?
    I thought from original 3M datasheet it was 8.08mm / 0.318" freedom units ;) based on the codes:
    Dimension A in the original 3M datasheet btw.


    I have standard headers which are 6MM long on top btw.


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