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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. 1) What does the L R button do? I guess it sould disable the left or the right channel, but on my MB-6582 nothing seems to happen. The LEDS are working and the button also changes the L R leds, but nothing happens to my sound. Is this normal or is something wrong with  me MB-6582?

    The 8 sids are split between 2 Stereo Channels. 4 Sids on the Left Channel, 4 sids on the Right Channel.

    So to select Sid 3 for example,

    you must select L as the channel, and 2 as the Sid number.

    You are basically selecting which sid you want to control.

    Youre not muting any of channels, youre just telling the app, which sid you would like to play with.

    So if you went to do a filter sweep, you would be controlling the filter of SID 3 only

    *note ive never finished a control surface before but im pretty certain this is correct.

    This is the same on a lot of commercial synths,

    for instance the novation KS's Oscillators share the same knobs.

    So you must push a button to select OSC 1, OSC 2, or OSC3 first before you can change their parameters.

  2. Thats great to hear guys!

    Asid XP is quite flaky alright,

    i have to use all sorts of tricks to get it to play tracks,

    its funny how when the sound goes you can still hear the track at a ridiculously low volume.

    Gyroscope.sid is one track that will always play no matter what,

    it possibly resets the volume register, at the start of the track.

    I feel like buying a mac now!

    I guess the only real way of getting this to work on a PC is to install OSX X86 right?

  3. what about using the good old sticky "electronics basics links"? http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,496.0.html

    Electronics basics covers a very wide range of topics,

    trying to find information on specific parts, in a separate sub forum,

    that deals with such a wide range is  a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

    Since this is a sub forum dedicated to parts,

    i cant see how 1 single sticky with the appropriate links could hurt.  ;)

  4. hello sorry if this question has been answered, i have been looking at the sammich for a few weeks now and I still can't work it out, can you still use the MIDIbox SID V2 SysEx Editor with the sammich?


    Yes. The sammichSID is the exact same as a Midibox SID, with 2 sid chips in it.

  5. I just called them. They have a catalog, and they will send it to my mail address. I also found out that the minimum you have to order from them is just 30 EUR.


    Thats a great minimum order price too, especially when mouser/reichelt is like 100 euro outside of europe (cant remember really).

    Have you got a scanner flip?

    Any if you do, is there any chance you can some pages of the nice knobs?  ;)

    Unless someone beats you to it, and finds piccies online first!

  6. Excellent work dude.

    Just one question from the pics....

    I notice you didnt solder the components in order of height, (from shortest to tallest).

    Did you find it tricky to solder the shorter components?

    I found soldering the the short ones first, as recommended in the core module construction manual, much easier.

    Just wondering what youd recommend.

  7. So in the kit from Smash TV, there are only enough ICs to solder to the board, and plug the SIDs into right?  We do need to buy the extras to safely swap out SIDs?


    and Yup.

    Well i guess theyre not a necessity if youre careful, but you cant be careful all the time!  ;)

    Its how reproduction is still possible in this age of contraceptives!

  8. Thanks for clarification about the connectors Smithy!

    I just noticed that IC sockets are included in the order list. Aren't they included in the parts kit from SmashTV?

    Hehe, this definitely isnt an obvious one thats for sure!

    Wilba came up with the idea of using extra IC sockets for the Sids, that would mount on top of the ones that are soldered on the board.

    Standard IC sockets have flimsy legs, just like the legs on an IC are flimsy.

    So what he did is use premium IC sockets, which have much stronger legs/pins,

    in between the existing sockets, and the Sids,

    to prevent you breaking the pins of the Sid chip, everytime you insert or remove one.

  9. Hey!

    Are there photos anywhere of all the other ALBS knobs, not just the DK16-190V3? There is quite a large list on http://www.albs.de/, but there are only very few photos.

    Their site is pretty awful for pics isnt it?

    theres about 5 pics attached on the knob stocklist page.

    Will you try emailing them to get up some more pics?

    Its a real shame you cant just click on a pic, and order 1000s of the suckers if you like them!

  10. Ah OK' date=' so I need two 16 pin DIL connectors and one socket for the LCD?

    The baseboard-CS connections are typically just soldered, without connectors?


    You only need one, of the connectors, or IDC connectors as smash calls them on his site,

    these dudes:


    And youll solder the otherside of the cable to the pads on the LCD itself, because theres not enough room to use a connector.

    If you look at the pic of the mb-6582 opened, youll see that all 16 of these solders pads are in a straight line, (not 2 lines)

    I think this is the same for most 20x4 LCD's, the one used in that mb-6582 is a Crystal Fontz LCD.

    As for connecting the CS to the Base PCB, connectors are generally not used,

    except in fussylizards case.

    If youre not going to be removing both pcbs from each other then dont bother going to the trouble of using connectors.

    its upto you.


    *Smithy is very naughty because he has never read

    Secion 2, Question 4 of the midibox faq

    I somehow managed to mix up POTS with Finite Encoders,

    a long time ago on here, thinking that you had a choice between Endless Encoders,

    and Finite Encoders for midibox sid.

    I did not realize that everyone who has put Rotary Encoders in their MIDIbox,

    have all used Endless Encoders.

    The confusion came from the knobs on my midi controller,

    and on my digital synth.

    Because you can only turn them so much, and because theyre both digital devices,

    i automatically assumed that they must use Encoders with a finite rotation.

    But now that it was pointed out by nILS, they most likely use POTS with an ADC.

    Sorry for the epic mis-understanding!  :-[

    Interested to see this.

    For the MB-6582 + albs knobs, endless seem like a good idea,

    since it feeds back the value, via the meter on the LCD Display.

    For a MIDIbox SID with a 2 line LCD (or knobs with a white mark to indicate position), finite encoders seem good to me,

    although i dont know if it displays back the current value of the knob you turn via numbers?

    What are your thoughts on this?

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