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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. On 12/03/2019 at 6:24 PM, rbv2 said:

    wasn't aware there is an expansion for eurorack in the planning. damn, just ordered the panel for my aout ng + dout. :)

    In case you or other MIDIboxers are distracted by social media like I am, we have a midiphy facebook page where we post regular updates such as stock statuses, new designs, news etc.. :wink:


    It would be great if members on here could give the page a like to show your support.

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  2. On 09/09/2015 at 10:11 AM, Jwiering said:

    Or is it normal that some hardware is later than others? 

    To answer the original question some hardware is definitely later than others. 

    Especially in the case of the Roland Boutique series, there is a noticeable latency with each of those units.

    More info on them here:



    If any Roland boutique owners could test this firmware changes to see if it can resolve delays it would be awesome.

  3. Would it be too much to ask members that request firmware changes actually take 2 minutes of their time to test them out and post feedback in the future?

     We have 3 users in this thread who were interested in this feature and not one of them bothered to post a reply and possibly may not have even bothered testing it at all, not even the requester. 

    This must be incredibly fustrating for TK, 

    he took time out of a super busy schedule to implement this change and now we'll probably never know if it solved the issue since the OP has since sold their MIDIbox. 

    Also we now have a duplicate first post across 2 accounts from someone who's probably put off building a MIDIbox SEQ due to concerns about the tightmess of MIDI sync, for 3 years at least!



  4. Is there a polychain feature in the SEQ V4 firmware?

    In other words the ability to send the single notes from chords over seperate MIDI channels to mono synths.

    So one midi Channel per note.

    It would be awesome if there was a polychain setting that lets us selected which of the 16 chnnaels we want to send the notes to. 

    This video has a good overview of the ways to implement this:


  5. On 26/12/2018 at 0:16 AM, TK. said:

    MIDIbox SEQ started anno 2001 as an extension of MIDIbox64: http://ucapps.de/midibox64seq.html

    The interesting point: many basic concepts suchs as the layers and the unusual (but powerful) arpeggiator still exist today and make this device unique :)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    TK I can't remember what you said when I asked you before so I'll ask again! Did the limitations of the Yamaha RM1X sequencer inspire you to improve and create a better sequencer?

  6. Just now, rbv2 said:

    hi all,

    made good progress so far buidling the pcbs with the help of perters video. the core seems to work since i succefully uploaded seq v4, also the sd card loader is working. but when connecting the JA PCB i get random flickering on all its leds no matter which app is loaded.

    is there already place to ask for help regarding the build?

    thank you

    Edit: Andy has a dedicated thread see below:


  7. More out of stock parts submitted by Jeppe on the midiphy Facebook page:


    Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors MLCC - SMD/SMT 50V 0.1uF X7R 1206 10%



    Kingbright Through Hole 5MM FULL COLOR 

    Pretty sure that's the Beat LED



    Andy if you could suggest the replacements for those it would be great, the capacitor should be easy enough to find a replacement but your eagle eyes might spot something I do not! ;)

  8. Just a little request for builders:

    If you are ordering from a different major electronics supplier to Mouser it would be really helpful for people if you could share a BOM for that reatailer. 

    A list of BOMs could be added to the wiki, a user on Reddit was asking for a BOM for Tayda for example, a retailer I never heard of before from Thailand but are popular on Muff Wigglers and in the Synth DIY community apparently.


  9. I just discovered yesterday that a new Commodore 64 power supply exists, and is shipped by a company in Poland.


    It has the same 7-pin DIN plug as the original "brick" power supply with a 5VDC rail and  9VAC rail.

    Should be a good investment for people who fear that a 30 year old C64 brick might fail and damage their SID chips in their MIDIbox SID / MB-6582.

    Also don't forget Altitudes idea of using high efficiency RECOM switching regulators in the PSU circuit of the MB-6582 / MIDIbox SID, which allows you to use a common single rail DC power supply.

    jaytee wrote a lovely guide on this here:


  10. 14 hours ago, latigid on said:

    happy to supply it to those who have purchased the PCBs (just Peter, Adrian H, TK. and lazy beta testers :P ) or to those who need troubleshooting advice.

    Hey some of us lazy beta testers were delayed due to components missing in the previous BOMs, just saying! ;)

    Also I'd rather wait to have my hands on the case so I'll know exactly how long to cut the ribbon cables or cables that connect the boards together.



  11. Finished the Hot Air Soldering for SMD Components video today, for those who might want an easier alternative to drag soldering SMT components, or who are just not confident or comfortable with it.


    Its a bit rough around the edges but any feedback is appreciated. 
    When soldering the resistors theres a nasty shadow and I probably won't rerecord it but hopefully it helps people.



    • Like 3
  12. It's only now I realised it has 4 midi ins and 8 midi outs after Hawkeye pointed it out to me! 

    I think originally Andy in the other thread you were going for 2 midi ins and 6 midi outs?

    Just wanted to thank you for giving us the extra ports.

    Now I can easily hook up 2 keyboards a drum pad and the LoopA V2 to the input ports when it's done. :)

  13. Best way to buy Hawkeye a beer is to visit him in Munich! *2 beers maximum applies* ;)

    Guys, I was wondering if all the feature requests TK has implemented in the firmware have been documented anywhere besides on the thread?
    I haven't read through the MIDIbox manual on ucapps and the wiki extensively to make sure.

    It would be awesome to have an up to date manual for the SEQ V4(+). Since I've a lot of free time I could probably help out with that aspect.

    • Like 1
  14. Was just saying to Hawkeye that I might do an SMT soldering tutorial using hot air and solder paste if you guys think it would be useful. That might make it more accessible for people as I don't even trust myself with the drag method using an iron!

    Hot air stations can be bought for pretty cheap these days (about 30 euro) and it certainly takes less skill imo. It was actually recommended to me by Sauraen for the MIDIbox Quad Genesis and I quite like it. 

    I can't wait to build this guys, the MB-6582 set a benchmark for eye candy for a MIDIbox project, the eye candy and feel of the SEQ V4+ has set a new benchmark imo. 


    • Like 2
  15. Excellent news!
    Poor Hawkeye is working so hard on this project and so late into the night, that he could barely message me yesterday!

    You know a German is really tired when they start adding loads of full stops instead of spaces! :wink:

    That would not be tolerated normally with adequate amounts of rest! 

    The amount of hard work you, Andy and TK have put into the SEQ platform is immense, and I've no doubt in my mind that it will be worth it and will cause a spike in the interest and users of MIDIbox.

    Keep up the great work guys. :cheers:


  16. On 04/06/2018 at 4:08 PM, gatesphere said:

    And why are the Claves marked "RS"?  Is there some other name for them (rhythm sticks)?

    RS usually stands for Rimshot and is shared on the same channel as Claves on the TR-08.

    My guess is it has something to do with TK owning a MIDIbox 808?

     GM Percussion map


  17. 5 hours ago, Hawkeye said:

    The bottom of the case has holes that can be used to change the port orientation (backwards-facing in rackmount orientation) - also these holes should be able to be "blindfolded" with blanking plates for certain Irish people! ;-)

    Who wants dust holes in their case? :P 

    Not everyone is Colin Benders who automatically cleans the dust with his hair when he jams! (Joke stolen from Hawkeye)

    Looking great, I *think* I like the brighter Blue of the prototype more but I might change my mind when I see the newer colour on the case.



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