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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. 11 hours ago, Antichambre said:

    It seems bottom of the metal enclosure will be blue ;)

    Shhhh! Its a secret! ;)

    Guys i think the I was sent the wrong sized nuts for the rear acrylic panel where 2 nuts slip into the slots.
    The nuts have a 3mm height and will not fit.
    Luckily I have 3mm nuts with a height of about 2.3mm that will do the job nicely.




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  2. When pushing down the Headers for the OLED I noticed that the top of the 8 pin DIN for the BLM got in the way despite filing off the "nip" as Peter put it. I had to file the corner / back of the connector off at an angle even further so the standard SIL pins would have enough clearance. 

    Maybe my connector is slightly different to the one Peter used in the video? It sure looked the same, as it has the metal tab on front that needed to be filed down. 

    Case goes on tomorrow morning and I should be done!

  3. On 4/12/2019 at 8:00 PM, Flexinoodle said:

    IRC is dead, thats why the chat is dead, Im gonna set up a discord in a bit, it is sad to see this place like this.

    Hey flexi! Great to see you back. A discord server for MIDIbox is a great idea!

    Has so much more features than IRC, now why didn't I think of that!


  4. On 4/3/2019 at 6:33 AM, latigid on said:

    To be clear, I mean one similar to the middle tip of this picture, not the one on the right. It does mean that you have to solder with the iron the same way each time. Maybe my old tip was degraded or my technique wasn't right, but I never could get things going using the very end of the conical tip, rather I had to use the side.



    A genuine Hakko 936 style tip works wonders over the Chinese clones also, really worth spending the extra money one from my experience.

  5. On 3/26/2019 at 10:02 PM, latigid on said:



    I seem to have same problem, running the sdcard command in the MIOS terminal returns:


    [17225.948] Reading Root Directory
    [17225.948] ======================
    [17225.949] SD Card: not connected
    [17225.949] Failed to open root directory - error status: 12
    [17225.949] done.

    When i check the voltage between Pin 3 GND1 and Pin 4 (VDD) I get a negative voltage, i.e. -3.3V

    Black probe to GND1, and Red probe to VDD.

    I presume it should not be negative?

    Thanks for your time,

  6. Found a really cheap source for the 19mm transparent Multimec caps / 1S11-19.0:


    35 pcs = €13.00 Including VAT

    Plenty of Stock, and free Shipping to the UK and Ireland, not sure about other European countries. 

    RS Online would have cost me  €41.38 with delivery for 40, (multiples of 10)

    Found them via https://componentsearchengine.com/ , which figured out that farnell had the .0 missing from the part number, never trust google alone!

  7. 2 hours ago, gotkovsky said:

    Yes, I've been very careful about no heating the LEDS, and set my iron to 300°C as suggested. I just had to desolder one superflux LED at some point, I then verified it with a CR battery and it still worked, so I resoldered it to the board, and by trying to reposition it flat, I lifted two pads.

    Ah okay!

    Desoldering is usually the main cause of pads lifting alright. Hope you can hot wire it and save it! :wink:

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